This time it's SiN, an old PC FPS. Just a reminder in our current digital future, you don't own ANYTHING.
Steam is starting to delete the games you rent from them
>pirates it
>burns it to a disc
I own it now niggaaa
as usual, the steam moderator for free cuck defends steam without even checking himself.
Imagine renting games.
*steals your 17 year old game*
Well if he lived in Europe he could sue them for that
He might win, but valve would bleed him dry.
this thread is very misleading.
the game was removed from the store
not people's libraries
Imagine a Justice System where no matter the crime, if you have more money, you win.
>>not people's libraries
It was removed from peoples libraries.
wrong retard >It will disappear once you restart the Steam client
It was removed from peoples libraries
Yes if the publisher asks them to they have to remove the game from the store.
It should still be in the library unless there is a bug or aomething that makes it unusable with new steam DRM.
Worst part is valve never responds though.
>It should still be in the library
unless they remove it from your library, which they have total control over and can do whatever they want with your purchases.
>which they have total control over and can do whatever they want with your purchases.
How so
Sounds like all justice systems that have ever existed.
The devs are doing some kind of maintenance with the game, confirmed by discord trannies.
That would be a violation of their tos AND it would be illegal in many countries.
Again not sure they can do it.
You sure that guy didn't just get confused by the new library?
This but keeping it on an hdd is more secure than burning it on a disc
I've been banned from buying games before, and I've had one removed before. I can't remember which one it was, but I assumed because it was a game review code at the time.
makes no sense, prove it.
hdds are more volatile than optical media
Hah, man I love blizzard
>store game on disc, something happens to disc, lose one game
>store all games on an hdd, something happens to hdd, lose all games
>more secure
Wait, if Night Dive got hold of the Sin rights, that means they'll be able to uncancel the remaster.
not clicking links to viruses
>you don't own ANYTHING.
If you like is America maybe. Most civilized countries have laws against this shit. If steam ever deletes anything in my library it will have to give me a full refund.
A case like this wouldn't require a lawyer and you're 100% guaranteed to win. You ask for full refund + a couple of hundred bucks for time wasted.
good luck fighting their army of lawyers. I'm sure you'll come out of that one just fine.
proves the point really, even if it's for some poorly handled maintenance, this demonstrates developers have 100% control over the games you buy from them. This is an awful thing.
Prove it, fuckface.
Friendly reminder that whatever format you buy (or """rent""" :^) ) your games in there's always the chance you'll lose them, in which case you will have to re-acquire them.
Physical media decays or gets lost. Digital distribution can be ceased, and even your downloaded and backed up media can get corrupted. Ownership doesn't imply that you'll have what you bought forever, so fuck off with this "rental" nonsense.
It's possible the guy added it to the library while it was free, but never downloaded it, which is a case where the game can disappear I think
Then why remove it from libraries?
It’s just a bug, read the threads. It’s still installed on HDDs and still playable (doesn’t use Steamworks DRM). It’s throwing an “invalid app config error”, the publisher changed something and Steam no longer recognizes the AppID and it’s not playing nice with the file structure.
If it was actually a sinister jew-palm you-don’t-own-digital IP “game deletion”, why would they remove SiN’s campaign but not Ep 1 or the multiplayer app which come in the same bundle?
OK digital shill
I can guarantee you that if a dev/publisher wanted, they'd be able to force MS/Sony to block running a game on their console, disc or otherwise.
>proves the point really, even if it's for some poorly handled maintenance, this demonstrates developers have 100% control over the games you buy from them. This is an awful thing.
It's not. What you're asking for is indefinite resupply for something you only bought once. Normally you would have to pay for a fee for this service. If you don't want then then you're going to have to waive some of your rights.
Imagine buying a house with an electric implant and going "well I bought the house so why do I need to keep paying for electricity?"
I can only speak for Sony because I don't own an xbone, simply put: You're wrong.
>pay money
>say nothing
>money stolen
Wrong based on what, because it never happened yet? Region locks were already a thing, this would literally be the same thing to implement. Console gets an update and suddenly a game is on blacklist and you can't launch it.
Didn’t they completely force P.T. demo to be unplayable even on machines it was installed on?
I hope this US economic crash destroys Steam and GOG buy them and allow every games to be DRM-free.
Fuck Steam and fuck the US.
Can't steal my money if I don't have any.
>still have some of those "child porn" games steam had banned in library
>steam deletes old school fps instead because fuck you
>He doesn't know about bit flip
they sure did. the only way to play pt is to have it on a console that downloaded it and then didn't download any patches after (sometime in) mid 2018.
