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i like to wank to characters from games ive never played, then look up lore for the charactes

What would happen if someone theoretically never sinned in their entire life, but before they died just asked to go to hell anyway?

Hahah shiiiiet I think I have coronavirus

Seeing other people happy makes me very angry.

My fixation for cunny overlapped into the real world

I make money by fucking women, but it's not enough to live.

2D mario games are the most difficult games I've played. To this day I can't get past world 3 in SMB3.

I'm a black weeb who's been lurking on Yas Forums for 7 years.

I fell in love with one of my best friends but I won't turn him gay because it's not how love works

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I think final Fantasy II isn't a bad game.

What happened with Father HULK? Why he don't smash my sins anymore?

I summoned for Demon Prince and Friede and I don't even feel bad about it.

I play league and i hate it

I jerked off in public once, a little girl saw me
I don't know if she liked it or if she was just scared

Clementine >>>>> Sunny

MGS4 is my favorite game

I got an eye exam yesterday and the doctor said he was going to dilate my pupils and I immediately thought of Yas Forums shitposts and couldn't suppress a laugh. I had to tell him I just thought of a dumb inside joke, which I guess was the truth

They go to hell because they rejected God’s salvation

I hope you get caught and executed you evil fuck.

they go to an extra special hell for really terrible people and liberals

Final Fantasy XV is my third favorite of the series. I've listened to criticisms, heard about the troubled development. Doesn't matter to me, I can't help but love it.

I bought Witcher 3 at full price on its release date and haven’t played it a single minute because my first kid was born a week after and there hasn’t been time for it ever since

It isn’t a matter of sinning versus not sinning. If you accept God and Jesus as your savior, you go to heaven. It’s impossible not to sin, we’re sinners from the day we’re born.

Armstrong did nothing wrong

Nigger you better be lying

>Who gives a shit if you are a good person, as long as you tell me I'm pretty
Jesus, what a narcissistic god

i still play WoW Classic and love it

this is flexing, not a confession

I'm playing an inflation-fetish videogame.
And avoiding using the inflation mechanic at all.

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All this goddamn talk about businesses shutting has cut into my alcoholism cause I wanna go out and get some liquor, I am prepped to fight the government

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I save scum and look up choices and their consequences to get the best endings

It's not like she doesn't enjoy it too, it's pretty comfy

Swear on my heart, well there's also the fact I only have one controller


this might be the best fucking shit I have ever seen.

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I haven't beaten a single Mega Man X game.

I haven't beaten a single Sonic game.

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hmmm what is this


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>dolphin porn
what is wrong with you?

There is no god

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dont click on this if you at work.
Fuck you faggot

Enjoy the party van.

Holy shit im turned on. name of the character and where are they from?

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Kill yourself

>christianity lumps mother Theresa and jeanne in the same category as peter scully and john wayne gacy
This is why I'll never be a religious person.


Hello, Smithers


Yeah, but when we are born unto the world we are absolved by Jesus' sacrifice. To actively and knowingly reject his sacrifice and sin intentionally, that's a ticket to hell.

bernadetta and byleth, fire emblem three houses

This is taking me minutes to download and play, it better be worth it.

Its not as easy as saying "I believe in Jesus." The Bible says you need to show your faith based on how you live.

Then again, I'm no theologian. So I can't really say.

I always talk shit on gacha degenerates when I spend money on gacha myself

I haven’t bought a game in around a decade.

This isn’t a confession padre, this is a boast.

I've tested positive for corona but because my symptoms so far have been very mild i've managed to avoid detection. I've have carried on working and taking public transport. I work at a bank so as you can imagine i see a lot of people a day.

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I'm very tempted to get a wireless razer mouse

I have a gaming youtube channel

Nope, it was not worth.

I still play For Honor

I like rgb

she hot?

What was it?

Just some meh animation with some Fire Emblem characters from the new game. Lengthy but its quantity over quality, blowjob and anal.