TheSixthAxis 10
Press Start 10
PC Gamer 94
Critical Hit 9.5
Push Square 9
VG247 4.5/5
Destructoid 8.5
GameSpot 8 (in progress)
VideoGamer 8
GamesRadar+ 3.5/5
Doom Reviews are out
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about what some 22 year old unpaid intern at a californian news site thinks about a game
>thinking a review score is scientific at all, just because there is a number added.
Let me guess, they gave bioshock Infinite a 5/5
No kidding. Fuck all these so-called "professionals" I want user reviews.
GamesRadar seems the most based, although they probably are still overrating by about 3 points
Can confirm. This is THE. T.H.E. Game to get this March. Killing demons, taking names. It's what's up. DOOM is BACK.
Fuck this Australian retard, but I'm looking forward to Friday.
I'm guessing it's probably shit and Bethesda paid for these reviews.
It looks like Fortnite and the 'lore' garbage is super cringe.
>Defends fallout 76
>Shills unapologetically for zenimax
>Thinks Sigil is "too hard"
I mean I can understand it might be a good game but I wouldn't use this cunt to make that point.
He's so red.
ggmanlives has abhorrent taste and he sucks at FPS to boot.
He probably plays better then you, old ass boomer
he's older than me.
Also I don't play video games, especially not AAA Bethesda tripe.
torrent when?
>It’s loud and brash and hellishly violent, but above all it’s 100% video game. It’s not trying to be an interactive movie, political commentary or thinly-veiled ad campaign; it’s a game about killing demons as quickly, as messily, and as efficiently as possible. Doom Eternal might not be the perfect video game, but it absolutely is the perfect Doom game.
Holy SHIT.
>it's boring
game looks good but caring about metacritic scores is retarded and fuck you faggots for bringing them up every time a game releases as if they should mean anything
>so many great additions
>has not listed one
so it's shit and the platforming is tedious, as presumed.
>Those shots at PlayStation
Based af
go away michael
kill yourself schizo
does ign just slap a 9/10 onto every review they do now? ori, doom, animal crossing all had a 9/10.
why make a rating on a scale from 1-10 when everything below 8 is considered complete garbage? 5/10 means average, how stupid can you be to not understand this?
Maybe they were actually just all great games?
no u
any mentions of how long the game is?
there's a difference between a great game and a 9/10. ori is no 9/10. it's still good but more like a 7 or 8 out of 10. the scores don't mean anything nowadays when every goo but forgettable game has a metascore of 85 or more
Why yes, how could you tell?
>Also I don't play video games
This should be a new banner.
>>thinking a review score is scientific at all
Literally nobody thinks this you absolute mongoloid
Because the whole point of a rating system is to compare and rank games. There's no way those games are all exactly the same level of good, it's a shitty and useless score if you give everything the same number.
the only multiplayer game he plays is siege, of course he's dogshit
Have you considered that he listed them somewhere else in the review? That screencap is just of the verdict you inbred retard.
was mildly disappointed that wasn't screaming in the source and just giggled like a crack addict
gotta agree. I've checked out a number of his reviews and found his highly rated games to be SHEEEEIT. I really only go to his channel anymore to determine the opposite of whatever he recommends.
I don't have the time to read through reviews at the moment, but what are the things people are most critical about?
I really hope people aren't docking off points because HURR TOO HARD!
>They didn't remove it
Now thats based
It's shit and people these days don't even understand what makes shooters fun. It's not MUH GUNS and MUH ENEMIES, it's good level design. We used to know this, level designers used to be superstars.
what a bunch of pathetic faggots, this king of sub human vermin need to be wiped from this planet
Imagine being so much of a brainlet you think anyone find review-scores "scientific".
>I really hope people aren't docking off points because HURR TOO HARD!
they literally are, "frustration with puzzles" = low IQ
>ori is no 9/10.
Shut up you tasteless fuck
Well, at least that one guy didn't dock off points for him sucking at puzzles.
>Polygon seethes ETERNALLY
All is right in the world.
>ori is no 9/10. it's still good but more like a 7 or 8 out of 10
you didn't play it you fucking faggot, WHY people are stupid to the point of giving scores to game they didn't even played?
You can't trust them on sequels at all. Remember how they rated dark souls in the mid 80s, saw it became popular and how they were just inept so they cranked up their reviews for dark souls 2?
On one hand
>everything is on lockdown
>no school
>no work
>can get comfy at home and wait for doom to drop
But on the other hand
>city is on full chaos because of lockdown
>most groceries stores are either empty or filled with people trying to get stuff
>tons of people trying to get back in their hometown which in turn causes massive traffic jams
>parents started to cough nonstop recently. uh guys... How have you all been doing.
is there a more pathetic job than being a games journo?
The best way to gauge games has been (and always will be) by word-of-mouth and gameplay reveals.
Damn it's a good month to be a shut in gamer.
That's clearly the end of a longer review.
Michael seething already after an entire months of whining about Doom Eternal.
Think it will run fine on my 2060?