>Dahnana nana nana nana nanana dahnana nana nana nana
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woo yeah OH YEAH
Very happy for it to come out
Will be good filler Time before I play game of the century Half Life Alyx
I can only hope Doom can rip and tear me out of this funk I've been in since last month.
>4 hours long
>this is okay now
I wouldn't even pay $15 for it. If you buy it retail that is $15 per hour.
>Dahnana nana nana nana nanana dahnana nana nana nana
it's 22 hours, just for clarification
literally no one has any info on what the khan maykr fight is like, or if there is anything else to fight there besides drones.
Is John Romero's head in the game?
be funny if hugo and marty's head was on a stick inside the icon's brain
I just find it adorable that Doom Eternal uses the same bobbing animation for the Pain Elemental as a throwback.
doomguy talking is gonna piss the purists off
Good. Fuck em.
It's gonna be a fun watch.
is this similar to how icon of sin is going to be revived in the game?
There's a level name that I can't translate from german right before Urdak. "Nekravol"?
Not as deep as i thought it would
so six sentinel keys to get the unmaykr.
is that his sword?
no it's the unmaker from doom 64. you get the crucible on the level Taras Nabad.
here's what i got from doom eternal leaks
>Sentinel Prime (The Fall of Corrax)
>The Colosseum (Imminent Fury)
>Headquarters (Not the Villain)
>Surface Facility (Destroyer of Worlds)
>Mars Core (Escape)
>Gateway (Traveler)
>Suburbs (Hell on Earth)
>Downtown (City Fight)
>Cultist Base (The Blind Council)
>Hellgate (Wraiths)
>Blood Temple (Beyond the Well)
>Pantheon (The Netherworld)
>Mothership (The Light-Bringer)
>Axis Mundi (Paradise Lost)
>Primum Mobile (Transcendence)
>Empyrean (Meet Your Makyr)
>The Source (The Icon of Sin)
level select from a german stream
Nope. Those were proven to be utter bullshit. See
Also the maykrs aren't actual angels, they're aliens pretending to be angels like the goa'uld. minus the brain parasite thing.
Doom doom doo doom doom dooooooom!
i know the doom 64 incarnation
just wondering if they changed it up for the "reboot"
but i wonder if his crucible is the same one from 2016
aw shit, i knew something was up with the numbers of level
although im not sure what urdak would mean
Isn't that Brad Hawkins, mocap actor for the Doomguy?
Who incidentally voiced the Goblin Slayer? I guess Id is very deliberate with that.
no, it's not. you make your own. it's mechanics are basically an instant glory kill. it's limited to three uses and you have to collect "ammo" for it throughout the level.
so how's it different from the chainsaw, functionally? health instead of ammo, or something?
*the crucible's are. No one knows how the unmaker works. Probably the exact same as doom 64.
just sounds cool, but that's not what im talking about. im talking about "nekroval".
I said it was a glory kill. It's an emergency weapon for when shit hits the fan, but it's for one single target. It also has a story reason for its use. it's the only thing that will harm the icon in some way, probably to disable its armor.
yeah im seeing it. pretty legit how they have two parts for "nekroval"
yeah. whatever that means.
the chainsaw's uses recharge. The crucible is limited and is an instant kill to anything. People have bitched and moaned about too many power weapons, but master-level gameplay leads to me believe this is otherwise. Also, they've said that ultra-nightmare is actually hard as fuck this time around. moreso than 2016.
Do any of the levels open up? They are very linear so far.
About as much as they did in 2016.
Lame. They learned nothing.
ok, boomer.
there are side paths that lead to bonuses and collectables, upgrades, time-trials, etc.
*huff huff*
Is the complete story leaked?
>the chainsaw's uses recharge. The crucible is limited and is an instant kill to anything.
you're gonna need to explain this
does the chainsaw automatically regain ammo over time and the crucible act like 2016's chainsaw? or is it less forgiving
So Quake 3 was a test?
Sounds like the Q3A voice.
ONE fuel recharge for chainsaw
So wait wait
Doom guy was guts all along!
the chainsaw has three pips, but only recharges up to a single pip. A single pip will chainsaw all fodder-type enemies for ammo. You'll need progressively more pips in order to chainsaw the larger enemies. You get more chainsaw pips by finding gas cans in the world/leveling up its uses beyond three.
The crucible has only three uses until you find "ammo" for it, and instantly glory kills any enemy. It only counts as a glory kill and they'll only drop health (unless they're also on-fire, then you'll get armor too).
>unless they're also on-fire, then you'll get armor too
that's new
is the "armored offensive" rune gone this time?
750aud stimulus when cunts
The ground makes an unfriendly pillow...
Gain Elemental.
I don't remember what that is, but basically if you set dudes on fire, when they continue to take damage while on-fire they drop armor shards.
n33t fuckers getting free fucking money again
the rune was that you get armor with health on glory kill
oh yeah, that one's gone.
Chainsaw gains you ammo.
Flamethrower gains you armor.
Glory kills get you health.
Do we know if the Bethesda launcher is necessary to play the game even if you buy it on Steam?
>n33t fuckers getting free fucking money again
It's basically a write off so the economy doesn't crash
Enjoy working for negatively geared shit you can never afford cunt hahaha rekt
What does the crucible do?
ah balls
that said the "rich get richer" one (infinite ammo at 100+/75+ armor) is probably sacked too, huh?
Bitch, scroll up. It counts as a glory kill and gives you health.
No. It launches with a process named id launcher.
I'm really digging the dichotomy here, I always neglected my ammo upgrades in Doom 2016 because they felt totally isolated from the cycle since they're only part of sparce pickups on the map.
>Pre-Ordered on Greenman
Not ammo
apparently ammo pickups in the level will be fairly uncommon compared to 2016. you're encouraged to use your chainsaw.
yep. gone.
Dat smile.
what smile?
Anybody saved this stream?
bruh look at yo nose, bruh