Help me restore my sonybro meme stash folder

Help me restore my sonybro meme stash folder

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sonybro peaked at butt vacuums

True that


Attached: crowd.png (600x600, 346.78K)

All of them are mostly sonybro bullying Nintendosoyboi, but what about sonnybro taking care if xboxskeletor

Attached: 1528763424426.jpg (640x898, 223.91K)

Attached: september 11.jpg (897x651, 146.14K)

absolutely disgusting. fucking Untermenschen

Snoys are so cringw

why not both

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Attached: kratos.jpg (1280x720, 117.66K)

Attached: Sony memes.png (186x137, 77.92K)

janny fears the anal voreior

Attached: vape crop.png (503x287, 103.92K)


Attached: 1529045035814.jpg (1020x720, 216.51K)

I need that pic of sonybro punching like this

Attached: 1548875521232.png (666x656, 112.66K)

Good one!

Attached: snoy.png (952x711, 496.1K)

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Attached: puffer fish.webm (551x533, 2M)

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Attached: snoy.gif (644x850, 103.94K)

Attached: 1559472834384.png (1048x924, 247.36K)

Holy fucking shit, that's uterlly digusting

Uhhhh... Based Department, you want to see this thread...


Attached: 1525340930915.png (800x939, 1.99M)

Based and sonypilled thread

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>that walkman
fucking lol

Attached: 1559650675849.png (500x373, 74.86K)

>Near a tomato
Needs an update. And
>One Piece

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Are you a vegan retard?

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cringe and forced

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Nothing based about Snoy and the shitty Snoy memes. This thread is gay. Check this 5.

I like the more abstract ones.

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sony more like so(n)y lmao

Better go chek if your wife's boyfriend is doing ok

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based and true

boy that image did not age well at all

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I'm an idort who plays his Switch way more than PS4 and I love the amount of seethe that comes out of Nintendo fans from this stupid golden man.

Attached: WHIIIIIRRRRR.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>still mad he got filtered
It NEVER ends

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I'm an idort who plays his PS4 way more than Switch and I love how much free time these sony fans must have to make these stupid images.

Sonybros why do we have to still make wojack images and mock the competence? Can we just enjoy our PS4 without bothering our others console frends?

Attached: ยด245645786578.png (633x874, 46.01K)

the game is a blunder and is releasing on PC
you lost in every conceivable way, you stupid bitch lmfao

Attached: vibe check.webm (1104x624, 1.35M)

death stranding is coming on pc retard

Attached: 1526549345925.jpg (700x850, 255.74K)

Wtf what did she do to him

I genuinely forgot about this game

That sounds wholesome actually

Attached: 1539687057899.jpg (960x960, 72.29K)

So, none?

Then why are you still so mad, little guy?

>so mad he starts failing basic english

Attached: 1559472687650.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

she unplugged his switch while he was playing animal crossing

Bought him a ps4 instead of something good

Attached: mayme.png (1600x1200, 58.96K)

the best

I'm not mad, I have the game and know it's bad.
You're the butt of the joke here, champ.

Attached: file.png (1360x868, 454.53K)

Attached: earthswitch.png (1280x720, 999.27K)

What the actual fuck is with white women nowaadays?
JESUS CHRIST not even poos are this disgusting.

so all sony memes are copypasting the same golden face and wojacks over and over?
lame, I expected better from you guys

Attached: 1584437995259.png (355x541, 262.07K)

This thread tells a very different story. Goldenface makes the tendies seethe like nothing else. Even passive-aggressive posts like makes me smile.

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Well the fanboys are a reflection of their company.

but RDR2 is on PC for free

Attached: ZEHAHAHAHA.jpg (810x456, 37.53K)

If you say so, I think the majority of the goldenface posters are idorts like myself anyways.


Attached: gen5.png (1600x1200, 553.63K)

I like how I get banned for posting this yet this thread gets to stay up. Euro hours really is a Sony/v/af clubhouse

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All this thread is telling me it's that Sonyfags are obsessed with their imaginary rivalry with Nintendo.

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Shitposting aside, why are so many PS exclusives movie or art games? the few game series that isn't a movie game barely gets advertised by sony or is loved greatly but never gets anything new till a shitty remaster 10 years later

Attached: you didnt make it.gif (200x150, 726.9K)

Does this count as guro?

Attached: 1559472421098.png (1024x1060, 912.99K)