You know the drill. Goiter, Gambling and Gays
This time we'll be starting off Siyolo Mofokeng, a boy from some shit slum in Lesotho.

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Other urls found in this thread:!JiIggI7Z!ahkbXiv4Gehc4TWbO2Nh8yI364mMwaZeRyw2cU_veL8

stats are cut off in the OP, so here they are in full


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welp, we already have Malaria and our mom was fucking gay guys on the side. I'm sure Siyolo will grow up to be well adjusted.

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I spoke too soon.

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well, there's no use crying over spilt milk, this time we're playing as Ozoro Tekle-Ab, the ethiopian reincarnation of Picasso it seems.

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this time we managed to survive long enough for us to actually have a choice. What should we do with our 2 free activity slots?

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Our dad is dead and our sister has been fucking badgers so we need to get to work, pick a job.

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harry potter



we failed to get the job as a potter so I guess we're making shoes for the white devil now. do we wanna change our activities or keep em on reading and sports?

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keep them, we need to get /fitlit/

Art you dumb nigger

we've met a young farm lad, do we bang him or what?

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also btw here's a MEGA link to the game!JiIggI7Z!ahkbXiv4Gehc4TWbO2Nh8yI364mMwaZeRyw2cU_veL8

>that appearance and health
god no

>14 int
>38 looks
Fuck no

we dumped the guy, and our dumb bitch of a sister has a permanent brain fracture, which means more work for us. We've also got the oppourtunity to rebel against the government. What do we do?

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>75 appearance
>99 art
We're in for good shit m8s

The girl is too smart to die for a shithole like Ethiopia, ignore

lets not get executed.

eh, human rights are overrated anyway. A new ugly son of a bitch has come flocking to us, and worse yet, he's a leper. do we take him in?

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>appearance: 19

We're 22 now and our looks and int is fading by the minute. What do we do next?
we can either
>pursue a relationship
>get another job
>or move out on our own

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lets get the fuck out of here, move out

Leave the shothole

we've moved out into a shitty one room apartment, and we haven't got much in the way of forging a way out of this situation. However, a spicy deal has landed in our lap. Do we take the risk?

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surely it's a small amount of cash in this shithole anyway

don't trust jews

Go for it, we're gonna be ugly as fuck very soon anyway

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Do those ever work out in this?

we're a wee bit poorer now but overall that didn't hit us too bad. What do we do now?
>get a new job
>seek love
>press on and hope something goes our way

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seek love

do we go for this guy?

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>Happiness: 7
He'll kill himself if we don't, so yeah.

now that we're spending time convincing this nigger not to kill himself, we can only have one leisure activity. What do we pick?

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He's basically descended from a deity. Yes.

Yes help a fellow depressed bro.

Do some exercise

we're gonna spend our little free time on getting Yas Forums, what to we do about this gay shit about being a good person or whatever

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Lie, you're smart enough to pull it out


the dumb bitch fell for it hook line and sinker

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now we got another big deal. keep in mind this is about half our net worth on the line

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If you are not in you can't win, go for it.

Invest ebin

Don't get scammed twice in a row

who could've predicted such an outcome?

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looks like our depressed bf wants to tie the knot before he frenches a 9mm. Do we go for it?

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>mental health not better
Not a good prospect.

>297 birr
>Still depressed

Not by Ethiopia's standards, that said
>297 birr
Into the trash it goes

we turned the sad sonuvabitch down, an hero is probably inbound. what do we do now?
>try for another line of work
>break it off with Gebre and find someone more mentally stable
>try and leave this shithole
>hope that papa Selassie shines down on us and press on

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We need a decent job so we can escape to fucking anywhere else.

>25 years old
We blew it

choose our new line of work
all is not yet lost

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Police Inspector.

we didn't get it unfortunately

Should have married him, at least to have kids.

Artist, then.


finally we can get those high stats to work. Do we wanna keep getting Yas Forums or focus on something else in our spare time?

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