>on par with a 2080 (confirmed by digital foundry)
>better at ray tracing since its all offloaded to a dedicated processor
>2080 costs $800 alone
I hate to say it bros, but it looks like consoles won
>on par with a 2080 (confirmed by digital foundry)
>better at ray tracing since its all offloaded to a dedicated processor
>2080 costs $800 alone
I hate to say it bros, but it looks like consoles won
Other urls found in this thread:
>he really thinks it will have performance of top PC specs
>in $500
>with SSD inside
Either you'll have heavily gimped SSD with only 256GB of space (2 AAA games lol) or really shitty performance
Go buy dedicated external drive for another $100 for your SeX
and it still won't have ff7
Get rekt loser
didn't that card come out in 2018?
are you saying consoles will have "new" hardware thats already several years old?
Who gives a shit
Try 2080S, which is $700
The 3060 and RX 5800 will have around the same power and be released in 2020 or later.
Building a 360 equivalent PC in 2005 would've cost over a thousand dollars too. MS isn't paying a ridiculous markup on every component like you are and they also subsidize it with game and live sales.
PS5 will be even better
you can only dream
In reality it will be something closer to budget card like 3050ti.
>Tommy "TeraFLOP Fraud" Fisher
Ff7 is a multiplat with timed exclusivity for a year. The xbox and pc versions have already been leaked.
>oy vey another xbox shill thread
Why do pcfarts complain about consoles holding things back but now object to a console being on par? You look stupid.
There literally no downsides to sexbox being powerful for $500. GPU jews have been screwing us for years
Quick resume looks cool but in reality why the fuck are people starting and half-finishing 3-5 games?
Nah, it will beat the 3060 (which will cost $350+ for just the card).
Cope harder then dilate
no they haven't
You are buying 1/10th of a game + DLC.
If Xbox parts are cheaper than computer parts then I'll just dismantle an Xbox to upgrade my PC
>(confirmed by digital foundry)
>Believing DF
That won't work for a single thing except maybe the disk drive and top fan.
Retarded weeb
Can I run FL Studio and adobe After Effects on it out of the box?
Because it's just simply not fucking true. Every single generation you retards buy into the exact same headlines
>ps3 will make pcs obsolete!
>xbone will be more powerful than a high end pc!
You retards keep falling for it every single time, so of course we're going to call you a fucking idiot for thinking THIS TIME they're telling the truth
>on par with a 800$ gpu
>Being this gullible and believing magic claims made by corporation that have lied multiple times in the past
Console peasants are literally brainlets.
How many more times does github have to be disproven for you fags to drop it? Tommy is literally the only person to get the SeX right.
Dilate pedo
GitHub hasn't been disproven, in fact it keeps getting stuff right as more is revealed
>Bring up facts
The absolute state of console brainlets.
the $800 gpu is only $800 because they convinced you that's the price it was worth.
>he thinks his coping is facts
lmao idiot
It's confirmed that it's having 1TB internally, but it's weird proprietary bullshit and if you want to expand it you need to get a fucking memory card like it's 2004.
They conveniently don't tell you he got literally everything else wrong including an alleged PS5 reveal date. He got banned for being so misleading on that forum.
This. Console plebs are stone fuck retarded. They keep falling for this every console generation and it's getting boring at this point.
>Believing bullshit.
Lmao idiot.
You posted 0 facts
I'm fully aware of what happened and the meltdowns that occurred over him
If thinking this is a lie is really the hill you want to die on you are going to be in for some supermassive cope when SeX releases lmao
Yas Forums is for videogames, not computers.
>Console says it'll surpass PC
>It isn't true every single time.
and you are buying a console with no game at all
Except its true every single time. Console will never surpass PC ever, and by the time this comes out it'll already be surpassed by PC specs.
PCtards are a special kind of retarded
>Pkeks acting like literal children, refusing to believe it's real
This release is going to be glorious.
>Microsoft manages to fabricate 2080 and sell them for 1/4 the price.
Brainlet. The new fagbox will have the equivalent of a 1070.
Can SeXbox render my 3d porn for 5 minutes ?? if so, i will ditch my PC and use SeXbox for Workstationing.
So what?
>No windows
>No emulation
>No steam
>Only plays games and nothing else.
Why even bother?
They didn't confirm the price though.
ya but you see i can't pirate and emulate an endless amounts of games on it and i don't have to pay to go online.
But have fun with your shinny graphics card
This is historically incorrect, the 360 was better than everything but SLId GPUs that literally cost 600 dollars each on release.
But consoles end up being more expensive because they Jew you on subscription services to use your internet do it doesn't matter.
i mean it is pretty based, but it still wouldnt top a high-end gaming PC, but infighting is pointless PChads and XBros must be united against the homoerotic Snoyboys.
Even more glorious when PCs next year surpass these consoles and you fags double down on your retardation
>But have fun with your shinny graphics card that you paid almost $1000 less for
Yeah and it'll only cost you triple the price kek. How do you even breathe being this much of a moron
>consolefags in charge of math
>amd could completely obliterate nvidia with something that's as powerful as a 2080 for a third of the price
>they're only using this technology for another company's video game console and refuse to use it for their pc gpus
This is how I view consoles compared to PC.
>look guys i'm playing video games
No one cares. It's a shit version and does literally nothing else but make me laugh.
>Even more glorious when PCs next year surpass these consoles
For the low price of $2 billion dollars
And has this generation shown you nothing, MS and Sony will just release more powerful variants a few years down the line, at most consoles will be a year behind and if the SeX's standards are maintained that will not be a big delta at all
>implying PCs in 2021 will need to cost $1500 to match consoles
You tell me, how do you even breathe being this much of a moron?
