This is not war. This is murder

>This is not war. This is murder.
>This is how you end a war, Chernov.

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I find it absolutely astonishing how long it took the German High Command to accept the war was lost. How can you have literal months, years even, to look at the overall strategic situation, and think "Yep, this is winnable, no need to surrender and save the lives of countless Germans."
All the nights when they went to bed and had time to think on what they had seen, and they didn't come to realise it was fucked until April '45, and surrendered in May.
It just boggles my mind. Any child could see they stood no chance for years by the end of the war.

At that point it was delaying the Soviet advance and allow people to move west to surrender to the western allies.

For that I respect the German Empire and Wilhelm II, they surrendered before the Entente forces could do any substantial damage to Germany itself (something France was eager to do, despite American and British objections).

>>and think "Yep, this is winnable, no need to surrender and save the lives of countless Germans."
>Why didn't they cuck out and do another stab in the back
>Why didn't they want to surrender when all aggreived parties were posturing in a manner that would spell the doom of Germany as a nation
>Why didn't they surrender when the 'international finance' backed nations would exact vengeance for what they did
Astounds me how anyone can wonder why they didn't surrender.
Oh right, virtually no one understands it since the education on the topic extends to 'Germany bad cuz holocaust, Russian winter strong, British never surrender, French surrender monkeys, Japs kamikaze, America win war'.


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>Germany bad cuz holocaust, Russian winter strong, British never surrender, French surrender monkeys, Japs kamikaze, America win war'
I don't get it? All of those are true

while I don't disagree, the Japanese were way worse

>Why didn't they cuck out and do another stab in the back
Because they couldn't win.
>Why didn't they want to surrender when all aggreived parties were posturing in a manner that would spell the doom of Germany as a nation
Because they couldn't win.
>Why didn't they surrender when the 'international finance' backed nations would exact vengeance for what they did
Because they couldn't win.

>Because they couldn't win.
They didn't want to repeat what was perceived to have happened in the Great War, and as such it was an all or nothing situation for the Regime at that point.

>Because they couldn't win.
>Because they couldn't win.
Then they may as well bleed their enemies of as much strength as possible, since the only alternative was unconditional surrender.

Do people actually think they're clever when they just repeat a singular answer? It just makes them look like teenagers.

Indeed, they were worse in most aspects of the war.

this, it was an fu to the kikes

>I find it absolutely astonishing how long it took the German High Command to accept the war was lost.
They knew the war was lost, they also knew that world Jewry would punish them whether they capitulated early or late. Also because they swore personal oaths to AH and would be killed if they sabotaged the war effort.

What I don't understand is how Hitler is seen as the central enemy in WW2 and Churchill is seen as the hero.
>Hurr Hitler killed the joos
Churchill had pretty much the same view as Hitler about them. He wrote in the 20s that Bolshevism was a front for world Jewish conspiracy against Western Civilization. Only reason he did their bidding was because of getting rekt in the Depression and doing them favors to maintain his decadent lifestyle.
>Hurr Hitler racist fascist
Churchill was gleeful when the Indian famine happened and later planned to use the slogan "Keep Britain White" in an election before having a stroke. He wrote extensively about the superiority of the white race and how it should perpetuate itself.
>Hurr Hitler was evil imperialist
Churchill said it would be Britain's finest hour only if the empire lasted a thousand years.
>Hurr Hitler was a warmonger
Churchill rejected a generous peace offer from Hitler that was a get out of jail free card, Britain would've maintained world supremacy and tens of millions of lives would have been saved. Holocaust wouldn't have happened. Instead he agitated for America to enter the war (his only hope at winning), literally employing British agents to propagandize the American public.

The cuck brain will never understand the concept of dedication to a righteous cause

Because fanaticism is a curious thing.

Stabbed in the back myth from WW1 made them want to go win all or lose all.

The war was already lost as early as late 1942 but by then allies had already agreed to accept only unconditional surrendering of germany and that no allied nation could sue for peace alone. Germans were still in too good of a position in europe to uncoditionaly surrender 1942-early 44. By late 44-ealy 45 were still on the outskirts of actual german land so if they surrendered then they'd be doind the same thing that was done in 1918 and since they nazi party build itself upon ideas such as the stab in the back myth they couldn't possibly do the same. And by the time allies actually ogt into germany it was a fight for their own land and lots of german were still up to defending their own lands and delay soviet advance in full revenge mode.

