Possible PS5 speccs
Why is he saying good luck
will the PS5 be as SeXy as SeX-box?
OK so the PSTriple+2 has more flops than the XFugX but does it really matter? I'd rather know what hardware is inside and how they compare to similar spec'd PC components.
he's talking to PC fags that will try to defend owning a PC in 2020 when they have literally no arguments left
Why do I have this feeling of dread that we're going to get a lot of 30fps games again
>bl*ck guy
don't trust 'em
this 2Ghz figure always bothered me but it could explain why the dev kit looks the way it does and focuses on air-flow while the final design is being made with these speccs (big assumption these turn out to be true)
it wont be too different from SeX-box
>Zen2 8c/16t clockspeeds between 3 - 4Ghz
never ever thought 3.8Ghz was possible but M$ surprised me there
>rDNA2 based GPU
check out digital foundry video on how fucking powerful the gpu actually is. they showcased a literal copy paste version of gears 5 with no optimization whatsoever and it ran as fast as a RTX2080 on a small 360mm2 silicon. i think thats an impressive achievement for both M$ and AMD.
i dont know what Sony is gonna do with ray tracing and other cusstom hardware, for example M$ got a custom 3D-audio chip in there
>Design your console like a paperbin pc ala mac pro to fit a big, unified heatsink in the middle and have pretty good airflow with just one fan pulling in air through said heatsink unrestricted.
>proceed to put in a small heatsink in one side of the case to end up with shitty airflow due to every single component ocupying most of the console's volume
What did they mean by this Yas Forumsros?
Don't know what it means but I'll assume PS5 has a bigger dick
>a lot of 30fps games again
nigger you are already wrong. SeXbox ran gears 5 unoptimized as fast as a RTX2080 on 4k with same quality settings.
All of this power just to play a game that will be ported to PC a few years later.
this person doesn't like videogames.
>that will be ported to PC at the end-of-life cycle
Bloodborne remastered WHEN?
make sure you pay double this time for the remasters of the games you can't play anymore
kek consoletards are pathetic
Sooner than you think
fine by me
you do realize that SeXbox has BC back to original XboX and upscale resolution to 4k and HDR without any manual input?
also the PS5 is heavily rumored to be BC for all previous consoles too, even PS3.
you are grasping at straws.
budget Gaymer detected
budget is PC that will pay once then pirate everything
I for one will get all consoles and buy every games (complete editions) for $129.99+tax
Yeah. The one in their asses.
gg no re
>muh teraflops
lmao consoletards will eat this shit up
>Some random Retardera nigger
Games you buy the Xbox one will run at higher specs on the Xbox SeX. They confirmed it for games like cyberpunk so you dont need to double dip.
It's not the same kind of heatsink as a normal one. I'm pretty sure they're using the vapor chamber shit they used in XboneX and it looks a little bigger than that one so it should be fine.
>muh niggaflops
>tfw consolecucks are falling for the scam again
>2080S performance already shown on 360mm2 silicon
>lol it will be weak!
enjoy your PersonalCope maschine my dude
Since the two consoles will have virtually identical hardware, teraflops is actually a good measure of how they compare.
And what it tells us is that they're virtually identical, and if one happens to be slightly more powerful than the other it won't fucking matter because Pro versions are going to come out in a few years anyway and at that point the situations might be reversed anyways.
Everyone's just going to stick with the ecosystem they're already invested in anyways, so it's a pointless argument.
>Custom parts
>No real specs cept for goyflops
>4k 120fps raytracing
Remember when the PS4 was supposed to be 4k 60fps, then the pro was meant to be 4k 60fps?
>consolecucks unironically expecting 2080s performance at 400-500 bucks
Nigga you're delusional.
PCfag here, so no horse in this race. But a few points:
1.) That's less than a 10% difference - if it's true. Software developers will not be fining tuning their game just to utilize a 10% difference.
2.) Microsoft still has better services and features. Including Game Pass and the fact that every game you buy for Xbox comes with a FREE version for PC.
3.) Xbox's design is perfection for cooling. That means less fans (quieter), and cooler components. For nonPCfags that don't know, components run faster at lower temperatures. That means, in theory, Xbox could outperform a console with better hardware such as the rumored specs of the PS5 during extended play sessions.
4.) And most importantly - Fuck Sony. They've been fucking you fanboys over for the last 3 years with SJW shit and censorship, and you think they're just going to stop and behave for the next 7 years? Are you SERIOUS? You're bending over and begging them take you deeper because your rectal membranes haven't been punctured enough by all the previous ass-rapings they've giving you.
