>her face when you still progging E8S
Why is it so hard Yas Forums?
Her face when you still progging E8S
Other urls found in this thread:
>rewatch the job actions trailer
>old GNB sounds right at the start
Don't know who this is or what her weird red yu-gi-oh mech suit is, or anything about this game, but I beat her at PAX as a sexy female bunny bard and got a t-shirt.
I have never played FF14 before this but it seemed cool.
I told you last time bitch, I'm trying to rank my Armorer.
17th on Balmung, can maybe take 15th, but any beyond that is too much for my sanity.
>red yu-gi-oh mech suit
I hope this is just quality bait Im reading.
fuck zenos fuck hydaelyn and fuck stomblood 2.0 in the future.
But it isnt.
I know it's the Ruby Weapon, but the head looks like a Yu-gi-oh monster (like Nightmare Dragon, Blue Eyes, Slifer, etc. the smooth head with teeth design appears in alot of monster designs)
>when you still progging
Why is english so hard, Yas Forums?
Why did they think making Hraesvelgr a retarded snake thing with a giant head was a good idea? Why not have Shiva eat him like he ate her and become half naked human and half ice angel dragon?
>hotfix has an update
Ruby Weapon is literally a yugioh
Because the real objective of Rynevlsgar and the fight as a whole was to make as many coom worthy outfits as possible and have ryne spin her questionably legal ass around while changing into them. Why? Probably to boost her popularty and to help sell the raid story and help give gaia a boost by assosiation.
nvm they didn't affect them, we're all good.
If they fused she could have been fully nude and only covered by scales.
>finally cleared E6S
> Faggot ESLs still cant do mechanics in E6s.
Whoops lol ^^ Why dps is so low? XD
>everything going fine
>retard DPS charges in during stack and hands of hell
Repeat times infinity because these niggers MUST have their high parse
fflogs was a mistake
>whole patch was yugioh references
Does this make Ryne a light charmer?...did they ever make light and dark charmers?
I was planning on subbing SAM/MNK or a healer.
Which one would be better?
I main Tank.
>playing on EU
>wind, fire, water, earth like Yu-Gi-Oh
>ice is the most astrally linked element (light)
>lightning is the most umbrally linked element (dark)
Fuck I guess it is just yugioh
canon WoL is a female midlander.
t. ranny
this game isn't hard
hard is having to deal with most of the playerbase being retarded
I hate people that do this whole passive aggressive thing of lol, XD and so on.
Just type like an adult, be serious while also being polite, it's not that hard.
>bunch of maid jobquests for elezen masters
lol u mad XD ^^
>ever canon
Nice try tr*nny
alphinaud can SWIM ladies and gentlemen!
B to the ased
It's female Keeper of the Moon you were looking for.
nah definitely not. ysholta already fits that role.
female midlander is the only one that fits.
one more time on a hunt train
im about to spam the fuck outta shout chat
I'm gonna type XD and there nothing you can do about it. :P
>finally get around to leveling AST
>tfw Earthly Star
Damn this feels good, almost as good as Holy even
>guy stops at exactly 500k points on the ranking for a job
>doesn't even bother maintaining it, will happily give his top 12 spot to someone else
>knows that the title will be everywhere, and that following seasons will make it 100x easier to get one
>guy does nothing for 10 days straight to keep his ranking
>keeps going past 500k because they are as autistic as they are competitive over something as silly as gathering
Who cares retard
>prog Light Rampant
>move a frame too fast/too slow with the orb
>clip someone with it/get clipped by path of light
>chain reaction of debuffs trigger and we die
jesus fuck tea is easier than this
SAM. mnk is a cluserfuck and healing is boring.
I'd switch to NA but 1) I imagine the lag would fucking suck, I have like 15ms ping here which is great 2) you lot make your servers sound even worse between all the grannies, metoos and generally the mental unstable. At least for the most part the ESLs are just retards.
Finally cleared E8S the other day and parsed grey because I'm fucking stupid and I took a damage down in P1 which basically gives you brink of fucking death
Whatever, fuck this tier
It's always a brd or rdm in last aggro place for me that does that.
But I cleared E8S weeks ago
>clear content not even 5% of the community can clear, much less even reach
>cry about colors posted on an unofficial parse site owned by an actual tranny
I shall never understand these people.
its discouraging seeing your codps fucking blasting the fuck outta you while you're grey as fuck.
Got my tanks out of ARR hell, what do I level next?
WAR of course, the most alpha of ALL tanks.
just mod them back in bro
ffxiv explorer is kinda a bitch to mod with imo
isn't the one for GNB old sounds literally just a file you drop in the existing sq folder
thanks bro
Almost there lads. That amaro mount will soon be mine.
Did you level every trust to 80 yet?
Yoshi-P got over his vore fetish for Shadowbringers. It's all about forced transformation now.
>Healers says relative for Ramuh is too hard
You're assigned to the last two fucking poles just see which way Ramuh goes and choose between yourselves which one to stand at.
Why are healers so fucking retarded. Holy shit.
impreg expansion when
that fucking amaro mount should have been something you get just from doing the story. It's the first equivalent of a chocobo, there not exactly rare, it's horseshit.
That lion sineater would have made more sense.
That's not even the right Fusion.
Arthars does this and it's so fucking annoying
Zodiark was a baby that gets birthed from an egg in XII, so whatever arc we fight him in.
>abe forcing an expansion where you start a family with an npc
and yet Yas Forums sucks his dick
>Wanted to prog e5s with friends.
>Over the last few days we have been making progress, we know all the mechanics, just need some decent randoms
>Friends get tilted that one other friend has something irl to attend to mid fight
>it was a wipe anyway, 2 of the dps didnt get the spears meaning him "brb" mid fight wouldnt have mattered really.
>It was late as well so i suggested we stop for the night, unless they felt like progging at which point they should let us know.
>All of my friends were progging without each other cause of "tilt"
>one dude cleared ahead of the rest of us
This might seem like grade A autism but holy fuck. I wanted all of us to clear and prog with each other.Where is the sense of loyalty and trust. Its not going to feel special to me if I clear it with randos or friends who already did it before.
I am still mad about it
>Same monsters required
>Different fusion