Was Ocarina of Time really as influential as people claim?

Was Ocarina of Time really as influential as people claim?
I'm not even sure it was the most sophisticated adventure game released in its year, let alone of all time.

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Ocarina of Time is the Hey Arnold of video games. Beloved by everyone of a certain age, but nobody outside of that age range gives a shit.

I’m FtM btw

>Was Ocarina of Time really as influential as people claim?

No. Most games don't even begin to attempt what it achieved, with the closest a 'modern' (almost decade old) game gets to that being Dark Souls. The idea that there are just tons of games that game out afterwards that exceeded and improved on it is optimistic, since the total experience of OoT is just amazing.

>I'm not even sure it was the most sophisticated adventure game released in its year

It really was, though I acknowledge what a feat this was considering everything else that came out in 98.

>Ocarina of Time is the Hey Arnold of video games.

I always thought Hey Arnold was mediocre as a kid. It tries to deal with what you'd call real life issues, but mostly sucks at building up scenarios that aren't based on the characters being stubborn and pigheaded in the face of the obviously right thing they should do. It was never as good as Rocko at the time and was exceeded by better shows later. It being considered a classic is almost entirely internet driven, I've never met anyone who gave a shit about it, and there is no comparison at all to something like OoT.

Quote from Dan Houser
>Anyone who makes 3-D games who says they’ve not borrowed something from Mario or Zelda is lying


What a stupid comparison.


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Well it's a pretty stupid game

All console adventure games are trash and are barely games.
OoT is the direct ancestors of shitty cinematic non-games like TLOU and tomb raider.
The entire genre must be purged.

>literal who opinion
>implying nintendo made the first 3D games
Quake came out two years prior, and there's an entire lineage of 3D games that borrow heavily from Quake, and have nothing to do with nintendo games.
I really hate this nintendo historical revisionism where they claim that the history of video games is the history of nintendo

I emulated it in around 2007-2008 to see what the fuss was about, since I was a PS1 babby.
It was slow and very boring.

>Quake came out two years prior, and there's an entire lineage of 3D games that borrow heavily from Quake, and have nothing to do with nintendo games.

Fuck off, nobody denies this. But if you cannot see what Nintendo refined you are a lost cause. There is no 'revisionism', they really were always ahead of the curve.

PS1 kids wouldn't understand. You had to have been starving for new games to play to truly appreciate it.

>implying nintendo made the first 3D games
he never implied that, you need to learn how to read

Ocarina of Time was average game for underpowered console that was N64. It is mostly filled with empty areas with nothing to do and the PS1/N64/Saturn-era graphics have aged terribly.

Attached: OOT.jpg (1280x720, 142.68K)

Nice goalpost moving.
The article says that all 3D games borrow from nintendo, and that's already false because a) there have been good 3D games before nintendo made any b) there's entire genres of 3D games that share nothing in common with nintendo titles.

"Refined" they may have, but they never innovated. "Innovative 3D" can only be attributed to id software.

>anyone who makes 3D games has borrowed from mario and zelda
>there have been 3D games before mario and zelda
>a quake clone is a 3D game that doesn't borrow from mario or zelda
QED faggot, kill yourself.

>"Innovative 3D" can only be attributed to id software.

As much as there is a certain degree of truth in this, Id's design abilities peaked at the original DooM. They have not produced titles that really stand alongside the N64 Zeldas, which are great far less for their 'influence' and more because what they actually do with their worlds is so ridiculously intricate and thought out.

lel you faggot, Quake is better than Doom or any Zelda game for that matter.

You had to be there.

I can condete to that point, but only in so far as that it's not what I was originally arguing against. The article implied that nintendo innovated 3D games, but the truth is that they didn't as much innovate as they polished and refined their games to a high degree. Commendable, but not what I was arguing.

This is a bit like saying that there is modern English literature that isn’t influenced by Shakespeare in any way, because he didn’t invent writing.