Sony's gaming division are a bunch of fucking snakes with no desire to appease gamers. Where as Xbox has been bending over backwards to answer player demands since the middle of this generation. Every studio they've bought still runs independently of Microsoft with developers in control of their product. Microsoft doesn't intervene. Game Pass is a direct result of them listening to their customers. The entire X-series was addressing players who wanted PC-tier visuals and frame rate in a console - it's not just hardware. Their OS itself is designed to be minimalist and not waste resources so games get the maximum allocation of processing power. Then they added the PC-game-clone option for people that wanted a console for their living room but already owned a TV.
Basically, Sony is shit. Their hardware is irrelevant. No one in this thread even knows what a fucking teraflop is so why do you care?
pic is my pcfag timestamp
Because if you gave most big publishers a fucking supercomputer, they'd still manage to find a way to get framerate drops.
say it with me
shill until it becomes religion
It's called a new architecture, RDNA2 has been widely talked about for a long time now. You can buy it next year once AMD produces enough for GPUs.
Are flops the new megapixels?
never mentioned price at all. you're projecting your own fears into your post while ignoring DF's video about SeXbox performance.
unironically seething nvidiot
It's literally the new "blast processing".
Its the new RAM, and not a single console retard knows what either of them are
WoW what a gay (™)
Yea, that makes sense because FLOP is the only thing consoles can do.
I miss castle vidcons.
Are all console warriors this retarded?
your autism wars aren't interesting
these are the highest quality pixels that we have ever seen
>relying on rumors
the absolute state of the sad, sad, snoygroid
I feel so fucking old. All this talk of specs, teraflips, ray tracing and other dick waving between these consoles looks stupid. Do people take any of this shit seriously? Where's the fucking videogames?
>browse thru Yas Forumseddit
>click on X game thread
>'lol there are no gaymes to play!'
>continue to browse Yas Forumseddit
>click on next-gen console thread
>'lol its going to be shit and i dont care about it!'
>continue to browse Yas Forumseddit
Fact of the matter is I'm gonna be buying an Xbox and a PlayStation and there's nothing anyone here can do to stop me.
*Checkerboard 4k
*Up to 120fps on indie pixelshit
*Locked to 1080p 30fps
why not. i'm going to settle for a PS5, if they have actual exclusive launch titles, while having a PC for 'e-sport' titles and most shooters.
Niggas 99.7% of TV's only go up to 60 Hz.
The very first thing ever confirmed about the new xbox is that they wont have exclusives
There are 0 reasons to buy it and consoleretards are obviously trying to shitpost in any way possible to make people buy them
MS claimed exboxsex could do 120
user, how the fuck did you manage to fill your post with so much cope and seethe? its impressive
>what is variable rate shading
>what is AMD's image sharpening tool
>what is rDNA2's 13TFLOP ray-trace performance (for SeXbox)
everyones mad, this is just great
pceething race
I doubt it unless it's pixel shit or a 15 year old game.
And I ask again, what good is 120 fps when nearly every console user will be playing on a 60Hz TV.
your autism isn't interesting
Give me some actual performance metrics instead of marketing mumbojumbo you braindead consoomer.
There's a good chance I don't actually buy an Xbox for a while because the games are gonna be on PC anyway, but backwards compatibility with all of the previous generations appeals to me so I'll probably pick one up at some point.
I just like hardware though. Got a PS4 Pro, an Xbox One, a Switch, and a pretty powerful PC atm.
no, its PersonalCope mustardrace for all eternity now
>click on bred
>to type he doesnt care
top kek
>Give me some actual performance metrics
see pic heregears 5 running unoptimized on SeXbox hardware comparable to RTX2080 with same quality settings.
The reason I'm buying one is because pc gaming is for friendless virgins
>zero exclusives
Are MS braindead?
>ps4 pro
Why are console fags like this? Just leave us alone you faggot ass fucks.
Learn to read nigger, that's a pc benchmark, show me sexboxexnext benchmark.
PersonalCope mustardrace!
>implying that's impressive
Nigga Gears 5 does 4K on my 7 year old 290.
lmao kys sony cuck
PC gaming wasn't even alive when the PS1 launched, rest of the list is correct.
>Custom Maid and Hitman 2
can't be more based than this
Is that why all the game developers are saying how trash the performance of their games on it is lol