Perfect body

>perfect body
>perfect loyalty
>perfect spirit
>perfect patience
>perfect support

Why is Tifa the best girl in the world?

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She looks like she fucks Barret

Bros, I......

lmao at the falseflagging nintendo and xbox shills that were complaining that they "downgraded" her body

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>Spams threads

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Can't wait for the SFM MonkaS

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They really fucked her up in the remake, fuck Square

Team Ninja did a much better job on her

>Perfect Loyalty
Yeah, to Zack.

Don't bother arguing anymore, any criticism is met with LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

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>Why yes, I do prefer Asian girls. How could you tell?

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>They really fucked her up in the remake, fuck Square

explain how.

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Why would a Jewish man prefer asian girls?

Pictures say more than a thousand words and you are posting all that needs to be said.

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>Sports bra
>Longer skirt
>Chest shorter than the FMVs
>Ethics Department admitting her new design is supposed to be censored:

I love my wife Tifa!

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Really doesn't matter DESU, when it comes to PC I can give her old look back and increase her chest size 10 fold.

I can just fap without playing the shit game

Cute voice actress

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Whenever I watch her face, all I see is pic related. Looks like some plastic surgery porn slut.

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>Buck teeth

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Sounds like you don't have an argument, never had an argument, and are looking for reasons to bash the game because you're an anti-sony shill

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Stop being gay

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This game isn't made by Sony and it's not an exclusive. You pathetic fanboy. Maybe your waifu is just ugly.

>Sports bra
>Longer skirt

What's wrong with that? I think it looks better

>Chest shorter than the FMVs

Her chest is still massive and either you're falseflagging or are a braindead coomer.
Lots of character designs in the original were exaggerated in-game and in FMV's like Cloud's hair, and have been made more realistic in the remake

>Ethics Department admitting her new design is supposed to be censore
So now you're blatantly admitting you're a liar. Nice.

Fuck you.

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>So now you're blatantly admitting you're a liar. Nice.
I literally posted a link to a guy discussing the change. How the fuck am I lying when I posted evidence?

so perfect

It is a sony exclusive. Sorry maybe you can get a poorly optimised port in 3 years. But it will always be a sony game just like the original.

Seethe more, nintendo shill faggot.

Tifa is Korean

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Anri never had plastic surgery though.

>it will always be a sony game just like the original.
I'm talking to a child

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You posted a link to clickbait youtube cancer based on a mistranslated article that was debunked ages ago. Keep shilling, liar.

>trusting women to speak honestly of their past, even when it is embarrassing, shameful and easy to lie about
>trusting a fucking pornstar to speak the truth


>she's politically incorrect
Best girl

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>mistranslated article that was debunked
PR speak is evidence now? So because Nomura said that it was a mistranslation, that means it's true? Welp, Todd Howard has never lied in his entire life then.

Team Ninja did an even better job at killing their game lmoa

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No fucking shit FF7 has a million ports. However it's a PS1 game and everyone associates it with the PS1. When people talk about "best PS1 games" they talk about FF7. No one talks about FF7 when they talk about best PC games or best Switch games. It's forever known as a PS1 game and a landmark PS1 game.

Halo is on PC does yet everyone knows it's an Xbox game.

Are you retarded? You literally have no argument. Plenty of Japanese speakers pointed out it was mistranslated at the time and if you refuse to take Nomura at his word then you're just looking for excuses to hate the game no matter what because you're butthurt at Sony's success and there's no more to say.

This is one of the most retarded posts I've ever read

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Oh, it was mistranslated alright.

>"激しいアクションでも不自然にならないように胸部を締める必要がありました" was translated into "we make sure her top wasn't loose so that her chest wouldn't come off as unnatural during heavy action sequences" though, the original Japanese clearly said "胸部を締める必要がありました" so the literal and authentic translation is "in order for it not to appear unnatural in heavy action sequences, we needed to tighten her chest" It's a big mystery why this translator perfectly omitted the part "胸部を締める必要がありました" and really euphemistically translated it.

>And, an another really dubious point is as for "指示" which was translated into "Our ethics department had asked". in Japanese, "指示" is really a strong word, unlike just "asking", that give a sense of "must" to listeners, so I will not translate "指示" to "ask" as in this translation, but translate it to "direction" which have a more strong implication of obligation. It is obvious that in the original Japanese they had no choice but to accept an offer from the ethic department.

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The way they say mistranslation is code word for backlash. They only said that to get the angry fans off them. I bet you think MK11 and Borderlands 3 made millions too. Same applies to movies like Captain Marvel and Endgame. If those made a billion dollars, why would the SEC be investigating Disney?

>False flag

Fuck you.

I've probably been a FF7 fan longer than you've been alive and I'm pissed about them nerfing her breasts. Tifa was one of the main girls that allow awoke my love for mega busty chicks. I hope the game's good, but seeing her downgraded fucking sucks and it's pathetic to try pretend anyone who complains has an agenda.

