BRUTAL DOOM creator doesn't like Doom Eternal LOL

BRUTAL DOOM creator doesn't like Doom Eternal LOL

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another reason to get doom eternal

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So what?


I have never cared enough to try brutal doom but I am kind of interested in vietdoom

Why the hell do you faggots care about his opinion when you sperg out everytime somebody mentions brutal doom and not vanilla?

He shits on Doom 2016 for having no consistency like he hasn't played his own wad. Brutal Doom is trash.

He's just being a contrarian attention whore like always.

of course it has that shit, zoomers wouldn't buy a game without it

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that's because he's based

I actually agree with some of his points, especially about the retarded upgrades for far cry 3 zoomers.

>Brutal Doom is trash.
I agree.
>Doom 2016 for having no consistency
Also agree on that.
The issue with nuDoom are the fucking weapon upgrades which make the last third of the game a cakewalk and devs didn't bother to put more than 12 enemies on screen or entire new demons to keep you on your toes to counter your overpowered weapons.

>brootal dum

This game literally looks better with each piece of info I've seen
t. Doom Eternal deluxe edition in library

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Doom 2016 definitely has problems its just funny to see the creator of Brutal Doom bitch about consistency when his wad has no consistency at all, shit is shoved in there just based on how "badass" he thinks it is

This cunt added a middle finger to his shitty gore CODmod and he has the gall to call DOOM 2016 and Eternal "childish"?

Sounds like this boomer can't get out of the past. Probably didn't even finish E1M1.

Why does he get shit anyway? I've played the first episode of Doom via Brutal Doom and thought it was alright. I was using the default Doom.WAD.

But he is making a mod, id are making an official continuation of doom. Different things, aren't they?

Can anybody explain this joke to me? Why is the arch vile a hipster?
Is the joke really “it’s the thing that was funny in 2011 and we put it Doom” and that’s somehow now comedy gold?

because the creator is a sperg, the fanbase is filled with babbies that don't even like vanilla doom and dont care about other doom mods, and there's better doom mods out there.

i'm still going to buy it for the singleplayer, doesn't make that zoomer skin shit any more appealing. is being critical of the game not allowed or what?

What's a good alternative to Brutal Doom? Something to spice up the default WADS without altering too much.

Lots of old school shooters have this problem where the first half of the game feels harder because you simply dont have all the weapons yet

Brutal Doom is shit
Doom Eternal is shit
go play a real wad you millenial homo tools


Because he's a bit of a massive sperg.
Go check up on his history on Zdoom forums and Doomworld. Otherwise just ask /vr/ where modders hang out.
A lot of people just parrot "Brutal Doom bad" without actually having played the mod. It's actually quite good and very influential to many popular mods including Yas Forums ones.

Doom isn't known to be dead serious.

Doom 1 played it mostly straight sure but in Doom 2 there was lots of things that were just silly like Gotcha, Barrels o' Fun, Tricks and Traps, Dead Simple and both of the secret levels.

NuDoom is turning into nuWolfenstein, incompetent writers with nothing unique to add so they turned to the Borderlands book of humor. Doom 3 is going to be a looter shooter screencap pls.

There are probably 2 dozen different options for what stand to give him.

All the nigger did was take a bunch of wads and shove em into a pack and pass it off as his own work. Fuck that retard.

>Yas Forums doom

You mean like Yas Forums.wad?

I like smoothdoom for sprucing up the animations and gore a bit but still keeping everything pretty much the same

Beautiful Doom

>This game literally looks better with each piece of info I've seen
>t. Doom Eternal deluxe edition in library

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always do the opposite of what sgt mark says

Personally I like Brutal Doom and Vanilla Doom. Hell, I even like Doom 3 of all games as much as it gets hate from Doom Fans.
Though for some reason, I just don't like NuDoom and Doom Eternal especially after attempting to play NuDoom and getting bored of it. Even though the game itself looks interesting with the aesthetic and plot.