Nothing righteous about continental slavs that leech off white Europeans you filthy kraut faggot.

$0.10 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for fighting the good fight Goy!

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>t. Yiddish Kraut falseflagger
kys you kryptokike scumfuck

>Holocaust wouldn't have happened
Yes it would.
It was being planned since taking poland.

But yeah, everyone hated jews back then. But no one had genocided on a industrial scale before.

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Krauts faked the holocaust for the Jews using poor rival kikes as bait for Israel holy shit you stupid cunts it’s fucking obvious. No famous rich Jews disappeared.

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Where did they go then mutt?

I'll save you some time and send you straight to the cope:

Long story short, there was no "they"

Why people find it killing 6 million people so hard in a war that killed over 10 times that many. The "the concentration camps couldn't have killed that many" argument is a non issue because that 6 million figures is not only on death camps but also things like the well recorded (and often complained about by army officers) SS pulling into polish towns during early ocupation, rounding up jews and other undesirables and shooting them. Also Labor camps had high death counts due to malnurisment and bad treatments.

Russophobic propaganda


They had an idea hence why they sent many vehicles and supplies to Antarctica, their underground Shangri la. It isn’t bullshit either, they really did this. The question is are they still alive and did the subterranean hollow earth beings kill them.


Speaking of which, ever wonder why socialism in Russia is anti-degenerate while Western/American-style socialism is downright degenerate? Not only that, American socialism (that worships GRIDs normalization and feminism) in general has a burning, seething hatred for its own people. It's not that US socialism is even capable of criticizing its society's own degenerate lifestyle, it CELEBRATES degeneracy. Which in turn makes Americans turn in on each other.

>we are literally ascended beings, we cant lose, only humans lose
They attacked Russia in the middle of winter whilest fighting on other fronts. Dont underestimate how fucking retarded they Nazis were, I have no idea why a few people idolize such stupidity like they were anything but idiots, they had conviction, but so does every cult.
>all germans are decendents of the ancient Aryan race who were closest to the gods, and we need to become closer to the gods again by removing all impurities and allowing us to be able to lift mountains and shoot lightning as well reclaim our right full heritage as rulers of the world
Like, this was real, it was a cult nation, people actually thought this and it wasnt just a group of spastics in a corner of the internet, they were a nation that were rallied into something really stupid, like all cults take advantage of people who are lost and down in life, coupled with German autism it was is next level stuff.

>Zoomer can't understand concepts like dedication, bravery and honor

They did, but the Germans were aware that America, Britain, and the USSR wanted to basically salt the earth that Germany was built on. The Morgenthau plan for example, of which the Nazis knew about, involved completely dismantling Germany's industry and included loopholes to allow an occupational government to do pretty much whatever it wanted to a civillian populace, and this was the nicer plan (I forget the original JCS directive). I remember specifically another idea that was proposed wherein they wanted to "breed the war gene" out of them by forcefully expelling german men from the country and forcing german women to marry foreign men (ie industrial scale rape). The Soviets wanted to turn it into an entirely agrarian, pseduo feudal nation like a shittier Ukraine susceptible to Holodomor 2.0. Now obviously these didn't come to pass as the allies realized it would be a lot more useful to use Germany as a staging point for a fight with Russia, but nevertheless this type of shit was known to them. Would you fight in that case?

And when I say faggot US socialism has a burning hatred for its own people, I'm not joking. If we are to believe socialism is all about "proletariat vs. bourgeoisie," then US socialism does none of that. Most people would say US leftism is all about despising Caucasian Americans and wishing for their deaths, but I think it's much worse than that. It's not that they hate them solely because they're born Caucasian and straight, it's that US leftism is purely tribalistic. And I don't get why they're not ashamed of that. The greatest irony about all of this is supposed to be about "unity" and "solidarity." So not US leftism doesn't criticize social/sexual degeneracy and instead celebrates it, it just utterly fails to acknowledge that they're not supposed to worship identity politics, racialism and victimhood narratives if they are to be calling themselves leftists.

why wont greedy ass activision cunts put black ops 1 on sale for more than $20? I want to buy it on PC but honestly fuck them, might just get it for free

>Yes it would.
>It was being planned since taking poland.
No it wasn't, the current version states that by 1942 they didn't know what to do with all the jews they had yet and only did the final solution when the war was turning against them. Keep up bro, read the patch notes.

