what design decision could save the elder scrolls?
What design decision could save the elder scrolls?
>Let's outsource it
Go back in time and stop Todd from watching lord of the rings and deciding to make oblivion generic fantasy.
nobody else does elder scrolls styled games
Elder scrolls 6 should have been ESO but single player combat wise.
Thank God
The series's downfall was quantity over quality. Skyrim's major selling point was that you could go in any direction and never run out of things to do, when it should have stuck to a finite amount of quests that people will actually remember.
If they decide to design the game only for the niche hardcore gamers that want a complex and engaging RPG and say fuck money we don't need to do a simpler game that will appeal to the masses
I can't imagine how sick in the head you'd have to be to care about TES at this point. What exactly are you expecting? Did you see Fallout 4 and 76? I could go back further, but what's even the point? It will have all the out of touch hallmarks that the most recent Bethesda outings have. Paid modding, base building, muh akshun, all of that. And they'll probably package it with some self aware "LOL we're Bethesda and we're flawed" jokes and some phone games and that's all it will take. Fuck it, who cares.
I mean, ESO is basically outsourced. But you're not wrong.
Can we take a moment to discuss how fucking pointless it was to show that Elder Scrolls 6 trailer two years ago? It did and showed nothing, except lessen the hype for when the "real" trailer finally drops.
This is why rpgs fucking blow. Every example is still just "get 10 of thing" but with more fucking writing attached. Even when people get all up their own ass about "wow, this is what rpgs are supposed to be" it's still just boring wordy bullshit draped over an awful game. I don't give a fuck how you justified why I need to collect the seven stones of stupid shit, give me a grappling hook or fuck off.
Story and writting wouldnt matter if the gameplay is fun.
Go back in time and make kirkbride easier to work with.
That's fucking stupid. Functionally they're all just the same fetch quest. I don't care what superfluous flavour text is used.
You sound new to gaymen. It doesn't matter if the product is years away, you've gotta deliver some HOOOOOOYPE to the audience by revealing a title and nothing else.
What's the mechanical difference between "kill ten things, and collect their assholes", versus "shoot ten jihadist aliens, and do XYZ"? All games can be boiled down to "do X, Y times"
Remove zenimax and emil pagliarulo, give kirkbride and todd full control.
It was to drum up more interest in an Elder Scrolls game, to get you back into Skyrim, in time to buy some creation club content
>and todd
Give one gameplay reason anyone would prefer the top 2, going straight to the point is always better, no one has time for useless text
interesting quests
interesting random encounters like Glarthir in Oblivion
THere's a timeline out there where Oblivion has a jungle landscape.
go back to candy crush
Don't forget send that jew Altman to hell for what he's done to the series.
You can skip if you want, if you're the product of the American Education but for people that can read, it's there.
>that jew Altman
Owner of Zenimax. Major kike and directly responsible for all the retarded decisions by Bethesda.
reboot the series
it is silly that each new entry is seen as having to take place in one of a few one note kingdoms from Bethesda's D&D campaign thirty years ago
directional melee combat
no healing from the pause menu
no fast travel outside of high level magic or other difficult means
no main quest
pool effort into one good city instead of five small ones
make money scarcer ie most enemy armour is too damaged to sell or shopkeepers are less interested in crap in general
guilds/factions take effort to join and you can't become leader
mild survival mechanics like hunger/thirst
Todd is there to stop Kirkbride from going full acid trip with the game.
Quests are easily one of the worst things in rpgs. Unless they actually have HEART and it actually matters to a character don't make it a fucking quest, have all of the fetch quests be like GW2 hearts.
I thought the whole "skyrim quests almost always involve draugr caves" was mostly a meme but then I remembered the bard college and thieves guild and get mad.
For me, I'd say a return to the more complex past would be the biggest change.
I had much more fun decideing what class to be and which narrow path to take in Morrowind than leaning slightly into one path via race and then branching into everything like in Skyrim. Granted that happens in morrowind too but not as quick I believe.
They just smushed too many things down for no real benefit beyond attracting the dumbest of players. Going from blunt, axe, long blade, short blade, spear, and marksman to one handed, two handed, and archery is fucking lame; your dagger-using assassin can pick up up a daedric mace and be just as proficient.
And weapon diversity would be really nice too, eastern weapons were cool, really just having multiple weapons of different form in the same section like broadsword, shortsword, katana is neat.
