Why isn't it socially acceptable to game in public?

Why isn't it socially acceptable to game in public?

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Why would you care? I sometimes play my switch at airports, I never saw anyone care at all.

Because it's a toy and that's a behavior for a child. It's the same as playing with action figures in public.

How to avoid corona? I don’t want to get coozed.

How is it different playing candy crush on your phone?

Drink a bit of bleach every day, it'll kill any corona inside you

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why is it okay to make this thread in public without getting banned
i'm sure the pockies are running their agenda machine as usual, only banning vidya threads and anything remotely sexual because sjwkeking

>and that's a behavior for a child

Says who? By that logic, the only thing an "adult" is allowed to do is work, eat, shit, procreate and sleep.
Fucking retard.

literally my current life. tfw my shut-in tendencies are finally normie :)

>B-but phones!
Who said anything about phones?

Nigger I masturbate in public playing videogames isnt that strange

>Normies: It's the end of the world OMG
>NEETS: *yawn* business as usual

I still play emulated shit on my old PSP when I'm taking the bus. Actually met a cute girl once who saw me playing PS1 games and started a conversation with me.

>several thousand third worlders die
>a few hundred boomers die

good i get to live neet life again

>Fort Lauderdale
One of the shittiest places I've ever been in my life
t. european
Phoenix was cool tho

>Autist suffers from deep confusion.
Surprise, surprise. Here's the thing, autismo: playing with toys is fine, but you need to be able to put down the toy for 5 seconds a day and pretend to be a not so human. The behavior of literally always needing a videogame in reach is what's mocked as childish, because a child can't control themselves.
Second, society and perception on the whole says. They might not bully you or pick on you, but anyone who plays videogames in public can be safely dismissed in conversation.

NEET life is predicated on normalfag slaves working for us

I dont know user I kind of like my grandparents

Because candy crush can be quit at a relative moment's notice. Give your peers the respect of attention. If you want to play your toy then do it in isolation.

No one cares, but everyone who sees you thinks you're a fag

*Pretend to be human

Based and skim beeblepilled

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Same. Tell your gramma her falafel was great

>Phoenix was cool tho
Glad you enjoyed my city user

>anyone who plays videogames in public can be safely dismissed in conversation.
This is the big takeaway here. Nobody who's ever played a Switch or gamed on a laptop in public is worth talking to as an adult.

I honestly can't tell if you're actually retarded or not. Literally no one does that. If you go out in public in a bus, train, or anywhere you have to wait a while like an airport, everyone is fucking glued to their phones and don't give a flying fuck about what's going on around them. Not to mention there are a ton of actual games new and old on phones now. It's just as much of a toy.

>Says who?

>Omg how is Corona spreading so fast guise
>Just a sec I need to be crammed like a sardine for 30 hours. The mandatory stresses of life XD

I enjoyed hanging out with you, you sexy son of a bitch

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came in to say you're all degenerates, whether you sit on your phone or on your switch, you're both limitless faggots

>tfw everyone is going full shut down mode over Corona
>I’m just going about my daily business as usual

A few dead boomers isn’t the end of the world. People need to get a grip.

is he wearing a shirt that just says "fart"

I'm gonna use this as a sign in animal crossing.

sminem has become fart

had some great sandwiches and I loved the dry heat, where I come from it's just wet and cold year round.
Hope you stay healthy user

It's boomers, kids and people with pre-existing conditions that are most at risk you psychopath.

I assume it says Earth

Look at this faggot LARPing as a "mature man" on Yas Forums's fucking video game board.

fuckin sminem, what are you doing, help us.

They’re free to avoid contact with others if they want. I refuse to be caged like an animal over something like this.

kids are actually really resistant to it for some reason

based corona chan knows how to pick her targets

Are you okay?

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the US is doomed. people are too damned stupid and stubborn to listen to anyone. whole year is gonna be this fucking virus.

be a NEET with a stockpile of food and water and no family members that could potentially act as disease vectors from leaving the house

if you have to leave the house for food, wear an N95 respirator and protective face shield, then when you get home leave your shoes at the door, remove and burn your close and begin decontamination procedures with a hot shower

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Because you're a physically unattractive loser who looks like a nerd. People think you look like a social reject because you are one and act like one.

Im too busy farting

>The behavior of literally always needing a videogame in reach is what's mocked as childish, because a child can't control themselves.
Really user. If it's simply about self control then not a single person can be considered an adult simply due to the existence of phones.

What is it about Nintendo that turns people into this?

both france and holand have confirmed over 50% of ICU admissions are under the age of 50 and as young as 16. It has a higher co-morbidity with obesity, but it’s pretty indiscriminate. No one is safe.

What has become of la familia... Joder...

I care. Mostly about your odor, but it's also in bad taste. Like watching a full grown man walk around in short shorts and a twirly hat eating rainbow lollipop.

>where I come from it's just wet and cold
God that sounds wonderful. Also same to you friend. Dont get sick.

Nothing, those people just exist.

Not him but what's in bad taste exactly?

T-thanks for reminding me. God I want to live in the middle or nowhere again

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this guy is probably on here right now

>Phone boogeyman.
It's about self-control in regards to toys. People playing phone games too much sets off my cringe radar. I don't know why you're arguing though, this is a matter of perception, plain and simple.

>crowded boomers
>with the coronavirus going around
very smart

or just breathe through your nose instead of your mouth like you always do

90% of the death rate are elderly, what do you mean no one is safe

It isn't only if your an ugly, autistic doofus. If you're an Adonis mainly Chad, you can do basically whatever you want and no one will give a shit besides the women who want your dick.


*shits on diaper*
*gropes a little kid*
We are all children here :)

Source? You should never admit highly contagious patients to MSI/ICU/MICU or a step-down unit, because that's a good way to kill the other patients.

Whatever happened to hiding your power-level?

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>giving a single shit about what strangers think of you.
nice self esteem u got there.

Whoa mario... easy on the pasta

I didn't know it wasn't?

>It's about self-control in regards to toys
Yes and many do in fact see their phone as one.

Is this the designated thread where Yas Forums pretends to be socially well adjusted people?

The elderly die off fast because their immune systems cannot take it and they just succumb to the illness relatively quickly. If you end up as one of the unlucky 15-20% that need to be in ICU, you’ll likely spend a month of your life on a ventilator feeling like you’re going to suffocate, regardless of your age. This is assuming your country’s medical system is fully functional and doesn’t collapse from being strained.

Their phone as a toy? Maybe, but it's infinitely more useful. There's nothing to really say, because this is a matter of perception and you can't argue around it.

Anyone can be a carrier, dumbass.

>work retail part time
>millennials are no where to be seen
>boomers are still shopping
>mall is filled with boomers

are they stupid?

>Working retail
Yes, but you're also stupid.

I'm at college so luckily this isn't forever.

Oh user...

As much as I love my grandmother she's being a fucking retard about all of this.
She went to the doctors knowing full well that they've been closed just to do her prescription. The worst part is that their doors were open when she got there because they were cleaning the place out.

On top of that she still wants people coming to her house.