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>people unironically think Doom is anything more than an average IP
>people unironically think Doom Eternal will be anything but average

>don't like Brootal Dum
>not interested in getting Eternal
two fags fighting.mp4

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>Liking videogames
>Yas Forums

What a retard

Brutal doom was fun, I can't believe there is seriously such a thing as fucking doom modding drama.
You're all a bunch of goddamn women.

>Lots of old school shooters have this problem where the first half of the game feels harder because you simply dont have all the weapons yet
Most of it is intentional because lots of these games had a shareware version.

It's because Doom is an 11/10 game so it warrants an 11/10 response to petty shit, obviously.

Smooth Doom keeps gameplay intact while improving graphics
Bolognese is Sgt Mk IV's standalone port of the blood effects from Brutal Doom

I was thinking more about mods from creators who post on /vr/ like High Noon Drifter, Brutal Doom's gun feel inspired a lot of modders to make the shooting feel similarly "brootal"

>Doom 3

He's not wrong about anything, difference is just that I was never bothered by the things he mentioned. Not even stuff like the enemy limit, the tone, upgrade systems and movement speed. Again, he's not wrong, if you're not ok with thosef you're obviously not going to like Doom 2016.

Don't play semantics nigger, you know what I'm talking about.

ok boomer

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I don't even treat nu-Doom as a classic FPS. It's obvious as fuck when you play it that the developers took more gameplay inspiration from DMC, MGR and GoW than the original Doom games.
It's a character action game that just incidentally happens to be in first person and you shoot all the enemies.

nobody likes brutal doom either

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>People getting doom eternal at launch
I'm really confused, it seems like one of those games you pick up randomly from a 5$ discount bin. I even liked 2016 Doom but only because the keys were like 10$ by the time I got around to playing it.

>noooo it's not le fps because it's fast paced and not cover based
>it's just like my hideki kamiyo ninja games xD
jesus can you DMC retards please fuck off?

It's a skin you dip

>everything must be 100% serious at all times otherwise it is for zoomers
kys you buzzword-spewing retard

but DoomE looks like Fortnite

Quake >>> Doom
Quake I holds up even today while Doom feels really outdated and the gunplay is garbage.


Whatever makes you sleep at night.

You must be visually impaired. That or its mental retardation. Could be both. Get the help you need.

Brutal Doom is a piece of shit. He’s complaining about everything new DOOM 2016 has and blames them for ruining it, even though he’s created a mod for classic Doom that completely changes the whole game.

you just know that some bethesda suit is forcing id to stuff the game with this retarded shit to maximize zoommer appeal and broaden audience after D44M was a surprise hit
I think it will backfire as they have to stretch their resources thin instead of focusing on polishing gameplay and level design

>Combo shooting into melee attacks to finish off enemies
>Enemies drop ammo when killed, as you regenerate magic while attacking in DMC
>Enemies drop health from glory kills (zandatsu)
>Permanent upgrades to find and unlock
>Enemies slow down outside your FoV so you can rush straight into combat just like DMC
>Chainsaw is your "mana" item
>BFG is a limited use super attack instead of a proper weapon
>Rooms lock you in and force you to fight monsters to proceed
Deal with it, it's not a classic FPS.

I like Quake better than Doom but saying Doom's gunplay is garbage is obvious bait

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>I care


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>The issue with nuDoom are the fucking weapon upgrades which make the last third of the game a cakewalk and devs didn't bother to put more than 12 enemies on screen or entire new demons to keep you on your toes to counter your overpowered weapons.
I absolutely love 2016 but god if this isn't the case.

>the comment section
now that's C R I N G E

I really liked the music in the trailer. Does Doom typically have a similar soundtrack?

I really hope they don't fuck up the difficulty in Eternal.
Not even Nightmare mode was hard in D44m, the only difference was that you sometimes die in one hit. In a game where dodging attacks is so easy you make it harder by making avoiding the attacks more difficult, not by making the slow, easily avoidable fireballs just hit harder.
Especially since you can just heal up during the fight if you survive a hit.

I bet he doesn't like Brutal Chex either.

Pretty much, I got '16 for $20 2 months after it released. Just wait a week and get Butterlord instead, then by the time you're ready to take a break Eternal will have a good discount.