Remember Linux for PS3?
Do you really not back up your hard drive? It’s easy and automatable unlike with a giant stack of discs.
>not storing the entire game in your brain so you can access it anytime, anywhere
In situations like this it isn't you that sues them directly, it's some sort of consumer protection organization that sues them on your behalf
Did you PC faggots actually think you own digital games? LMAO get fucked. You don't and poof gone in 1 second
retards missing the point hard
it's no longer showing up in mine either
Kid, you gonna get v&
>game company can delete your game from your account without notice or warning
>steam moderators can community ban you (not even valve employees) for saying "game bad" and make it so you can't even buy games anymore
oof, and people defend this
>going "well I bought the house so why do I need to keep paying for electricity?"
Well, why do you? Get your own electricity.
Not really unless you have a NAS which costs lots of $$$. Or are a moron and backup to a second disk that is in active use.
Remember Linux for PS3?
retard missing the point hard
tfw sin gold on gog and not gay ass steam
Check your SteamApps folder, it should still be installed on your drive.
>look up the game
looks like shit who cares and it's like 30 years old
seriously you've either already played it by now or weren't going to
people are always looking to be outraged by something nobody who owned it gave a fuck about this game until one autist noticed it was missing
Eeeet oui, hahaha...
That's what PaaS & online gives you, instead of the good old cartridge/disc you buy and can play AD VITAM AETERNAM (until it malfunctions or you do)
hey dipshit
it's not about the game
stop being so fucking stupid
Install it
>automatable backup
just copy paste the games bro
this is fake news everyone just like the verified twitters
Nice cope
I think I broke the Sonibrony.
kinda proved his point really
thank god piracy is a thing
suck it steamfags
If it was intentional it would be unacceptable.
Luckily it’s just a bug, likely related to an update to how the title is coded in Steam (if I had to guess, they’re rebranding it as “SiN Classic” or something in preparation for continuing the abandoned reboot) and that can cause an AppID conflict that needs to be fixed on the back end. A similar thing happened with Bendy and the Ink Machine when the store page got rebranded into “complete edition”.
>good luck fighting their army of lawyers. I'm sure you'll come out of that one just fine.
Literally a non-issue. You don't need to higher a lawyer for something as clear as this and even if you were to higher a lawyer you could include the cost of your lawyer in your lawsuit(which you will win 100%)
Steam still has Darklands. It was removed from GOG recently.
Then prove it, take them to court now.
Click the “see the steam support site” link, what’s there? Is there any info on the specific error message? Invalid platform seems weird.
I can't because all my games are still in my library.
>confuses hire with higher
>thinks he would win this case
are you by chance retarded?
>it was already confirmed to be a bug
>people still having a meltdown over muh rights violation
Do you guys never get tired of being retarded?
Honestly, why are you first worlders such cucks? We pirate everything. Games, movies, TV shows, books.
And we keep it forever. For free.
I repeat, why are first worlders such cucks.
wtf why would they remove darklands of all things
It makes more sense steam would open themselves to lawsuits than that the developers made a mistake?
God damn take your pills schizo
Inaccurate portrayal of medieval germany
Not enough black people
>they don't pirate
and the "bug" in question has put an indelible truth to paper. something that was only partially confirmed, out in the open for all to see. no legalese, no hearsay.
You don't see any value in that?
1. English isn't my first language
2. It's 5am and I'm drunk give me a break
3. Yes I would win the case
>wow it's just a bug calm down we will give back your game jeez why are gamers like this
Im glad someone scribbled out the word f*g
It is very insensitive
>>it was already confirmed to be a bug
Where exactly was this confirmed?
Fake news.
Except for countries in the civilized part of the world.
Ew, a French Canadian.
Same shits about to happen with GTA 4. There is currently functional multiplayer across base game and EFLC and they (Rockstar) are going to remove the original versions that YOU OWN ALREADY and replace them with a shitty inferior version that won't have any multiplayer support. That means no more downloading old patch builds of the game to get better performance because their latest versions have shit fps not to mention garbage mod support. No more multiplayer. No more music downloads straight from Steam's servers. Just whatever new trash they feel like shoving down our throats. I fucking hate the digital age, and I especially fucking hate Jewishstar.
Yes and no. I live there but I'm a dirty immigrant.
>bought it on release
>still own discs
Which I could help. Same with Mafia and the missing music, but I am not a pirate so I don't know how to help restore content (and I'm not asking for a tutorial)