American level

>American level
>Burger music starts playing

Attached: american_citizen.webm (854x480, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>American level
>>Burger is healing item

>Russian level
>poverty music starts playing

imagine the smell

>Burger music

Is this the thread where I use hating Americans as an excuse to talk about nigger cock?

That's genius bro. Time for some Garry's mod, mod making.

>american level
>get shot

>american level
>illiteracy music starts playing

Yes, but only if you claim it's the Americans talking about black cock.

how many calories a day do you even need to consume to get and maintain that build? I imagine you have to snort butter for lunch or something

Not gonna lie, i would totally fuck that ass, provided it was clean ofc

>american level
>entire game is dying for israel

Top lol
Put me in the credit



5 posts in

>5-6 pizzas a day

Attached: 156999684945.jpg (253x199, 7.28K)

>American level
>immediately get shot and die

Attached: 1386954809919.gif (167x200, 1.54M)

>Burger music
Give me an example.

>European level
>coughing noises heard in the background

>American level
>toilet paper looting music starts playing

post country

post country

post country

post country

post country

post country

Attached: one country out of one hundred and ninety six.jpg (707x490, 40.83K)

>too fat to fit through a door

How do you let yourself go this bad?...

Simple: You just stop caring about what you eat

I'm in the US.

Why are Americans like this?

Attached: 1580561917539.png (500x416, 101.81K)



Attached: 1578730978592.jpg (1000x916, 84.13K)

processed foods have certain properties that make it easier for your brain to get addicted to them. Then when you get hunger pangs, they happen to be more aggressive than normal. Also processed foods increase dopamine levels while also leaving you "fuller" for a shorter time.

Basically, corporations got people addicted to simply eating.


dont fucking bully my country!! america best yes :(

prove it


you alright with me

>american level
>israeli music starts playing


>Europe level
>No music since its haram

Attached: burger music starts playing.jpg (470x260, 20.71K)


>you alright with me
Thank you my American fren

Attached: 1578436867068.jpg (1182x754, 52.32K)

What games have the burgerpunk aesthetic?

Attached: 1580697487674.jpg (879x1024, 278.46K)

Why do you keep bullying them? It's not their fault.

the country that pulled students out of US due to your third world-tier healthcare

How many fatties will the virus kill?

>loot american body
>100x toilet paper

How are these people even alive. You can't even mantain a regular work schedule to feed yourself when you are that fat.

This is actually a real thing.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34.19K)

American you retarded redneck

>Euro level
>Rent free starts playing


i got drunk for the first time ever last night. it was the worst possible thing i've experienced in a while. now my body aches like fuck and i feel like ass. i really don't see the appeal of drinking.

>American website
>Foreigners constantly complaining about America

Holy kek

Attached: 1538279433205.jpg (582x600, 87.5K)

>be america
>shoot yourself in the foot literally every day

Attached: 1568579899815.png (447x410, 198.58K)

>American website

Attached: 1573802192392.png (544x408, 226.02K)

You're not supposed to drink as much as you did. If anything, you need to drink as much water as you consumed alcohol to prevent hangover. What did you drink and how much?

>Dat picture
mother mercy...

>American cuisine
>There's no cuisine


I didn't know irony could get this powerful.

When they mixed boards a few years back for some holiday it was shown the vast majority of shitposting was Canadian.

>Hosted on American servers
>Created by an American
yep sweaty.

>he thinks it's only the US where niggers are massively overrepresented in crime statistics
literally the same in canada, uk and france. dilate chapotranny

It's hosted in sweden and owned by a japanman. Also the creator was jewish.

>Hosted on American servers
>Created by an American

Attached: smug.gif (500x500, 1.9M)

>American level
>Circumcision music start playing

Attached: 1577917267726.webm (778x480, 2.77M)

but we gave a select few of them free college so everything should be fine! delete this! 13=50!!!!! just ignore the fact that most of it is black on black and you're just as likely to be attacked by a black as a white than you are by a white as a white!

>loot american medicine
>its actually chinese

i bought some shitty boxed wine a couple months ago. "sauvignon blanc" is what it says on the box, and last night i stumbled upon it and just thought fuck it, i'm alone in my apartment and can't do shit for a while thanks to meme virus so i just had like maybe, 2 cups worth? admittedly i didn't eat or drink anything prior.