
>Outrun 2
>Crazy Taxi 3
>House of the dead 3
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>All dem multiplats
>System Link
This was the last console to have soul

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How did you forget Fable my guy.

Too many games

Xbox was great. Had a few early misses but it dominated my play time that gen. Even early releases like oddworld and Amped were underrated.

fable sucks tho. it was novel at the time, at best.
midtown madness
kingdoms under fire
midtown madness
it also had the best multiplats

Fable TLC is a solid 7/10 adventure game.

Last soul-having console is PS3.

>XMB menu
>Uncharted 2 and 3
>free online
>PS Home
>controller went from soulless boomerang to PS2 design prior to launch
>Persona 5
>Kevin Butler ads
>free online for multiplats
>online down for a month, followed by giving out free games when it came back on

The real cutoff point.

Attached: PS3.jpg (580x350, 26.07K)

The 360 was such a step down.

shame your weight can't step down huh big boy

>invented paying to play online
>invented DLC


Dont forget that had the best versions of Splinter Cell. also the better versions of GTA3, VC and SA

>invented proper online console gaming with party chat

Didn't have party chat and voice chat game with dreamcast

>invented dlc
Not even close my friend and you're incredibly naive to think that wasn't planned well ahead of Xbox even being a thing.

Infamous was garbage as were Uncharted 1-3

DLC already existed before, like on DC for free, but even Xbox had dlc for free like in the original Splinter Cell.
Paid online services already existed before, it never got mainstream until Live added the social aspect

What DLC was being sold prior?

>Live added the social aspect
I was playing online with my Dreamcast and PS2 before. Socially. What value did Live add?

No the closest thing I remember playing on Dreamcast was Alien front online where you could shout 2 seconds of gibberish to a nearby enemy. Nothing compared to xbox live at the time on any console. My friends and I would even use xbox party chat while playing final fantasy xi

dreamcast had DLC

*Final fantasy xi on ps2

So, nothing then.

I remember AFO voicechat working as expected and talking with teammates.

360 was showing great promise until the FUCKING Kinect happened

All Dreamcast DLC was free.

Yes, this, actually.

They got GREAT niche Japanese support and made an awesome OS. Then they hired Don Matrick and I jumped to Playstation.

Not my experience at all. Alien front online you could not communicate like that. The audio came through the tv. The mic didn't have a headset. Stop larping

Blinx was pretty fun.

These threads get flooded with literal youngfags that didn't have an xbox from 2001-2005 era or literal seething europoors. You were a fucking casual if you didn't have one of these to go with your ps2, Gamecube and Dreamcast.

>Alien front online you could not communicate like that.
>Stop larping

Stop projecting.

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Is there some kind of mod that lets you play the original Halo with widescreen on Xbox?

and Xbox DLC was free
Ninja Gaiden's Mission Packs were all free and added new mechanics and enemies

I still need to put a reverse SATA adapter and SSD into one of my hacked heug-boxes.

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I remember you could get a Gamecube in 2003-2004 for about 80 bucks refurbished

Yes, ask about it on the Halo CE modding discords

What's the point of putting an SSD into og xbox?


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Wasn't NGB also 720p?

can't get a PATA HD larger than 500GB (they made 750GB and 1TB for like a few months, then they didn't), and I want an ultimate jukebox unit
less weight
faster load times
and just fucking because

...and I even still have a shrink-wrapped 500GB HD from back in the day lol

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my fellow sony bro, youre forgetting something crucial. sonys games have never been good. they are always generic junk. and played with a slow clunky system and the worst controller of the 3.

I always wonder what it'd be like if the OG Xbox got more Japanese support.
Like, just think of your favorite Jap game from 6th gen that wasn't owned by Sony or Nintendo and imagine if they brought it to Xbox with enhanced visuals and extra content, it sounds like a dream to me. I'd personally have liked to see an Xbox port of Tales of The Abyss, it would have been considered the best version of the game even today.
I'm grateful for literally any Japanese dev that made use of the console at the time.

I actually was playing the fucking game. It didnt work and that's hardly party chat. You pressed a button to blurt out literal seconds of unintelligible nonsense. Dont give a fuck what the review says even though he mentions how the online was broken. Seriously stop larping.

>forgetting mech assault, otogi, and blinx


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That's neat. Is there a way to do this on the 360? I want to make a System Link setup and would rather use the original game over the anniversary.

what were the good games on the 360?

360 was God tier for system link co op games


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I like how you can system link OGbox, 360, and Bone together. We did it at my bros place a few weeks back. It's completely fucking unnecessary but I love that you can.

a bygone era

Voodoo Vince and Conker: Live & Reloaded, too. Xbox was really the only console of that generation that put out quirky games like that. It had the advantage of being a PC-lite as well since it was the most powerful console; got Morrowind, KOTOR, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, and plenty others when PS2 and GameCube didn't.

Even with the comparatively slow as balls transfer rate having a solid state drive is just going to be better.
Jesus. It's running it but I wouldn't exactly call that running well

>JSRF still hasn't been ported outside of the HUEG
I'm sure a "FOR THE FIRST TIME ON _______ PLATFORMS" tag line would really push the sales of a port/remaster

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>Xbox was really the only console of that generation that put out quirky games like that.
Katamari Damacy? Doshin The Giant? Raw Danger? Pikmin? GrimGrimoire? The Ratchet/Jak/Sly trilogies? There was no shortage of quirky new IPs during the 6th gen

I miss the "grit" that 6th gen games had, newer games look and feel too clean now. It's hard to properly describe it, you'd know what I'm talking about if you played enough 6th gen.

>online down for a month, followed by giving out free games when it came back on
lmao how the fuck is this soul?
the games they gave out were bargain bin shit even at the time too.

if you like Uncharted 4 but not 2 you're retarded

>the games they gave out were bargain bin shit even at the time too.
Nu-PS+ and Games With Gold wish they had this much soul

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I guess I mean quirky Western* games that flew a little under the radar. IMO Naughty Dog's games don't really fit that definition, they're pretty mainstream "platform mascot" games in my eyes.

Fuck Microsoft. All they added to gaming was paid online.

Is metal wolf chaos any good? Its on sale on xbox one this week. Is it anything like mechassault? Destructive? Plays good? I know nothing about the game but 50% off is tempting

As somebody who has owned EVERY console since the 6th gen here are my rankings:

Original Xbox > Xbox 360 > Wii > PS3 > Gamecube > PS2

The PS2 is legitimately the worst out of the 5th gen for multiplats and IMO had the worst exclusives. The Xbox played every single game between both systems better and often times had better multiplayer support. Playing Battlefront or Cod online basically didn't happen on the PS2; just Xbox. Plus it had PC titles like Kotor and Halo fucking kicks ass. The Xbox fucking rules. 360 has Halo 3 and the Gears Trilogy. It also was the superior multiplat machine. IMO that beats out Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 plus dogshit multiplats. For the Wii, Wii Sports and Resident Evil 4 waggle edition I think are tied for game of the generation. Genuinely marvelous.

My thoughts on the current generation is Xbone > Switch > PS4. Xbone has such an extensive backwards compatibility library it's insane. Playing Conker, Halo 3, and Ninja Gaiden all at 4k 60fps is mindblowing and a far superior experience than playing uncharted 4 or god of war 4, unironically. Old game > new game it's just a fact and the Xbone delivers the old game better than anyone else. For Switch, Odyssey and BotW are both fucking incredible 9/10 games and bravo nintendo for making the only exclusive games worth a damn for the entire fucking decade.

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Kill yourself