Who came up with this fucking shit? Its obvious that green=health.

Attached: 2.jpg (564x599, 45.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Health potions are red
Green is for antidote

why? why is it obvious

hurt make red come out
put red back in with new red
idiot fool

Real potions are red, green potions are poisonous. Do not drink green.

Sometimes they are red.

In Crash Team Racing both red and green potions are bad and hurt you though

>Health = Red
>Blue = Mana
>Green = Stamina
>Yellow = Energy

girl is sex


What's the difference between stamina and energy?

Red = Health
Blue = Mana
Green = Stamina

Green denotes either poison, mana or stamina you retarded fool.

Green is poison you fucking dope. Pure darwinism in display.

Stamina only returns with the use of certain abilities or resting out of combat. Depleted Stamina can effect physical resilience, such as taking more damage and getting hit further from attacks with knockback.

Energy returns slowly during combat and quickly out of combat. Depleted Energy effects movement such as making you slower or unable to double jump.

Artist who

Red = Health
Blue = Mana
Green = Antidote

Energy is for shitty gook-inspired phone games.

what the fuck does the antidote stat do

Poison is purple.

don't tell anyone, but fucking google it

beautiful haiku

>green = antidote
Enjoy poisoning yourself with "antidote" idiot.

It's in quite a couple FF games and in WoW for Rogues.

Green is poison. Antidote is anything that isn't a color of the rainbow.

>idiot fool
>4 syllables

Poison is purple

but the rainbow has every color, retard

Green is poison.
Red is cure poison for some reason. Except later they're also heal potions because there isn't a cure poison potion. But then even later they hurt you if you drink them at full health for no real reason.
Yellow is inexplicably the actually healing potion. But then at the end they are clearly brown-coloured despite being labelled as yellow.
At least black potions are consistent and always turn you invisible. Except when blue potions also do that, but usually blue just make you fall asleep, which is completely useless. But blue can also awaken you from sleep.
Mana potions are orange. Except when they're also potions that make you fall asleep or wake up.

Is this art inspired by tiktok bitches?

that's a Japanese oo, it's two

What color potions you want senpai

Attached: 1552966852318.png (946x472, 25.46K)

Antidote is purple, poison is green.

>energy and stamina
>both exist in FF and WoW
Energy as stamina is in a lot of games or energy as mana. Energy as described in this post isn't.


Show me brown or grey on the rainbow, dipshit.

lol, show me gray on a color tv
those aren't colors

Are you retarded by any chance?

Zelda mana is green
Blue is for both mana and health

Name one game with a purple antidote and green poison.

No results, dipshit

>gray isn't a color
Not him but I hope you realize how retarded you are.
>greyscale isn't a thing
>meaning different shades of grey


Attached: 1571157905834.png (664x626, 53.06K)

Black and white, and any shade of them are not colors. This includes grey. Don’t take my word for it, literally look it up.

Grey is a shade, not a color, dimwit.

We're not talking about fucking fapfics, you rancid cunt. Learn to read.

>life force/energy is cream coloured

Attached: index.jpg (194x162, 4.42K)

Poison is purple

Purple antidote are fake potions, green are the real one

That's literally jizz. Why do you think only the celibate males and the semen demons have it?

Skyrim. Potion of cure poison is purple, and poison is green.

That’s jizz, m8.

>grey color pallets don't exist
Your argument is that color is never used for gray. Or are you specifically saying you are arguing semantics? If you are then it doesn't really matter to me what is dictionary correct.

It's obviously not a stat, you mongoloid. Nowhere were stats mentioned, just properties of potions, you fuck-meat of a diseased orangutan.

Poison is purple like said. Play a video game once in your life.

Brown isnt a color
Its just orange
Look it up

Attached: 14bea58cb69c5d9795a0e955155c6b51.png (1100x766, 66.94K)

Name more. I could probably name at least 15 games that have purple poisons.

Antidote is purple, idiot. Green is poison.
Try playing a video game once in your life.

Attached: cure_poison.png (199x616, 124.07K)

You called someone a retard for saying grey isn’t a color. You’re wrong, he’s right. Gray is technically not considered a color.

Purple is Health AND Mana

What he said in the post I responded to. Obviously not being semantically correct in his argument here.
>lol, show me gray on a color tv

Green is stamina or SP points
Also pretty much all games use red for the health bar

That's pink

Potions are Blue.
Green is for poison.


Yet you still haven't, funny that.

>he's right
>definitely not samefagging

blue is for mana

What about magenta? Or is it not a color if it doesn't consist of a single frequency of light?

What about Infrared and Ultraviolet potions???

akschually it's magenta

Sure, if you were a tree or you wanted to fertilize your garden you'd use a green potion. Red is the color of blood, which associates it with medicine which makes it more appropriate for healing of humans.

it's usually used as the alpha in spritesheets

This is a healthy orange according to you. Mmm, delicious!

Attached: SS2821221.jpg (1200x804, 120.19K)

>>Yellow = Energy

The rest of your post was perfect until this

Yellow=Buff or resistance to something (probably lightning)


Attached: green-oranges.jpg (256x192, 9.69K)

Very healthy! Very VERY healthy!! Yes-yes!

Attached: poison_globadier.jpg (964x1024, 81.14K)

You fucking ratfags are everywhere, aren't you?

What about your most powerful potion?


>his game doesn't generate new colors for a health potion every restart

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Goddamn you're stupid. Fuck off and take your stupid with you.

White=Permanent stat buff
Black=Mysterious potion that can have positive or negative effects