Yas Forums only considers one of these a "no gaems" machine. Is that the Nintendo bias?

Yas Forums only considers one of these a "no gaems" machine. Is that the Nintendo bias?

Attached: no games.png (1138x337, 144.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:




video gam3

multiplat = pc
weebshit into the trash
so ps3 have no games

That's not fair, that picture is including movies in the PS3 total.

I see people on Yas Forums shitting on the N64 for all kinds of reasons all the time lately and "no gaems" is one of the primary complaints about it. I think the PS3 just gets it more because it all happened after Yas Forums was already a thing, while the N64 was a decade earlier and was held up by nostalgia until Yas Forums's userbase got replaced by younger anons who didn't play it in its heyday.

but the no games meme was started by xbox fanboys

>I see people on Yas Forums shitting on the N64 for all kinds of reasons all the time lately
It's literally one very autistic man.

yes user, every opinion you don't like is just one person
don't forget to give him a random name to easily identify him in every post you don't like

You expect me to believe that when he uses the same images every time?

The no games meme died in 2010.
Also one of those has mostly exclusives and the other has mostly downgraded ports.

they're both really great

Go to bed Carl.

That's not even close to my name.

Ok then, what's your name?

different people can use the same image
if you right click and save an image someone else posted, you'll magically have that image too
shocking, I know

be sure to ask for permission first though



Yeah but who would go out of their way to impersonate such a specific OP?

I don't know
people pretend to be barneyfag too

On Yas Forums, you are not allowed to enjoy 2 consoles of different brands

On Yas Forums you're not allowed to criticize anything Nintendo

The no games thing comes from how many exclusives a console has, so if a console has almost all multiplats, that could be considered a no games console.
But you are too stupid to know the obvious which is why you made this retarded thread.

Ah shit, what now?

Attached: exclusives.png (726x159, 12.86K)

40 games out of 185 isn't that much of a difference. They're both in the same boat.

Nah, the threshold of nogaems is 140. Once you hit 141 you're cured but that's not happening on the N64.

>90% PSN shovelware

The goalpost shift, the ultimate nintendo exclusive.

>a console game doesn't exist if it's multiplat

This is what PCniggers unironically believe

>Is that the Nintendo bias?

It absolutely is but Nintendogaf will never admit

God the PS3 has such a shit library. I will never get over the massive downgrade from the PS2 library to PS3/PS4.

Attached: 1 million hours in MS Paint later.jpg (2332x2184, 1.26M)

Why would you want to play a game on its worst platform?

>ocarina of time
>Talladega Nights

So 1 in 3 vs 1 in 10, and most of those exclusives were minor, demo tier games.
Not to mention that when there were multiplats, like elder scroll games and other big games, the ps3 version often came out months after the Xbox version.
The ps3 lacked exclusives and it lacked notable exclusives, that's why it was no games, the 360 and the wii had it beat.



>the ps3 version often came out months after the Xbox version.
yeah the n64 was much better for that

Attached: mml.png (264x637, 153.9K)

>Not to mention that when there were multiplats, like elder scroll games and other big games, the ps3 version often came out months after the Xbox version.
They almost always looked and preformed worse on PS3 too.

*best platform

If you seriosly think it's Nintendo bias and not for other reasons, you're probably underage.

Bomberman 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Doom 64
Goldeneye 007
Harvest Moon 64
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold
Mace: The Dark Age
Mario Kart 64
Mischief Makers
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Sin & Punishment
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Starfox 64
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Turok 2
Turok 3

What did the PS3 have?

Little Big Planet!

>What did the PS3 have?

Attached: PS3 exclusive.jpg (800x1200, 217.53K)

PS3 ran multiplats worse than 360, let alone PC.

This is very literally a predominantly console warrior mentality.

Demons Souls
Last of Us
Uncharted 1-3
Ratchet and Clank Future
Ni No Kuni
Killzone 2
Valkyria Chronicles

>PS3 ran multiplats worse than 360

Bull fucking shit you're lying straight out of your ass

Short list for such a successful console...

Do you not remember Bayonetta, GTAIV, and Red Dead Redemption? And that's just off the top of my head

I'm finding it hard to name even one game that runs better on PS3 than 360.
The port of ZOE2 I guess?

The PS3 still edges out the PS4. Its baffling how its gotten worse.

>Dreamcast CPU FPU buttfucks PS2's
>Sony panic and duct tape on some SIMD FPUs, fixes performance but makes it a nightmare to program for
>enter 7th gen
>"This time we are going to build the SIMD accelerators into the CPU from the start!" as if that makes any difference
>spend 1B USD developing the Cell
>get backstabbed by IBM giving a better version of it to MS
will never not be funny. Sony cannot design console hardware to save their lives

Attached: dumbshit CPU design.jpg (500x688, 205.51K)

64 is better

Its longer, but some anons intentionally shorten it to make it appear worse.

Each one of those games is at least a 9/10 and that list was just off the top of my head. And each one of those was better than anything on your list

Spider-Man was kino you consolewarring xturd cancer

>anything on that list but maybe Demon's Souls
>even remotely close to 9/10

Attached: 1564374904857.jpg (800x450, 125.52K)

Is there any evidence the VPUs were reactions to the Dreamcast?

>Ni No Kuni
>Valkyrie Chronically
>at least a 9/10

Try again you delusional Sonygroid

Attached: 1444369931514.gif (355x360, 1.82M)


Attached: IMG_1817.jpg (362x1045, 55.91K)

Pretty much everything you listed except for DS was worse than most of the N64 games he listed

t. Played none of them you delusional xshitter filth

Just heads up that this entire thread is just a nintendy psyop to distract from how inferior the 64 was next to ps1. Never forget.

Attached: 22ccik4r94411.jpg (2048x1536, 639.94K)

>Talking shit about the XBone
Dude, no one cares. Shit was so doa, it's not even fun to make fun of.


Attached: Playing MGS4.gif (301x250, 1.03M)

>press X to win
if you are a braindead faggot, perhaps.