You know what? He's actually a pretty okay character.
You know what? He's actually a pretty okay character
His game is shit though. Everyone memes xiii as awful but x is a worse xiii.
Shit take, kill yourself
I wholeheartedly refuse
Gr8 b8 to start the thread off m8
He's fine in the latter half and in the narration, but he is one irritatingly whiny bitch for the first half of the game.
Why say things like this?
I like him. I didn't at first but I liked that he started to become more selfless while still being a cocky asshole
Isn't character development nice?
This. His romance with Yuna is also pretty bad and random, but they're teenagers so it's excuseable.
inb4 Tidus laugh
Good character. Not great tier like Basch or Cloud.
basch is a fucking plank of wood compared to tidus
The first half makes the latter a lot better for that IMO. Nice to actually see him develop. Love how it climaxes at the end and the dude tells Jecht he hates him, but he's come to sympathize way too much with his old man by this point that he says it in the most half-assed manner, as if he's just doing it out of obligation because everyone's expecting him to, than actually meaning it.
It's called character development
>people will unironically use that scene to say FFX is shit
>just prove that they haven't played the game and don't get the context
Titus is okay but Wakka and Auron steal the show
We all can't be chad like Jecht
I like him cause he reminds me of me.
I haven't played this game since initial release but I've been feeling a bizarre urge to revisit it.
I don't even really like the FF series. But I enjoyed 10 and I enjoyed 14 ARR (before I got burnt out at about level 52)
This games world is just so comfy from what I recall.
Does it hold up overall? Hows the PC release?
its good buy it
Wakka is absolutely based. Auron is very cool, but it's annoying in retrospect how a lot of emotional scenes are just a result of him not telling anyone anything.
>b-but muh teachings!!!
wakka went to shit halfway through
>le xiii waifu apologist
fuck off you're a faggot for liking tranny cloud
kill yourself
It's fine. If you're American, it introduces content that you missed out on during the PS2 era. The models do look worse in some aspects, but it's not that noticeable. I think it holds up extremely well. Every time I play it I think "I know this game so well by now, I'll just get bored before long" but then I end up getting sucked in and finishing the playthrough plus all of the postgame.
Any character with feelings and emotions is garbage in my book. And if they cry, I throw the game into the trash. Feelings are for cinematic experiences. I play video games for good gameplay.
What do you mean? He was a devout follower of his religion forced to deal with uncomfortable realizations. Or are you just referring to him getting over his racism?
im referring to him going from a cool older brother type to a whiny little bitch right up to the end
This is an example of GREAT voice acting, not bad.
Yuna, on the other hand.
yuna's voice makes me hard as a rock
PC release is the definitive edition if you can get around the model replacements. Some of the expressiveness gets lost in the chink models.
Alright cool. I'll wait until the next Squeenix sale on steam. Lot of shit coming out right now.
Any onhand tips? I had absolutely no idea what the fuck I was doing way back then. Last thing I remember was fighting the 3/4 phase medusa head. Or was it the final Seymour fight... Fuck, whicher came last between those two.
X is good. I missed the world map and active time battles, but it was still good. It was where FF started to feel less like FF though.
>I play games for good gameplay
>still bothers to watch the cut scenes anyway
of course it's some stupid retarded reaction image too
kill yourself faggot
>still bothers to watch the cut scenes anyway
Not like I can even skip them, a problem square hasn't remedied in 20 years.
Are there any chad FF protags?
Oh don't get me wrong me too, but the performance was shit. I'm literally going through some of that AI training autism from /mlp/ with yuna's voice files. I'm not joking look at the screenshot that's all my dumped wav files
and here's one of the cutest things I've ever seen
I’ll take Tidus over the shitshow that was Noctis any day of the week.
Zidane, Butz, Balthier, Yuna
2 is my favorite Final Fantasy I like it despite all of its flaws
I like rather than giving mc amnesia, he just pretends. Its a fresh take on the whole fish out of water setup.
Was he even real or just based off Shiyun?
reality is what we perceive
"real" is hard to define in this world. There are beings formed by pyreflies (such as sin) that arent aeons. That's what Tidus is. If you consider sin real, Tidus is real. Neither are aeons, but they do take a summoner to manipulate them into existence. There's a word in the ultimanias that doesn't really translate but some dude who tried used the word "Pyreform" which I think is a decent compromise. As for the "imperfect memory of Shuyin" that's inconclusive but probably there a bit.
Another funfact: Fayth are all pretty much telepathically connected. It's all basically a hivemind. The Bahamut Fayth was just acting as a representative of the fayth wall fayth that were summoning dream zanarkand
To add on to Tidus is likely what the Fayth imagined Shuyin's descendant would be like. The existence of Jecht, and proof of time passing and the dream advancing (as Auron can attest as a "real" outsider) implies that it isn't a static dream, so there probably was a dream Shuyin, who was straight up Shuyin, got with a dream Lenne, and had children, as what would have happened if they didn't get shot.
So now a generation or two passes, and the inhabitants of the dream aren't even replicas, but fully original beings with their own identities, wants, and lives. Which is where it starts to get confusing, by the time of FFX there's so little difference between a "dream" and the real thing, does it even matter?
Tidus is a chad who didnt deserve to die
Reminder that it's Tide-us
There's people who think he isn't?
He's a fantastic character and anyone who says otherwise is just too retarded to understand a clear, straightforward manner of storytelling that most people were able to comprehend in grade school.
So glad I revisited this game, I can appreciate its themes a lot more now. It really was the last Final Fantasy of its kind. We'll never get another game like it.