Where were you when Square Enix's ethics department was killed by coronavirus?

Where were you when Square Enix's ethics department was killed by coronavirus?

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I was busy being painfully aware they never existed and were a way to deflect from Sony's demands.


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Hello newfag, we've always had these outfits since the dawn of time from square enix. The art was even more showy than this

It's referencing the excuse SE gave for covering Tifa up in the FFVII remake.

This, SNOYs censorship edicts are under NDA, they're not even allowed to disclose that anything has been censored, and definitely not implicate SNOY's responsibility for it.
'Ethics dept' is NDA-compliant codeword for 'SNOY made us do it'

Sacrifice Part 3 fucking slaps oh my God!

The ethics department restricted the movement of her chest so her breasts weren't flopping around. That's not needed for this game because this game doesn't have breast physics and these are casters and not martial fighters.

Japanese media has had ethics departments as part of a government mandate since the 70s you fucking retard.

I'll fucking slap you.

Guess most small companies are just non-compliant then.

Game looks easy as fuck. Is it challenging?

I wanna kiss Angela

Wait, that's not a final class outfit. Is that some purely cosmetical costume, or are we possibly getting new final classes?

There's a fourth tier of classes: gematsu.com/2020/03/trials-of-mana-details-post-game-new-episode-class-04-and-lil-cactus

Yeah this, is there any difficulty settings?

it's fun, does that count?

challenge = fun

try mahjong or something

Goddamn, this is looking better and better.

Mana isn't as high-profile as Final Fantasy 7 so stuff can sneak past.

also expect it to be edited for the PS4 version

I believe they said there are 4 difficulty levels

What makes it look easy? You saw like 3-second clips of a few boss fights, did you expect to see full party wipes?
It’s harder than 1 or 2 that’s for damn sure.
Anyway, for people who played the originals, everyone says Kevin’s route is easier but I’d say the only reasons to think that would be because Kevin is OP and Bishop Charlotte fucking destroys undead enemies if you pick her. The Beast Kingdom post-sword has enemies that will two-shot you just for looking at them funny, and I still read about people who can’t get past Lugar or Dolan for some reason.

it's probably just mostly assumptions, most jrpgs are way too easy and don't actually make you utilize their combat mechanics enough. I am hopeful though.

Holy SHIT, get ready for the corruption porn lads.

lmao get rekt

I think some of this comes purely because of Dark Lich being the easiest final boss. They also tend to forget that the Dark Lich route also has Heath, probably the hardest penultimate boss of the three routes and a real doozy to fight.

>going dark means wearing skimpy outfits

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>The Beast Kingdom post-sword has enemies that will two-shot you just for looking at them funny, and I still read about people who can’t get past Lugar or Dolan for some reason.
I did have a hard time on them before using Hawk/Riesz/Angela and thats because those wolfmen will unleash their Lv.3 Tech on you if you hit them with a screen stopping tech or magic. Better just slash them or knock them out via Lv.1 tech.

is this really going to have denuvo on pc?

Guysss I have never played a trials of mana game, should I start with this one?

>all the weeby animu art style and story of JRPGs
>not turn based

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Can anyone explain why skimpy clothes are unethical?

I understand how molesting children on camera while running for president might be slightly unethical, or how spying on your customers to gather petabytes of data which you then use in predictive algorithms to make ads that they're most likely to click might be slightly unethical, or how manipulating the supposedly independent social media to orchestrate and support several revolutions in Middle East might be slightly unethical, but this, how is this unethical when it's not even real people? If anything, it's unethical for a bunch of old men to decide that this brave young woman is not allowed to wear this particular outfit.

It's unethical to enjoy looking at pretty people because it makes ugly people seethe.

And yet those same ugly people start drooling every time they see their favorite celeb? No, it has to be something else.

>Square Enix ethics department
stop making shit up square never did this crap

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>not turn based
Mana was always an Action RPG from the start. Why is this a surprise?

Nomura's words, not mine.

secret of mana and trials of mana were both turn based in a way

I feel like it's such an old game, where that appearance was more acceptable in their native land, so they have the right to release it in the spirit of it's previous iteration. It's basically just better 3D models of the concept/character art. Big deal.




Trials of Mana post-game final boss?

They already made the girls' thighs smaller though.

>classic jrpg
>neat looking gameplay
>a character that uses fists
>diverse party cast
>good music
>goes for distinct look over muh realism

Bros this is the first time I've considered actually buying a vidya in years and I only found out about this like yesterday.

most if not all square games has denuvo on PC

the original game is one of my all-time favorite games despite its flaws, and the remake makes the combat and leveling system much more engaging while still keeping the charm of the original.
unless they dropped the ball in some way that isn't obvious from the gameplay they have shown so far, the worst case scenario is this will be a very solid game

>No indentation

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Do as I say, not as I do.

Tri-Ace isn't Squeenix.

I'm not familiar with anything past legend of mana, but, reading over that, isn't she dead by trials of mana? Time travel?

roasties love looking at sexy men, but when they see sexy women they feel like it is competition and/or an unrealistic standard for them. even if the sexy woman is fictional.

Is anyone else going to pick the all-girls party and pick their classes based on how revealing the outfits are?

And made Tifa's thicker.

This. Ethics departmenr is just the one guy that liaisons with Sony.

At least something good came out of all this shit.

Trials Mana is small profile remake aimed at only a specific crowd, of course Square Enix won't bother as much, FFVII Remake is being treated as the second coming, meant to attract as many people as possible, thus "the ethics department" came in to play.

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I'm also going to do it, game's not hard enough to justify min-maxxing.

Why did you bring a game released 4 years ago?

Here on Yas Forums scrolling past a ton of FF7R shill threads every day.

No they didn't. She still has disgusting chicken legs with zero indentation, which is far more offensive than her tits being smaller.

>No they didn't.
Ah. You are so wrong.

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>the only way to get leotard designs in games nowadays is if they are legacy designs from the 90s

I hate gaming today.

Feel free to provide any images at all showing the indentation she doesn't have.

Sony Playstation's offices weren't even locaded in California when Star Ocean 5 got released, also the game did have its share of uproar, Japan was pissed about Miki's underwear changes.

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Now purchase your game, I will.

Promotional renders are not in game models.

man tifa's skirt looks like fucking shit

Trials of Mana, and Xenoblade Definitive are going to be the highlights of the year for me. They both look great.

>Artstyle is gorgeous and perfectly translates the original sprites into lavish 3D
>Looks incredibly faithful to the original
>Dem remixes
>Classes actually update the character models to reflect the art instead of just pallette swaps
>Adding passive skills

Sans the lack of Co-op I am insanely hyped for this. Really fucking hope they don't mess it up, I absolutely adore SD3. I'd love it if they managed to incorporate the skills in a way that encourages more build variety and more replay value, as well as maybe giving us Tales of-style skits between the party members. I seem to recall the SOM remake had something like this at the inns, but do we know if the SD3 remake has this?

Also post your party fags

Duran/Hawkeye/Kevin. Big dick DPS all day erryday

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I can but hope that they at least remove it within 6 months like they did for octopath.

>all it took was a world pandemic to bring titties back
i guess its true about hard times hard men

It is such a shame, all we have now are one piece swimsuits at best.

The original game is supposed to be a masterpiece right? Is this even going to be a good remake? I'll still play this version first regardless because supra cute girls