Is Discord still the best software for gamers or is there something better now?

Is Discord still the best software for gamers or is there something better now?

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Why do people care so much about medium? If it works thenbe happy with it

>tfw no qt kemo bf


Why are people so obsessed with framerates? If your pc plays the game then be happy with it

discord is trannyware. use teamspeak

Probably. I've tried Riot like some people have been suggesting but it's got some quirks that bother me. Like having to authenticate each device manually and notifications don't work for me.


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What the hell even is Discord? It just popped up one day and everyone was using it. What are the features? What's the appeal?

furry jews

It was a less shitty skype when it launched

>chinese botnet

It's a cross between irc and skype. So you have channels that are dedicated to certain topics, or just private ones among colleagues, with all the drama and admin powertripping that usually comes with it. Also allows you to send animated gifs, that's a big one

Define >best

Is it free so that everytranny can start xeir own personal one?

However, the voice chat still sucks even after all these years, even though it was first introduced as a voice chat program.
Isn't that long ago when you had to start an extra server and connect to it through some other means to hear yourself in order to adjust your mic properly - a thing every other voice app has.
Also no automatic volume control, you have to adjust everyone manually.
And it still sounds shit.

But hey, it's free and it parses images and videos!

And btw those memetastic phrases it throws when starting the app or when someone joins the server are cringe as fuck.

TS is objectively the best for voice.

It's like a new IRC but contrarian zoomers hate it because they like to LARP about using stuff like vent/mumble/etc. It's fine if you don't join public servers and instead just make your own servers with friends.

I hate Discord because
a) the interface and channel structure is shit
b) resource hog
c) they openly admit to selling your data

TeamSpeak is fucking terrible compared to Discord, I casn't believe I had to put up with that garbage for years.

I hate it because the people running it are clearly incompetent cucks who have managed to profit from a basic "hello fellow gamers" approach

Give us some real software, god dammit. None of this Electron bullshit.

>they openly admit to selling your data
Never bothered to check, but this shit was shady from the very start.

Like when you install it, it doesn't even ask anything, just click the button, installed. Not asking for location, what files, nothing...

And how it constantly monitors what programs you run without the option to opt out.

They can also shut your private server for "wrongthink" if they want to.

it was HEAVILY shilled by every youtuber, streamer, etc.

What is IRC?

The fact that it's impossible to tell if this is bait is what's so saddening

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Not bait.

It means Irational Racial Calls. Welcome to Yas Forums I guess...

>no service cost
>no advertisements
No shit they sell your data

altavista it nigger

>If it works thenbe happy with it
until every faggot decides to switch programs every 2 years, then you hear constant "LOL YOU'RE STILL USING THAT? GET WITH THE TIMES GRANDPA DOWNLOAD Y"

so you get Y, and does the same thing that X did, but now it has a bunch more useless shit and bloat that makes the experience slightly more annoying, but you deal with it and get comfortable

and then 2 years later the entire process repeats itself and you're left asking


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discord has been around for 5 years

>paying for voice comms
What am I a console pleb?

>still trying to push fucking ventrillo
Why anyone ever liked that mess of a program and paid for the privilege of using it is way beyond me.

Also discord fixed the problem you are talking about that was really rampant prior to discord.

ITT autists joining public servers complaining about autists on said servers.

go fuck yourself

until the next program comes along the the entire process starts again

absolute brainlet post

>uni teacher forces to use discord due to coronavirus
it's all over for me bros, I can feel my pronouns slowly changing over time

Sure something better will always come along but nothing could be worse then what was prior to discord
>bro get in vent
>ha who uses vent get in my teamspeak
>teamspeak is lame man, come to raid call
>I dont have any of the common programs...can you download skype?
>yo curse client voice is the best
If all we do is move from discord to a newer better discord, then I'm not bitching.

>must use chink botnet thanks to gookflu

discord is just the zoomer facebook

Internet Relay Chat. It's some pretty ancient tech homosexuals used to plan secret "birthday parties". Trust me, you don't want to know more

Don't worry even with all of the data selling and banned users rebuying Nitro, Discord likely isn't turning a profit and will crash and burn once all of the venture capital runs out.
Ironically Discord bans Coronavirus-related servers for "having the potential to cause physical harm".

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>still using Discord

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IRC was one of the earliest forms of Chatrooms online.
People still use em today, discords just the most modern and easiest one to setup.
discords alright, i got to meet a lot of cool people on it and talk to friends, i only use it and no social media at all at this point.

