PS5 Reveal Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 9am Pacific Time, PS5 lead system architect Mark Cerny will provide a deep dive into PS5’s system architecture, and how it will shape the future of games.

Watch tomorrow at PlayStation Blog:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no game announcements

Fucking nothing


press D to dab on xbox

because Playstation has no gaems

>9.2TF Confirmed

Knack 3 boys here we go

>system architecture
they're just talking specs, no console or controller design. Would be surprised if they did

tick tock nintendiapers

Same say as Xbox

Fucking based

how it will shape the future of movies*

>durrr we got BIG TERAFLOPS!

who fucking cares, just show me the games


>who fucking cares, just show me the movies

I guess it has better specs otherwise they would have waited until the Microsoft hype died out.

Every PS4 game from the past 3 years is getting ported. Expect a bunch of PS3 remasters too.


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That means the PS5 is strongest console.

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Because Xbox took the initiative, so Sony has to scramble to react.

Sony isn't even giving Microsoft a few days to gather any momentum after their reveal

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>Microsoft released price, time to do that but $50 less!

microsoft didnt announce price yet, genius

>Same shit games with better graphics.
I sleep.

I said the same thing the last 3 Playstation consoles to be honest

PS5 keks ready for 9.2TF?


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Who cares

I'm in Australia, what is that, like 28 hours from now?


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>9 AM pacific time

they're scared

in before they dont actually announce any specs whatsoever

SHAPE THE FUTURE OF GAMES! Still worse than pc in any regard. With zero games! how innovative.

>mfw we're getting a Lightning trilogy remaster

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>no discussion whatsoever
>only shitposting about other companies
Every year you get worse.

Surely this is a calculated move because their specs are better right?

Even if this was planned several weeks in advance it would seem like a stupid move to reveal your consoles specs like 2 days after your competition if you had the weaker specs right?
Like it would still be so fresh in peoples minds.


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>deep dive
soooooooooooo sick of this fucking phrase

about 110million people

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so will it be the base or pro model?

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sony gonna dab on microsoft right after their big reveal. what a bunch of madlads

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pc fags really cant catch a break these days

>The PS5 presentation will be a recording of the session originally planned for GDC.

That's why, it's originally planned for GDC.


Looks like onions is back on the menu boys

it looks like snoy got scared
and tomorrow will shit itself

Mark Cerny's about to drop the fattest dab of the year since Wuhan got locked down

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Sauce where this is stated?

This just seems to me to be like the presentation they did for the PS4 where they went over the specs. In which case they did announce a couple games (Infamous Second Son comes to mind) but the focus was on the hardware mainly.

in before sony doesn't even show the specs

t. trembling xshill


>sony is scared therefor they will show their specs right after microsoft revealed theirs

what kind of logic is this? if they were scared they would wait until the very last minute to show their specs

Oh boy, can't wait to hear about the system I won't be buying because every piece of software on it has to go through California approval.

Silent Hill reboot. Was wondering why Kojima was saying "next week" in his post. It's way past next week but has to be this.

>Patapon 2 Remastered
>Nioh 2
>MLB The Show 20
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Persona 5 Royal
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>The Last of Us Part II
>Ghost of Tsushima

MLB The Show 20 and Nioh 2 just came out these last couple days are you really THAT starved for new games?

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no one cares. fuck off

so 27hrs?

Oh no... You woke the sleeping giant.

bet they wont share the TFLOPs because its lower than xbox lmao

New gen with PS5 and XBox SeX will be cool as fuck.

Phil Spencer on suicide watch

>every piece of software on it has to go through California approval.
what do you mean?

>god of war that low

was this list made by a woman?

Ha ha, we have an announcement. Look forward to it within the next day.

Typical Snoy.

Not even 24 hours since MS shit the bed with proprietary memory cards and retarded RAM arrangements. Fucking ruthless.

Cerny is a scary looking fucking dude.

>deep dive

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>he doesn't know

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I don't approve that list.

Literally what he said, SIE is managed by california now, after the SIE headquaters was moved from Japan to the US last year.

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>Goes to Smash tournaments
Confirmed smelly nigga.

Sonychads how do we stop winning?

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Please save this competition Yas Forums otherwise we're gonna be stuck with the same ass weapons forever.

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>Final Fantasy VII Remake

It would at least be extremely stupid to not port this to PS5


I just want to know about the new games and how far back the BC goes

I don't give a shit about the autistic hardware numbers

Sony won.

Sony always wins

Well Xbox X had a good run since 16 to 18 March, I'm sure fans will remember it for the rest of their lives

>and how it will shape the future of games

more genric cinematic shit with less loading times?

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The entire world will be in lockdown until we have a vaccine for this fucking disease a chink caused by eating a fucking bat. Every single resource we have will be shifted to ensuring food supplies remain stable and essential medical goods are made. Why are these people still pretending their shitty psuedo-PCs will still be out by Christmas?

I missed him bros

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where is xbox?

Yeah, now instead of having shitty slow walking segments and scenes where you squeeze through tight openings will be for "artistic reasons" instead of loading times. Totally won't be done to pad out game length at all.


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Same thing as the steam fatso since Xbox ports everything there

>Mark Cerny

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Playing games instead of being shitposting niggers.

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can i get a Bogdanoff edit of Mark Cerny? 2 fucking days after SeXbox was fully revealed, now Snoy show what they have? holy fuck this is gonna be interesting
>drop it

Because new consoles don't shit out 1000 high quality games at release. You can expect some good shit during the first year of the release, though.

>are you really THAT starved for new games?
It's more that ps4 owners are starved of GOOD games.


lmao they stole Microsoft's thunder

Well this is precisely what they won't show.
Tomorrow presentation was originally planned to be showcased at GDC before it was cancelled. It will be technical stuff aimed at devs and investors, not consumers.

will sony also have some sleek console design as SeXbox? this ones hard to beat tbqh

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Sony already said this was planned for GDC retard.

you keep saying this but they wont be showing any of the PS5 specs tomorrow

they're just going to have some damage control fluff piece about how great their console is

the entire stockmarket is in shambles

No but it will warm your pizza.

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what the fuck is your arguement here, brainlet? its like posting GameStop stock and say no one ever games these day lmao