But, the game comes out in only 4 days...
But, the game comes out in only 4 days
>it may seem small
nah it's a pretty big ask actually.
do nintendo execs browse Yas Forums?
this isnt how it works
Holy shit this is so gay l wanna browse Yas Forums now
>Animal Crossing fans on Twitter lambast those who were asking Nintendo for a direct featuring their favorite games for more than half a year now
>Now the same people are demanding a game they want is released early
why are nintendo fans like this?
I pre-purchased this game but this is giga-cringe.
normalfags freaking out over "social distancing" and isolating is the funniest shit i've seen in years
This is fucking retarded, but OP is even more retarded for spreading this stupid shit.
>Kind Reguards
It's been seven years since the last game.
They can wait a few days.
I feel embarrassed just looking at this, I hope it doesn't spread.
>expecting any different from Shitter Nintendofags
it was most definitely made by a woman
>Normalfags can't survive 4 fucking days without nonstop socialization and distraction
Literal soulless automatons.
is the game being delayed?
>american mindset
This is sadder than portbegging P5
Fucking disgusting switch beggars
what the fuck
I'm just hoping whoever made this, regards of penis/vagina status, made this ironically.
whoever made that needs to have sex
That's spelled right tho
You think Walmart will sell this to me early since they won't be open at midnight? Might just go digital if I can't get a physical copy that night.
I thought she had a small hourglass figure from the thumbnail
>Wanna get the game but doing so would be a death sentence for my Switch, as I can never upgrade for a new one without losing the Animal Crossing save
Dammit, Nintendo, this shouldn't be a choice I make in current year.
It's not grammatically incorrect. It's just an unnecessary emphasizer.
>normalfags UNIRONICALLY fucking start convulsing and breaking down if they cant socialize every 10 minutes
Nigger, buy a micro SD card, or use the cloud save function.
you're just going to binge it in three days and then beg for next product. get a life
I've been living out on a farm with no way off for 6 years.You guys can handle a few weeks.
>you're just going to binge it in three days
you know jack fuck about animal crossing
>animal crossing
>binge in three days
unless you cheat and constantly change the system clock, it's impossible to "binge" animal crossing
literal children
this can't be real, this is pure concentrated söy: the picture
So what you're saying is that it is possible
>19k signatures
AC fandom is so full of toxic positivity
yeah but only if you cheat
same goes with any game really
you can "binge" monster hunter in 3 days if you cheat
you can "binge" world of warcraft in 3 days if you cheat
Animal Crossing saves are tied to the console, they cannot be transferred and Nintendo hasn't outlined how that's going to work in the future for the game. Otherwise I do have the online and a SD card.
>Animal Crossing saves are tied to the console
Define Toxic Positivity for my smooth brain
>Expecting Nintendo to contact every retailer in the world to let them know they can break street date just so you can play a game 3-4 days early
basically only looking on the bright side of things and not acknowledging the negative
This sounds like entitlement but it is delivered in such an autistic way that you almost feel bad for them
Yes I do
>"Come on, team! We may be down 50 kills, infinity gorillion gold, and their support can 1v5 us, but we can still win this!"
>proceeds to vote no on the surrender
>game continues for another 10 minutes while the enemy team drags it out intentionally just to taunt you
Isn't that how you're suppose to live life in general?
Oh no someone has to send out an email to the corporate partners group.
Jesus christ the cringe.
Calling it toxic positivity is weird but it refers to those situations where something bad happens and someone is desperatedly trying to keep the mood up and not let people be sad
It's like that super-duper happy guy in a room full of angry people that wants everyone to cheer up and make out but you kinda just want him to shut the fuck up. His intentions but his approach is terrible
It's a waste of time and effort.
that's so retarded like lmao
I mean, you eventually lost interest after certain point, but it's not three days. It's even less likely if the rumours about the 15 day lock are real.
Imagine asking for a game to be released 4 days early because staying in your house, with all of the video games you already own, is some kind of traumatic experience.
>nintendo faggots stealing Pauls tweet word for fucking word
>no credit for it
fuck you reddit
subscribe to continue?
When will someone make tons of fan art of Doomguy gutting Isabelle?
when you pay them for it
Why don't sonybros do this sort of thing?
Why the fuck do these kind of people always make the same face when they are in front of a camera
Isabelle's a fucking slut
Did you even read the image...?
user, did you really ask why people always smile when they're in front of a camera?
I'm looking forward to the game but this is some embarrassing shit.
it's called smiling
Because they know when to show emotion.
You'll figure it out someday, champ.
what is wrong with normalfags
I've been "social distancing" and self-quarantining for the past decade
Snoys literally made a petition to remove a negative Uncharted 4 review.
I think AC and Doom Eternal should be released right now
Why are nintencels such little bitches, holy shit, why are they unable to not embarrass themselves for one day.
They actually have other games to play and can easily wait.
Mention it on gurochan (assuming you can find a time when it's actually working) and someone will draw it.
They're notorious for it though.
>They actually have other games to play and can easily wait.
Ah yes, we've got Dreams and soon we're getting uh... games that I will just play on PC
Gaping mouth soi face is distinct from smiling, there's a reason it became a meme. I hope to god none of you do this.
So in your dumb opinion, that guy was doing a "gaping mouth soi face"?
Or are you just being a whiny little cunt in general?
>furfag crossing
>nintendo fans
Pick one.
I bet the same people behind this were telling everyone to not complain about the lack of a general direct.
whites are mentally ill
>majority of games software sold still for PS4
PS4 actually gets multiplats so, yes, people have games to play. I know the Switch has to make a special occasion when a 2 gen old game gets ported to Switch finally, but the rest of us have actual options.
>gaping mouth soiface
>lips are barely centimeters apart as he's grinng and showing his teeth
Are you fucking retarded?
>having an opinion
now that's a laugh
>All Animal Crossing fans did was bitch about no Animal Crossing
>Animal Crossing gets announced
>Bitch about no info
>Animal Crossing gets info
>Bitch and use a vrius that's killing a shitton of people as an excuse to release the game four fucking days early
Animal Crossing fans are so goddamn annoying
>mouth apart barely enough to show smiling teeth
You need to go outside and interface with people beyond the internet.
jesus christ this is cringy as fuck
>in charge of spelling or reading
I doubt it.
How about impaling instead?
what did I read or spell wrong?
I just said you're unworthy of having an opinion, and it's true.
these normalfags should just decide to binge watch the Simpsons if they're that worried about having something to do
that should last them at least a couple weeks even if they watch it all day