Buy it from a key site retard.

holy fucking shit i hate you people
the german army was fucking OBLITERATED past august 1918

if i was the leader of the nation that started two world wars and invented industrialized genocide, i'd be hesitant to surrender.
why would you assume you'd be well treated if you surrendered unconditionally, after the allies discover everything you've been up to?

fuck you nigger no shit I've checked, no key site has Black Ops 1 except for shitty mac versions which won't work on windows

High Command had nothing to lose. They could die in the unwinnable war waiting for divine intervention, or they could surrender and die by firing squad.
When things got comically bad (like "measuring the distance to Russians in terms of street corners" bad.) the high ranking people still wanted to buy time to (a) escape, or (b) wait for German forces elsewhere to rescue them in a fit of sheer delusion.

B-but muh respectful, safe, peaceful nihon did nothing wrong.

Look at modern Germany and say it didn't come to pass and you're retarded. The native germans despise themselves, half the people there are rape babies or their parents were and we've all discussed the multiculturalism changing ethnic make up.

Tell it like it is man. Germany predicted what would happen and it happened to them. There's records of so many rape babies being born they ended up throwing them in the river as literal post birth abortions because the mothers couldn't raise them.

Probably the best WW2 game out there.

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>attacked Russia in the middle of winter
>June 22nd
>middle of winter

Its always winter in Russia.

So whatever the case, the only main purpose of the US left is to feed the US right. And I guess they're proud of that. It's just so deliciously ironic to me. If their belief was all about "solidarity," then they wouldn't prove the US right correct via the US left despising the existence of specific Americans who happen to be born of European decent, deeming them as literal devil spawns or something.

Once you take away the "white," "black" "brown" parts, US leftism gets even creepier. You'll soon then realize this is all about despising specific European ethnicities in North America, now that's an even worse kind of xenophobic bigotry because, like I said, it's not about "white," "black," "brown," or even about orientation, anymore. US leftism is now deeming all random Caucasian-Americans as a "collectively evil" force. Imagine creating an ideology centered around "rich vs. poor" no matter what race/identity and then reimagining it as strictly race/identity politics. Again, all that US leftism is doing is proving the US right correct. So it's not even like Americans of all colors/identity are "divided by class," they simply just can't stand each other. All this will lead to is a gigantic race/culture war.

>Churchill rejected a generous peace offer from Hitler that was a get out of jail free card
Why the fuck would you accept any of Hitler's promises after all the promises he'd broken before?
>Lol I illegally re-arm
w-well the treaties were unfair anyway, i guess.
>Lol I illegally remilitarize the Rhineland
w-well it's okay that's still German territory
>Lol I illegally annex Austria
w-well it's basically Germany anyway, that's okay too.
>Gib German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia autonomy
Okay, that's fair and reas--
>Gib German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia to Germany
w-well okay, they do speak German, you can have them if you promise to leave the non-German speaking part of that country independent
>Lol I illegally annex all of Czechoslovakia in violation of the promise I made this same year
w-well... i don't want a war
>Lol I invade Poland
No. Leave.
>Lol No
okay, it's war.
>Lol I invade France, grab half of it, begin ridiculous plans for annexing parts of it. Hey Britain, want a peace treaty? You can keep your navy and everything. Come on, you can trust me. When have I ever gone back on a promise?
Fuck you. Leave Poland and France or no peace.

US Leftism is racial politics in a nutshell. Non-whites see they can band together to attack the white majority. They get much more power this way and then can share up the loot when whitey is too weak to stop them.

It's really easy to understand what is happening when you stop acting like European ethics and world view applies to non-Europeans.

I don't agree, but it's def the best game about ww2

If they really did this they'd be frozen in the ice, user.

invading Russia in winter wasn't even their stupidest move, you should read into Nazi logistics. Even before the war went to shit they were using horses and cards because they had about 1000 different incompatible models of truck, none of which they had spare parts for. (The Russians for comparison, themselves being rather inefficient, had about 14.)