>no games
>emulate any console basically
>infinite free games via torrents
>infinite tv/movie content via torrents
>free online
why not get a PC?
>lmao dude I can't believe Microsoft buys parts from Newegg
Sub 90 IQ
>emulate any console basically
How's Bloodborne coming along
who care when all Xbox games are on pc?
considering getting the controller for my PC as i need a new one anyway and it looks pretty based.
I can play Demon's Souls at 60fps/4k with rpcs3, for free
that's nice. also if you really wanted to play that, you could do psnow.
Blame AMD for not providing competition. We went from gtx 570 at $250 to 670 at $370 to 770 at $400 and then back down to $329 for the 970 to $379 for the 1070 and now like $450-500 for a 2070. Prices only go down when AMD actually competes but they always fuck up something which makes everyone flock to nvidia. Look at the recent headlines about AMD drivers for their flagship 5700/xt series. They can't do anything right.
Hilarious levels of cope
>And has this generation shown you nothing, MS and Sony will just release more powerful variants a few years down the line
The last time they did that I spent about half the price of the PS4 Pro on a new graphics card to upgrade my PC well past XboneX performance.
they sell those things at a loss so they can gouge you on 60$ controllers, 60$ games, and a 60$ subscription service to pay online, all with less functionality.
That being said i don't even have a high end gaymen pc. I mostly play on my hacked ps3, 3ds, and emulate on wii because i'm a poor fag.
also play bf2 on my laptop sometimes
I have a ps4. my point is a PC is a great investment for gaming.
>Gets completely owned
>Tells poster to cope
because paying 60 dollars a year to use the internet i already pay for is a better financial decision than paying 300 dollars extra for hardware that has actual value.
You can play Bloodborne on the new Xbox?
>How's Bloodborne coming along
give me ten years and i'll tell you what i thought of it
>Hilarious levels of cope
he said while in mid-cope
>literally just chops off the last half of my post
Okay retard
Playable through PSNOW and on it's way through GPCS4
How about Demon's Souls? Can you play the entire Souls series + Sekiro on any one console, plus the PS2 games which lead to DeS?
Or do you have to buy two systems and hope for PS2 compatibility?
Bloodborne is such an eye sore that no one cares. It looks so laughably bad on ps4 you have to actually make yourself retarded to think anyone cares about that game. Also, I just borrowed my friends PS4 when he was done to play it as it was the only fucking game he owned since PS4 was such an absolute piece of shit. top kek. Fucking bloodborne machine argument makes me laugh.
Holy based
>b-but amd sells microsoft gpus for an eight of their retail price
there is no industry on this planet where ordering in bulk gives you an 80% discount
The last half of your post is equally as retarded, and doesn't change the context of the first half.
Holy fucking cope. Did you hold back tears while writing this, cause it sure reads like it lmao
You mean better than everything for like 3 months until PC surpassed it?
>dude trust me!
>confirmed by digital foundry
>buy a console but can only afford 1 game and use it as an argument why it's better than a PC
Your mental gymnastics must be making you tired, pajeet.
>until PC surpassed it?
For the low price of $3000 dollars
And has that generation shown you nothing, MS and Sony just released more powerful variants a few years later, at most consoles were only a month behind and the 360's standards were maintained so it was not be a big delta at all
>has to do damage control now after wiping away his tears
I'm fucking dying holy shit
Guys how do I play Bloodborne on my Xbox??
An extraordinary circumstance that happened because ATI was extremely desperate. It didn't last very long though.
>Xbox Series X Destroys Your Gaming PC
The game looks like shit and runs horribly. Console plebs would cry tears of joy all over the world if they released that game on PC just to watch some pchad show them how it should look. It would have been fixed day one with a mod and look beautiful. It has potential but sony has zero fucking aesthetic taste and smeared glitter and vaseline over everything and shit out a sub 30fps mess.
Forza horizon 5 will look amazing on this thing so I will buy one thank you Microsoft for not fucking up the specs
>another PCtard thread doused in gasoline and lit on fire by the sheer mention of Bloodborne
>has to do damage control now after wiping away his tears
I'm fucking dying holy shit
Why are PCfags and consolefags such unbearable faggots? Play whatever the fuck you want.
>I'm fucking dying
I wish, one less retard would shitting up the fucking joint you faggot
>I can't have debates or preferences
>linking to youtuber clickbait
This video isn't going to age well. Once these things release all this shit is going to be memory holed.
Ok but how do I play Bloodborne on my Xbox?
>posts the most seethe-tier message
>thinks he can hide how mad he is with a laughing gif
This is almost too easy
PCbros lost...
Even at $600 that's less than you spend on your below average rig pckek
I think it's mostly falseflagging Sony fanboys because I don't see why PC gamers would care at all since PC is basically the bigger and more expensive brother of xbox at this point. There is an overlapping ecosystem there with gamepass.
An 8800 gtx was 600 dollars. I dont know where you're getting the 3000 dollar price from, even building a pc with today's price isn't going to cost that much unless you go full retard or include the cost of a high-end monitor.
Are you ok?
Why are PCfags such unbearable faggots? Play whatever console you want.
That's not true, it was comparable to high end PC systems on launch, and features in it were adapted into the HD 2000 series next year.
You could use a 2900 GT well into the next decade if you were okay with playing new games at console level settings and still get higher framerates.
PCfags are just easily riled up lolcows. Easy replies every time.
>muh bloodborne
and the falseflag reveals itself
Do consolefags really think that a low-tier pc costs 2000 dollars or some ridiculous shit like that?
It's literally printed on the box art that it's only a timed exclusive you clueless fucking shit.