GOTY 2020 has already been declared

GOTY 2020 has already been declared..

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Other urls found in this thread:

>pic shows Cloud fighting Sephiroth
>they never even see him in Midgar
They're gonna shoehorn them in aren't they? They're gonna say Jenova was manipulating him even before she busted out of her pod.
They're gonna give Sephiroth and Aerith a new backstory and relationship.
This series WILL overshadow the original game.
Enjoy it while you can.

Animal Crossing will outsell it.

I know, and it's almost like this is a remake or something. Try harder next time doomer.

You bet they are.

Zoomers dont like mystery.

Mate there is no mystery. Everyone knows who sephiroth is, there is no point being coy about him

So vincent is out?

>Buying 1/4th of a game

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>pic shows Cloud fighting Sephiroth
They never even fight either. Atleast not like this.

>A demo of a movie will be "Game" of the Year

oh shit the same thing you faggots have been spamming since the demo dropped
got nothing else to nitpick lmao

Cloud is being manipulated and drawn towards Jenova from the very beginning, the guy that are sick is in Midgar because he's drawn to Jenova, he leaves when she's gone. Cloud is the same.

Try dropping from the drone mentality and realizing people are not choosing something to nitpick. It genuinely annoys them that the game is being dropped in bits. It usually annoys more those who did enjoy the demo, even. The better the game the more frustrating it is to know you're not actually getting it in full.

This shit looks fucking gay. Noone likes this trashfire

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it's a 40 hour game

t. didn't play the game

so like OP?

>GOTY 2020
isn't Last of Us 2 suppose to come out this year though?

>drone mentality
>says the parrot

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I forgot, only shitpost threads allowed.

it's already finished

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You underestimate the pandering that is gonna be in Last of Us 2

Go on and post the scene. They literally never have a sword fight the entire game.

>b-but the past
Stabbing in the back =/= narutard star wars sword fight
>b-but the finale
is entirely inside Cloud's mind and just symbolism of him being free

It's not the full remake. Being disappointed that you'll have to wait parts of the full remake is valid. 6 months, 1 year, we don't know. That doesn't mean you're choosing something to nitpick though. It is a valid to be disappointed about.

>this level of reply
Alright, I have only myself to blame for attempting to actually speak with a drone.

you know the scene in the OP they just clash swords and then Cloud gets knocked down

>but spamming game is good is ok

desperate for that TORtanic 2 huh

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I like that Nintendo gets a pass here. Xenoblade and Smash threads every single day and not once are they moved to /vg/

so true

FF VII R, TLoU 2 and R3make will all underperform because nobody wants doom and gloom stories when the world is in crisis. Ninty couldn't have released a Utopia Sim at a better time.

They are complete games.

people will forget about this overblown flu by april

stale bait is stale

They'll remember again when it comes back in 2030. What part of the remake will SE be on, 4?

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Are you retarded?if anything it will sell because of it.many people watched the contagion film because of the current outbreak.

I always find it funny whenever people reply to a bait to say it's a bait. So you know it is, but you fell for it anyway, aka you replied. Congratulations.

>resisting all known treatments

It's literally a treatable flu in first-world countries.

whatever makes your mommy proud of you

This is why people say when they know they haven't got a leg to stand on.


You are totally winning now with that passive aggressive teenage "I don't care" attitude. You know you are buying an incomplete game, and worse than early access, you have to wait years to pay another $60 to get the next part.

Why would I care when I have a 60 hour game to keep me occupied until the next part comes out? This whole argument is stupid and probably perpetuated by poorfags.

The argument in favor is that it's a full game because of length. The argument against is that it's only Midgar, and Midgar itself is not a full game, merely the part of one, which makes the remake of Midgar by direct association also not a full game, merely a part of one.

Does that cover both sides?

There is no argument.
There is a statement of fact that FF7R is an incomplete game and only a sad pathetic consoomer would knowingly buy it.
Then there is passive aggressive replies that do not deny this fact.

oh shit he's busting out the buzzwords because he's can't argue against it being a full length rpg

Well thank you for confirming that both sides have apes. That's not really what I asked but alright.

It's a full 40+ hour game that is the first part of a larger story. Stop being autistic apes.

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demo is fun as fuck

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It's a remake of FF7. The first part going up to Midgar which is not the entirety of FF7. That makes it the remake of not an entire game. So far all of those things are facts.

Then comes the part people seem to disagree on. Some seem to say the remake of not an entire game is in itself also not an entire game while others seem to say the remake of not an entire game is one because of length. Personally I do feel like one of the sides makes more sense than the other, but the amount of shitposting on both sides is seriously off the charts. Last sentence of your post and the "pathteic consoomer" guy being two good examples.

/ourguy/ says otherwise

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That doesn't mean it's a good game.

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How long until the DEFINITIVE PC version is released which will have all parts (400GB+ file) so that one can enjoy the game without having to switch discs and shit?

Like a decade right?

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I don't even know which side you're on senpai.

I recall the demo filtering games journalists from kektaku so I like it.

Release it early SE. Save us from this bullshit.

I'm on Aerith's side.

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>the amount of shitposting on both sides is seriously off the charts
>I know! I'll prove him wrong by shitposting at him
How do people arrive at these conclusions?