>illegally annex Austria
this is the dumbest thing I've read on Yas Forums in a week.
>illegally annex all of Czechoslovakia
This is only part when Germany acted rash and unfairly in this whole thing. But even then, you could argue that there was no other choice at that point, which is one of the reasons why Hitler created protectorate and provided better treatment of Czechs.
>lol I invade Poland
Around the same time as Soviets did. But for some unexplained reason, allies only decided to start war with the Germany.
>oh nooo, they invaded a country (France) which declared war on them! How is that possible, such a crime!
Are you retarded?

Also considering how Britain acted before that (starting with Munich Agreement) and their long list of broken treaties and promises, I would say you can fuck off with those double standards too.

>this is the dumbest thing I've read on Yas Forums in a week.
It was explicitly forbidden for Germany and Austria to unify under the treaty of Versailles.
>there was no other choice at that point
How about being content with German autonomy in Czechoslovakia rather than looking at neighboring countries like a buffet table?
>But for some unexplained reason
They had a treaty to protect Poland from Germany and only Germany. Poland was a line in the sand, nobody actually cares about the sand.
>oh nooo, they invaded a country (France) which declared war on them!
They made no offer to withdraw entirely from France in exchange for peace (i.e. peace with status quo ante bellum.)
>and their long list of broken treaties and promises
Britain wasn't the one asking Germany for peace so it doesn't matter how untrustworthy they were. Germany spent the 1930s bullshitting the allied powers, then expected to be taken seriously when it promised that this time when it offered peace it really honestly and truly meant it and wouldn't cause any more trouble.

Funny how most people I see on Twitter using the Amerimutt meme are usually coming from NazBols who claim "I want solidarity with everybody" as they then proceed to call every single Caucasian from Europe to North American as literal devil spawns. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they use it to criticize modern US society's obsession with LGBTism, feminism and mutilating people's genitals and calling it "gender transition." But for the most part, this isn't the case at all.

I've already had this theory at the back of my head long ago. That the meme has less to do with being against miscegenation or even hating kikes, it more has to do with leftists pretending to be NatSoc being against "imperialism." Because it's not about Global Jewry, may I remind you, it's all about "Muh Ebil Euros" oppressing every single low IQ shitskin on the planet. These NazBols are just wishing for a race war to happen so they can side with the shitskins against the Caucasians.

The Amerimutt meme isn't about being against the ongoing miscegenation of America done by kikes and criticizing Americans for not doing a damn thing about it, it's about wishing for miscegenation to continue because NazBols will always have a Third Worldist spot inside of them. Which is a branch of Marxism that alludes to an idea that every single First Worlder Caucasian is an enemy to the Third World shitskins and pisskin China. This isn't even about being pro-Russia/pro-China or not, NazBol crypto-Third Worldists despise anyone born as a Westerner. From North America to Oceania.

P.S. I know the Amerimutt meme is used by Europeans and Oceanians, too. Usually because their populations are more White than the US (then I see shitskins using it, one even used the term "cracker," ok nigger). And maybe also it's because it's not even remotely possible for different ethnicities to unite over anything, even if they're of the same race. If this wasn't the case, European feudalism would never have happened.

Its mostly because of the wests sexual/cultural revolution and lots of hippes with daddy issues that think its cool to rebel

You could say there's always a reason why politics leads to racialism. Right, left, doesn't matter. I think all of this world divide has absolutely nothing to do with race, and more on a fact it's all about historical/present circumstances and at times exaggerating it for their own needs. In short, everyone on this planet is reactionary at heart. Marxian materialism like to think different hominids across the world are *not* reactionary at heart, which is very false. White, black, brown, yellow, everyone is self-serving to some degree. The only "unity" we can see in this world throughout is if it can mutually benefit oneself. Which coincidentally more or less has something to do with race, in the end. As it's the easiest form of social unity.