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Anri has had plastic surgery user. There's some rare pictures floating around of her on the internet from way back before she did porn and she looked very different including smaller tits.

I bet you think Mikie Hara is au natural too.

Based ESL retard.

>tifa shows up in e3
>regular design
>ok ok i can accept the shitposting as well as people that like her
>more info comes
>she looks better
>more and more info comes
>she looks way better and better and better
>shitposters still complain about her like we are in e3

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I want to impregnate

>argument is about japanese language
>english as second language tard
came here to call you a newfag who doesnt even know what buzzwords mean.

Post em.

>perfect loyalty

I've always wondered that. Did Cloud take her virginity that night under the Highwind? Did Yuffie, Red and Barrett all watch Tifa getting deflowered?

I've seen plenty of porn of Don Corneo popping her cherry, but you almost never see that shown in the few Tifa/Cloud doujin.

>Literally a copypasted response he cared about so much as to save to his computer
>Can't even write it in legible English

Cute ESL retard.

>Yeah man just change an iconic design for no reason bro, just chink her up even though it makes no sense in the story or lore bro, I love Asian girls so I can fap to it so it's good and it's totally not censored man, god I want an asian FFVII character to fap to too bad Yuffie doesn't exist

Fuck you niggers.

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Tits keep growing even in 20's for some women. Especially considering some women when they get fatter it goes to their face, other it goes to their belly, others it goes to their boobs. Anri just has god-tier genetics. She's pretty much showed her breasts completely naked sans nipples several times on onlyfans post pregnancy, and the way they've grown shows they're completely natural. Women with fake tits have their breasts grow all lumpy when subjected to pregnancy and have a weird bulge where it's basically a boob growing off a boob.

Yes, she was definitely a virgin. Tifa is pretty shy, and anyone who paid any actual attention would know she isn't a slut.

>Yeah man just change an iconic design for no reason bro
Look at this trash and tell me "there was no reason"

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Does anyone have this at 4K or closer to it?

I want Corneo/Tifa porn with the new models already

So you're saying Final Fantasy VII isn't overwhelmingly known as PS1 game? Why does every list of best PS1 games have Final Fantasy VII, but you'll never see it on a list of best Switch games or best PS3 games or best PC games? It's reputation is a PS1 game and everyone knows that, you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

The person you are responding to isn't me, I'm the guy who posted the Japanese bit. In any case, you're arguing that what was said in an interview about censorship was mistranslated and the ethics department didn't direct the dev team to censor. They did. There is the proof.

tiny tits ain't tifa

Damn is that DLC? Looks good

It was and is a great design, don't post these dumb photoshopped shits up.

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Yeah it was for a cartoon design
if you put that design in remake it looks goofy and retarded

I don't care about them making her Asian. I always assume any anime or JRPG character is Asian unless stated otherwise. I just dislike the design and the way they made her flat.

For fucking years everyone joked that if they remade FF7 they'd kill off Tifa's tits. They hide her through trailer after trailer of the announcement, then finally reveal her and... yup, just like we always dreaded. Nevermind the rest of the outfit being made way more conservative. And now Yas Forums is full of retards defending it.

Aeris tanks machine gun fire in a literal dress, but Tifa can't have big breasts because it's "not realistic".

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Why is she flashing her pussy at Sephiroth?

Stop trying to change the subject you mentally ill Yas Forumsshill

I think he, and most fatties would look decent if they stop chugging food and lose weight, why is it so hard for them to live like a normal human being?

not perfect and not worth buying, just torrent it as always, I doubt they'll even finish this shit

>mentally ill Yas Forumsshill
>Hating Yas Forums
And that's how you revealed you're a liberal.

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Thanks? My post already said they were told to tighten her chest and it was an order, not a matter of asking. She was censored.

>I've probably been a FF7 fan longer than you've been alive

Keep lying, shill. Nobody believes you. If you were a FF7 fan you wouldn't keep parroting the same mistranslated fake news for a year now and concern trolling braindead coomer faggot.

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You should tidy up that post the next time you copy paste it, it really is hard to read and make sense of.

Bumping this, will suck dick for better quality

Or she just got new implants. They do do that. And she would be more likely than most to get new implants considering how much she loves ridiculing other women for being jealous of her "natural" tits.

If you think those are tiny tits, you are a coombrained porn-addict with a frontal lobe more burnt out than your dad's jeep motor

How come SE usually makes every female character asian-looking but they always make every light-skinned male character as white as possible? Only exceptions I can think of are Noctis and Aerith

>perfect body
She doesn't have any muscles though.
She's got no abs, no biceps, and her legs look like pasta noodles.

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>admitting to being Yas Forums
And that's how you reveal you're mentally ill cancer, now fuck off turd

>Hating coomers
>Cooming reduces your chances of cancer in the balls

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