Lisa or undertale

im down for some rpg maker kino. which one is the true masterpiece and which one is gay?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Toby is cooler then the self hating faggot behind Lisa

They're both pretty fucking gay.

both are good but are nothing alike
lisa is a traditional RPG with a lot of weird shit, undertale is a weird bullet hell-style thing disguised as an earthbound ripoff

Undertale has somewhat enjoyable combat, LISA has combat that was outdated 20 years ago

Found the redditors


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Both are gay, play Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa

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They're both good. I recommend playing LISA drunk.

Undertale are for fags.

Not an argument retard. LISA somehow managed to make Earthbound combat but even more boring.

>he plays rpgs for the combat
>thinks the combat in LISA is less advanced and interesting than Earthbound
>thinks Yas Forums is for actually having real arguements

Play both, because they're both good games.
Then don't play LISA The Joyful, because it is shit.
Then wait an unknown amount of time until Deltarune is finished, because just from the demo it will be mechanically and narratively more interesting than Undertale.
Then pray to the gods that LISA The Pointless gets finished because despite being a fangame it's arguably as good as or better than LISA.
Also play Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, so you can be as mad as I am that the sequel got shitcanned.

They released a playable demo a couple months ago, looks pretty finished desu.

Play OFF.

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they're both great games
here's a quick rundown

>dogshit combat
>very good amount of party member options
>good number of sidequests/side areas
>more atmospheric
>far more interesting world and story
>bleak and dark tone with good mix of levity and comedy for balance
>can't talk about it with normies (they never heard of it)

>insufferable fanbase
>includes literally the worst character from any media property (yellow dinosaur)
>very good combat
>great music
>ok story
>very good "chapter" moments
>good world and environments
>ending section is excellent
>movie equivalent of PG rating
>can talk about it with normies

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They're alright so try any of these other games.

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Off is less a twisted version of Earthbound, and more what a twisted, alternate universe would have made instead of Earthbound.

That was in August, 7 months ago.
The dev team has fallen apart, all the original devs are gone and there are only two people working on it, but very slowly and only part time at that.
The game is dead bro.

Pretty fair comparison.

>>includes literally the worst character from any media property (yellow dinosaur)
extremely true

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just play both, undertale is only a few hours long and they're both like 10 bucks
I want a game where the whole premise is dudes fighting by posing and dancing at each other. It would be like Jojo but minus the stands, you could KO someone just by flexing hard enough at them.

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Lazrool said that he left development because he had finished everything he was supposed to create. The game is essentially finished, it's only being kept unreleased so that they can add more autistic procedural generation systems.

Undertale has the better gameplay.
LISA has the better story and characters.
They both have top tier music.
I personally prefer LISA.

Attached: LISA.png (1024x1312, 768.08K)

>Kino: The Image

soon :)

>includes literally the worst character from any media property (yellow dinosaur)
I like Undertale but I will never understand why people actually like Alphys and Undyne. They're genuinely terrible people.

Apples and oranges.

Undertale's more fun, with a charming and comedic feel-good adventure story.

Lisa's more depressing, with Earthbound mechanics filtered through survival horror, unforgiving RNG, and bouts of surreal dark humor.

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OP has played both games already and is just infighting fighting. Why can't we just play both games and enjoy them both. Yes one has a horrible fan base, but that doesn't make the game worse. It just makes you feel worse about liking it because you are a dumb sheep.

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play both retard
drm free games nigga just pirate both
not like you're doing anything important


No one here's fighting about either.
Both are relatively decent.
Off and Hylics are much higher on my recommendation list.

People who like Alphys self insert and emphasize with her retard shit

Some people like female knights, there's entire manga dedicated to them for example.

Lisa is pretty good.
undertale is boring unless you go genocide route where it has 2 fun boss fights and a fuckload of grinding

horrible fanbase > sjw cringe creator's fall from grace

What is it about undertale that Yas Forums hates? Is it the furry characters? The fandom? The gameplay?

it's all of the above, right?

I dislike the characters not because they're furry, but because they're either awful people or have no depth. And yeah, the fandom is awful, but the game is still like an 8/10.

let me take a stab in the dark, the only reason it's an 8/10 is because of the music. you know it to be true.

All of the above, plus the cringe tumblr-tier writing.

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I liked the gameplay, the only problem was that unless you're doing a genocide run there is no reason to not just run away from every encounter. The game was also too easy.

>looking for some rpg maker kino
well undertale was made in gamemaker so lisa wins by default lol

I don't know how to feel about this. I've never seen good lisa fanart

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Undyne is abbrasive and a retard but a fundamentally good person, willing to sacrifice everything for her people.

Alphys is a fucking monster. The people that like her are mostly women, because women think the best course of action when having been caught doing something bad is to try to spin it as having been done for a decent reason.

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Melty's Quest.


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Go for Lisa.
Undertale is zoomer-pandering meme trash.

furry is a part of it, as is the fanbase. but honestly I just don't like the sappy friendship is magic tier bullshit.
also intentionally trying to be a meme jokes.


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Uhh neither, play Hylics or Space Funeral

>Undyne is abbrasive and a retard but a fundamentally good person
She's a child murderer like Asgore. Her joking about anime doesn't absolve her.

Human children are more powerful than any monster. It only makes sense that she would attack with killing intent, it's the only chance she had to win.

Play them both. They're both good and both short.

Both have their strong points and worth playing but any retard can regurgitate a reason to dislike either. If you prefer set pieces, hot robots, and a homerun ost play undertale first. If you prefer difficulty, humor that's deeper than character quirks, and more of a focus on strategy and teambuilding, play lisa first.

then fuck off and play everything else people suggested. hylics, space funeral. hell do an earthbound randomizer just have fun you retard.

How does that morally justify trying to kill someone

Both are good for their own reasons.

Undertale is a lot more vague, Lisa has very explicit themes of abuse and how being a fucked up person can fuck other people up under your care and the vicious spiral people can go down.

Also Lisa is turn based combat, but you're required to think and be strategic, with items being immensely useful - alongside having to make difficult decisions on weather you want to sacrifice those useful items to save a useful party member from being shot.

Undertale is a lot more feel good and humorous, and ultimately has a hopeful ending. Lisa will also be funny, but will happily punch you in the gut right after you get a morbid laugh

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Poor Toby had Andrew rub off on him.

At least he had plenty of practice making bops with Homestuck

Lisa is vidya for men that teaches men to cherish the best moments with your pals and pits the player into making drastic choices between altruism vs self preservation
Blundertale is vidya for lonely manchildren that would rather be satisfied with the thought of having friends without the effort of seeking some IRL
There, I saved you 10 dollars, Barry

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