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>If it works thenbe happy with it
Don't ask questions, just consume

What questions?
>hurr what about trannies
>hurr what about selling data

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>people that do it for free
The phrase was hammered in my head and now I can't look at any sort of internet role without realizing that some dumb faggot is actually doing work for free and at best for only a little clout
>the Discord platform moderators are mostly furries
>most servers have moderators that actually get mad if you break the server rules and will actually dislike you as a person for it
>most servers have moderators that aren't paid for what they do
>most servers have moderators that take it as an important duty to "moderate" the chat
At least Yas Forums janitors get to delete the threads they don't like while moderators have some say in what goes on around a multi-million visitor site, being a chatroom moderator is incredibly pathetic
I'm a zoomer and even I know what's an IRC, how the fuck did you not find out all this time?

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Add me if you have a big cock

Rick Addison#0272

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Consume what you memelord faggot? It's free
> inb4 muh data selling
Nigger EVERY voice comm service is selling your data,I mean hell every WEBSITE is selling data on you, even Yas Forums tracks and sells data on your shit, quit moaning about it or get off the internet.

>open discord
>join channel
>close discord when finished
what about this is so difficult

Me and my friends still use Teamspeak for voice and Telegram for everything else.
Also TS5 got some neat features.

Based repressed incel coomer

discord's getting a bit bloated with their retarded "we wanna be a gaming service now" bullshit (which they've mostly stopped and cuit back on) but it's still nowhere near as nightmarish as every other alternative

Telegram, using a bloatware program made by convicted pedophiles that got GUI so cluttered it would make a command prompt jealous is for brianlets anyway.

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I dunno, nitro was lame, but an expected and acceptable lame, and the streaming option in general is nice when you want to show someone something that's happening or whatever it can be really helpful.

Discord is one of, if not, THE only one that's actually good if you just want to use it as a means of communication with your friends while you guys play vidya, one of the main complaints from retards here is this apparent "discord drama" that they seem to get involved with for some reason, if you're one of those retarded faggots that use discord like some social hangout or facebook 2.0 then that's on you, so yes Discord is great and beats using skype any day.

nu-Yas Forums doesnt even know what irc is why even come here

Nope, just an exhib slut bottom

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Discord has done more harm to Yas Forums and /vg/ than it does to vidya

>fat male sissy

This, I have zero issues with discord, and I never have drama because I'm not absorbed into the social media Borg and can just ignore it, or leave a server if shit gets too faggy. Literally only use discord for voice comms or letting people know if things are happening in games we all play, people are such retarded contrarians for absolutely no fucking reason its ridiculous

Pretty much, yes. Everything is leaning into supporting it, PS5 will supposedly have a similar if not the same discord app that xbone has now.

Just avoid public servers, or god forbid joining any linked here.

Borg? wait, aren't Borg supposed to be logical and intelligent?

Literally IRC for retards

The process isn't repeating. What discord has over ventrilo, teamspeak and mumble is that you don't have to set up your own server. It's number one reason why it's the most popular voip software. I don't like discord either because you get distortion all the fucking time and bloat issues.

no shit retard, the only reason you would use imageboards was because you couldnt send eachother images on irc
going on Yas Forums and pretending you have friends who are anonymous entities must be the most schizo lonely shit ever

>baiting for the tranny meme
Kek, not that gullible fag.

>I'm a zoomer and even I know what's an IRC, how the fuck did you not find out all this time?
I never had to use online communication. Texting and Whatsapp are enough for taking with relatives, and I never had friends to talk to during game sessions. In what situation are programs like Discord are generally used?

they are a hive mind.

Based esl projector

>It's free
Nothing in life is free, you ignorant underage.

Discord is only good for fapping with the lads

air is free, checkmate faggot

Convenient voice communication with people during game sessions, but more often it's used for posting memes and general conversations with people in communities

not him but you sound like an absolute retard holy shit

mumble + irc master race

commit sudoku please

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not the user you're replying to but you sound like a massive cocksucker

I stick to TS3

i use discord to camwhore and get money so im glad it exists desu

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a hivemind hammers the nail that sticks out, how does that work with platforms made for NPCs to pretend they are not NPCs and totally unique instead?



What's up Kassfag?

not gonna post it


Beta thirstfag

hive mind as in everyone just follows each other to the next "hip" platform. I would say its just true for humans in general. herd mentality and all.

It's bait.