>muh treaty of Versailles
German people wanted it. Austrian people wanted it. Versailles were extremely unfair from day 1 and deliberately set to make Germany a failed state.
>How about being content with German autonomy in Czechoslovakia rather than looking at neighboring countries like a buffet table?
You seem to miss the fact that Czechoslovakia had some 2,5 millions strong army with modern armaments, plenty of tanks, artillery and were strongly pro-Britain/France. Now look at the map again too and understand that when these two are your enemies (and they are by the mere existence of WWI and above mentioned Versailles treaty AND their contemporary politics) you can't really have that less than 4 hours from your capital.
>They had a treaty to protect Poland from Germany and only Germany
Nice, you finally went to pure lie territory. The agreement does not specify that, it only talks about "threatening of Polish independence", no matter by whom. The whole agreement does not contain a word "Germany" at all. And considering what Soviets did right after it, that makes it even more ridiculous.
>They made no offer to withdraw entirely from France in exchange for peace
Stop pushing the goalpost. France declared war on them, they invaded the France. Afterwards, not before that. Germany was completely within their rights here.
>Britain wasn't the one asking Germany for peace so it doesn't matter how untrustworthy they were.
Irrelevant. The point is, both of these countries had some treaties broken before and Britain was far more efficient in that. Therefore "noooo Germany broken X" can't be used as an argument, since it only shows your double-standards.
>Germany spent the 1930s bullshitting the allied powers
Britain did that for better part of the century, French as well.


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WaW got really fucking scary at parts that I'd assume they were intending to make it a full blown horror game.

I'm surprised they didn't put murdering civilians into it with how brutal some scenes were.

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Wasn't there a visit to concentration camp in some newer CoD?

>I think all of this world divide has absolutely nothing to do with race
You are literally a fucking idiot jerking yourself off to Western individualism to the point where you have lost touch with reality.

How can someone be so out of reality?

The holocaust wasn't something that happened in the vacuum of the concentration camps, it happened in the ghettos, in the offices of the Gestapo, and by the time the final solution was enacted many german prisons acted as proto camps with political prisoners being sent and worked to death. Within the holocaust, 12 million people died, 6 million just counts the jews. We know this because the Nazi party was proud of the service they were performing for the world because meticulous work records were kept as well as an inventory of what was taken from the prisoners to be redistributed to the populace to keep them cowed in the times of scarcity. Only by the very late stages of the war when commandants feared the firing squad did they try to erase camps and their crime. After the war, the entire german Reich left behind mountains of paperwork that was the result of the bureaucracy involved in mass murder. No single person can understand what that loss of human life entails for us all, so in a way, I can understand your disbelief. 12 million people died as non-combatants as a direct result of the Reich's mass murder, by trying to forget this we invite the monstrous cruelty of mankind to return and teach us this lesson again.

Never forget the 12 million goy

>Why people find it killing 6 million people so hard in a war that killed over 10 times that many.
Because there is no proof. That many dead would mean those bodies would need to be put in lots of mass graves right? You can’t leave them out in the open to rot. No mass graves were ever found.
>Concentration Camp couldn’t have killed that many
Again show me proof of mass graves existing. MILLIONS of dead Jews would mean that you need thousands of graves for their bodies right? Where are the supposed graves then?
>SS Shot them
Millions of them? Lol no, only in Hollywood movies. Jews made these claims at the beginning of the war but they were proven to be false later on. German Soldiers also got the death penalty for shooting civilians, which included Jews.
>Labor camps had high death counts due to malnourishment and bad treatment.
Germany was losing the war and had issues with the Allied air bombing which affected the camps because no supplies could arrive. Zyklon B was used to delouse Jews to prevent Typhus outbreaks. Typhus and malnourishment killed interned Jews and altogether no more than 500 thousand Jews died in WW2.

is that all you have?

I like that part when all that bureaucratic German data you talk about do not exist.

I was actually just making a point that everyone on this planet, whether white, nigger, shitskin or yellow, everyone is reactionary at heart, whatever reactionary even means. It's also why I said racial collectivism is the most common type of unity in this world. Marxism tries to explain that "we are not born reactionary but culturally nurtured to be reactionary," which again is false. This is why US leftism panders to racial politics even though it shouldn't. It's the single greatest irony of Marxist thought.

Though this doesn't really explain why Europeans throughout history have waged wars against each other via feudalism.

>wanted to read a comfy COD game before bed
>its full of various Yuropoors reeeing about WW2
God I hate living in Hawaii. While all the other good mutts are in bed you guys are Yas Forums posting. I guess the only way to reminisce about fun COD games is to talk about Blops 1 and mw2. Anytime I see a late night WAW thread it's full of self proclaimed nazi and allied historians and arm chair generals.

Remember Naziboos, you lost to communist Jews! Sorry!