Basically, just expand mechanics instead of simplifying things like they've been doing. Can't wait to see what gimmick they add to replace shouting, probably gonna be sword singing
Can hooyper be a new insulting catchphrase like zoomer and coomer
Why does this meme not feel genuine?
"The secret is my forge. It consumes fire salts, a strange mineral that burns as hot as Red Mountain lava. Well, it was. Sadly, this forge is dying and I've used the last of my fire salts."
I mean, so long as there's a few developers to translate his drug induced ranting to gameplay, I don't see the problem.
What purpose does this serve, outside of making everyone drop the series even faster?
>mild survival mechanics like hunger/thirst
He was about 24-26 there, it's pretty funny when you think about it.
Kirkbride does indeed go to far when left to his own devices, nothing wrong with it but he does need someone to tell him no from time to time and according to him he only won one argument with Todd which was a screaming match over how high wherewolves could jump.
Steampunk era. 9 years of Skyrim leave me with no interest in the paralyzed medieval setting.
Right, he needs to be reined in a little, but I'd rather lean more towards Kirkbride's cocktail of Hindu and Nordic mythology than the shit we got with Skyrim.
Rewarding player specialization and making content that isn't half-baked like marriage, that joke of a civil war, or god forbid the entirety of Hearthfire. Overall though what I think hurts Skyrim the most is just being a very bland game in the way of content, quest quality sucks dick and the range of available stuff to kill feels really low with the overbearing presence of Bandits and Draugr, with a surprisingly barren Daedra selection.
why do you need all that flavor text just for the quest screen? he tells you everything in dialogue
Just make Oblivion 2 literally all they need to do.
every fucking time
go back to your containment general
I'm not "boiling the game down", this is literally all it is. There's rarely any further complexity, and if there is it's endless stat allotment that's either dull and pointless or completely broken.
This isn't
>use this lockon gun to clean out trash enemies, the bazooka breaks shields, and the lightning gun to attack fliers, there's ten bosses
It's not even
>this jump is higher and shorter, but this is longer and lower, there's ten worlds
What is, is nothing more than
>the fireball hurts npcs, the lightning spell hurts npcs, and all the melee weapons do the same thing, but if you craft a magic weapon on a sunday with Bimlies craft bonus you can kill everything in one hit, also every quest in the brown wasteland is "talk to guy" or "collect x of y". You've gotta do this one sidequest, you also collect x of y but the guy is really funny
RPGs are just games where the important bits are deemed unimportant
Is no one going to point out how fucking stupid OP's pic is, or at least the point it's trying to make. The player doesn't need a paragraph of fucking explanation for a quest they were just given- they know who he is and why he needs fire salts from the dialogue. In terms of UI Skyrim's is by far the best, short and to the point. No reading 200 words when you're just trying to remember what your objective is for a quest you got last week and ignored.
Not at all the same vein as getting directions from villagers based on landmarks and cardinal directions instead of quest markers.
Morrowind is just fucking stupid. Skyrim gets to the bloody point, and Oblivion strikes a tedious middleground. Shove salt up your arse, boomer.
>i don't want to learn information through interactive DIALOGUE, i want to learn by reading some long winded flavor text on the quest menu!
for what purpose? genuinely
Roll play, or at least a more dynamic world that reacts to the actions of the player. All you get in Skyrim is the guards referencing the fact you're dragonborn and your alignment to different factions. Better characters to talk to with real dialogue choices would also be nice. If not that, then at least add a vector of skill to combat. In Skyrim playing easy or playing requires the exact same amount of skill within combat, but playing on hard requires more resources and maybe picking your fights better.
role play** FUCK
Please elaborate what the point was?
you probably haven't even played oblivion or morrowind for more than 2 hours
Low quality zoomer bait
>Skyrim gets to the bloody point
Ah yes, clicking on the big arrow to watch next part of the movie. Peak modern gameplay right there.
Outer Worlds tried. They failed, but they tried.
too bad its the best ES game
Reminder that this is a troll image
>a strange mineral that burns as hot as Red Mountain lava
This line is LITERALLY in Skyrim. In fact, if this quest was in Morrowind, the dialogue would be more brief, and just be some dude saying "get me 10 fire salts, because outside the main quest, Morrowind's dialogue sucks