>modern English literature that isn’t influenced by Shakespeare in any way
American Psycho
Less Than Zero
Imperial Bedrooms
Fear and Loathing
Hearts of Darkness

No, it's like saying that Shakespeare had little influence on russian literature because English and Russian literature developed in parallel in different places.
Not to mention that real time 3D was first invented on PC, so nintendo doesn't even have a claim to being the first source of influence.

And writing was invented before Shakespeare. Being the first has nothing to do with being universally influential.

Prove to me that Half-Life was influenced by Mario 64 and I'll concede.
Until then, you can suck my dick.

Is this the new "was Michael Jackson really that popular back then to warrant a videogame?"
Stop baiting you annoying zoomers

No, it's the new "Michael Jackson was popular with normies back in the day, so every song is influenced by MJ, including black metal and electro-industrial".
Only a complete normalfag or a zoomer with poor understanding of history would make that claim.

Ok, cool, looks like we basically agree and there was never any real disagreement. You're probably a chill dude.

The zoomer teenies on this board understand so little about game design its fucking laughable.

Its like listening to a 14 year trying to lecture me on the craft of film making.

You can literally split the gaming landscape in BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT. Its influence is everywhere today

you're still a fag though

This claim might be retarded when it comes to music but the gap is smaller when it comes to games.
An influential game like OoT can absolute have an effect for devs of completely different genres of games.

GabeN did say it was his favorite video game.

Maybe if you're a console baby who only plays action adventure shovelware for retards.
Here's some genres that OoT didn't infuence:
FPS (quake lineage)
RTS (cnc lineage)
Dungeon crawlers
Immersive Sims (the thief lineage)
Fighting games
Puzzle games
Flight Sims and arcade flight games
Racing Sims and arcade racing games
Simulation / management games in general, Will Wright's stuff.

Basically, anything that is not a platformer or action adventure, Nintendo didn't do shit for. Kys faggot.

Everyone does a Billie Jean at some point in their career.

Noooo my epic western legends like Gaben and Carmack couldn't possibly like nintendo noooooo

>influential game like OoT can absolute have an effect for devs of completely different genres of games.

Fucking this. Zoomer kiddies can't understand this concept. The think if a game influences another game it has to be an exact copy.

The zoomer kiddies think like this because they are silly litte boys.

Case in point...

>google adventure games in 1998
Resident evil 2
Parasite eve
Spyro the dragon
Tomb raider 2
Thief the dark project
Half life
Sure the genre might be wrong but all those games are better than OoT
Nintendo might have refined mechanics they took from other games. For example tomb raider had z targeting 2 years before zelda and megaman legends had it prior. If anything nintendo did a great job improving movement in 3d space and that's it.

>You can literally split the gaming landscape in BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT. Its influence is everywhere today
the only thing OOT really pushed was lock-on targeting and almost no one copied OOT's version of it

And the band members of the black metal band Darkthrone have said they listen to EDM, yet their music has nothing to do with EDM.
>it was real in my mind
You sound like a cultist. Name a design element those genres borrowed from OoT, without alluding to some vague, non-falsifiable "indirect influence". Keep in mind those genres existed before there even was such a thing as a "3D action adventure", and largely only made a transition to 3D in visuals.

>all those games are better than OoT


The games he listed are all pretty bad, but they are all better than Ocarina of Time

Quest64 did it before Zelda

Attached: 2rc09e.png (528x845, 387.49K)

I'm sorry anonkun that your conditioned bias has ruined life for you but the rest of us can see outside of the nintendo bubble. The only one of those games I personally dont like is tomb raider 2.
Bad is subjective, so is good but at least they have better gameplay than OoT

>it's another "zoomers talk about how OoT didn't influence video games while having grown up playing the games it influenced" thread
How many times is this going to happen?


I could be here all day listing how but I'll throw you a bone:

OoT uses its in-game graphics for the cutscenes.

Prior to this games were obsessed with using cgi fmv for cutscenes.

The benefit of using the in-game graphics for cutscenes means that the player is kept IN the game world and never breaks immersion.

In 2020 every fucking video game you love uses this concept in its design.

>the only thing OOT really pushed was lock-on targeting and almost no one copied OOT's version of it.

KYS you clueless baby

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Most of those are third-person RPGs.
By the time WoW came around, all the UO influence had been stripped out for simpler designs, and later "innovators" that tried to defy the WoW wave were heavily influenced by 3D Zeldas instead.

>enjoys something
>but not at all influenced by it
That's a special way of thinking, user. I'm impressed.

half life literally does the exact same thing not to mention saying OOT has "cutscenes" is extremely generous

Love it or hate it, Ocarina of Time was one of the most influential games of its time.

Personally, I hate it. But you can't deny all the games that borrowed it's terrible game design elements. Every time you play cutsceneshit on your PS4, just remember you have Ocarina to thank.

lol seething Nintendo hater can't cope

shit, all that time playing total annihilation, starcraft, warcraft, etc. and I never knew these games were influenced by OoT all along.
Nintendo must be an amazing company, with one game they changed every single game that ever came out, including games on other platforms, other genres, with different input methods, and possibly those that came out before, too.
Quake was influenced by OoT all along, they just didn't know it at the time.

>later "innovators" that tried to defy the WoW wave were heavily influenced by 3D Zeldas instead.
Funny how all of them sucked, too.
But I guess 3D RPGs are all OoT clones, too. Nevermind the rich heritage of RPGs that existed before zelda. Some say zelda was influenced by western RPGs, but in fact, those games were retroactively influenced by zelda. Nintendo has a time machine.

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>not to mention saying OOT has "cutscenes" is extremely generous

So I see you haven't played it and never even watched footage of it, yet is in the thread talking about as if you know the game

Spyro was released a month later and was a much better game desu

Lmao OoT has like 4 cutscenes, but nintenkiddies also count every time they have to press A to go through dialogue as a cutscene.

Actual retarded baby

every time you open a chest is a cutscene. it's just the same cutscene over and over lol

It's called not being an impressionable retard, I suppose.
You can enjoy something without using any of the design elements in your own work, especially if your own work has nothing to do with the thing you happened to have enjoyed.
Like how some comic artists enjoy looking at impressionist paintings, but don't immediately go incorporating any of it in their own work.

I guess it'd be easier to grasp such a concept if you ever made anything in your life, rather than just consuming.

alright what about bomberman 64 then? same thing only the "cutscenes" last longer than your micropeen

hoo boy this list has some issues
>FPS (quake lineage)
Not true, FPS genre borrowed soundtrack cues, world design, storytelling concepts
>RTS (cnc lineage)
Are you crazy? Item management, level design, literally every atmosphere and storytelling queue is from OoT
Fair, these are still weird unintuitive messes
>Dungeon crawlers
Yeah this genre borrows more from the 2D Zeldas instead you tard
>Immersive Sims (the thief lineage)
Fair, though only Pre-Dark Souls. DS merged these lineages
>Fighting games
>Puzzle games
Are you retarded? WoW was just EverQuest + OoT
>Flight Sims and arcade flight games
muh planes
>Racing Sims and arcade racing games
muh cars
>Simulation / management games in general, Will Wright's stuff.
muh spreadsheets

what about the impact shakespeare has had on modern Yas Forums?

The Zelda games are just the most accessible and popular entries in those genres. They're not bad games. You can tell which new titles were influenced by the 3D Zeldas by how their camera works. It has a measurably unique design.

oh, you're retarded...
never mind

>dungeon crawlers borrowed from zelda
How to spot a delusional nintendofag
I guess richard garriot and the entire 80s PC game scene never knew he was receiving telepathic messages from future nintendo.

Metal gear solid exists and came out 2 months before OoT
>I'm right and your wrong despite my only argument being its thing mixed with OoT
This is your brain on maximum autism