Meat game discussion. Post your meat games.
Meat Games: No Veggies Allowed
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Didn't this get cancelled?
The more meat the better.
No. It's been delayed.
Super Meat Boy
That's a prime cut game, user. It's unfortunate that there wasn't a sequel.
>Super Meat Boy
>Dead Space
>Doom Eternal
>Amnesia the Dark Descent
Veggies cannot compete.
Oh god. That guy's head reminds me of something horrible I saw in a German porno once.
play the end is nigh
There's nothing wrong with Scorn Guy's head. He's a good boy.
Is it like Super Meat Boy?
yes, made by steakmund
>end is nigh
It certainly does look like Super Meat Boy, but alas no meat. Still, thanks for the suggestion.
What is this from?
Is Elder Scrolls 3 a meat game?
An old commercial. This vid explains it a bit, but mostly explains it as a streamers meme.
vaporware thread?
Oh, feck
When you're quarantined and you go back to beating your meat for the 5th time
my man
Where the fuck is it, it's the 17th
In the time it is taking these guys to make scorn madmind studios released their game, fixed their game, uncensored their game and are now showing gameplay for their next game
Carrion's a pretty neat Meat game that's coming out soon. I'm also really excited for scorn, whenever it comes out.
good thread
I don't get why this level was so hated, I was able to beat it fine and I wasn't even using a controller.
It does look pretty cool.
Halo could be added to that list as well.
And both games were announced like a month apart from each other. People assumed they would be rival products given the similar aesthetic but it seems not.
This game is never coming out. Just like Routine. A couple of renegade devs that went way in over their heads as the maws of mundane life responsibilities overtake them.
I completely forgot about this game, thanks for reminding me user!
They're working on two games: Succubus and Paranoid, though the majority of development is happening on Succubus.
Madmind have 2 games coming even. Although only one of them seems meaty
We are getting more Succubus gameplay today right?
On the 17th yeah, but it's not much of a meat game from what we've seen. It actually looks more like Doom 2016 with its fire and brimstone aesthetic.
Which makes it all the funnier that Doom Eternal has a bunch of meatscapes similar to Agony. It's like they swapped places.
Skinless humanoids. Some of the greatest meat men.
I figure Succubus is probably gonna have a lot more variety of environments than Agony did.
He needs friendship
Scorn Guy is such a lonely boy.
Agony had four worlds/levels. I anticipate Succubus being a shorter game but the combat focus should lend itself to allowing them to play around with the environments more since they don't have to focus on the balance of sneaking around.
Did they ever include the update where you fuck/get fucked by demons? I remember not buying the game because Succubus mode didn't let you fuck things, and they removed a bunch of sex shit. Fugging pansies
There's a sex minigame in Succubus. I don't think there were ever any intended sex minigames in Agony though.
Everything that was ever made for the game eventually got back in.
The only actual sex the MC has is in the endings though, although some of the deaths are very sexual and kept kind of vague that there might have been actual sex involved in them.
The new game has you having sex to turn people into slaves but we don't know what slaves do yet.
I just hope that, over the course of the game, Scorn guy gets more upgrades/tools and becomes more powerful as a result.
Also, why is it that I want to see a species of Scorn people? Like, the ones from the alpha footage n’ concept art n’ shit.
If the demo is anything to go by, Scorn Guy will be getting upgrades though not necessarily ones that make him more powerful.
I think the reason is that the world has a lot of mystery to it. The places we've seen so far are all decrepit ruins which begs the question of what it was like before everything went to shit, and by extension, what the other Scorn people did.
While there are plenty of post apocalyptic games, there's not a lot of mystery as to what life was like in the old days because ultimately those games take place in the remains of recognizable human civilization. Meanwhile there's no good answers as to what was going on in Scorn world. Were there entertainment centers? Did Scorn people have a rule of law? How did they built everything if there's no speech/writing in the game and thus no clear means of communication? Was whatever Scorn Guy is the masters of the world or were they drones/pawns under someone else's rule.
One of the reasons I don't like the "It's Earth in future after bioexperiment gone wrong xD" is because it's such a shallow answer.
Based, looks like I might pirate this one.
If you want. But you won't be able to get the achievements.
All I care about is coooooming. I was so disappointed that launch Agony had no good coomb8, but this might be promising.
I think the explanation will be weird as fuck.
Vinny hasn't been funny in years. Comes with the territory of most of your fans being easily offended trannies and furries.
I think it might be fairly benign all things considered. Something happened a long time ago in the demo area that caused it to be abandoned. Since then, a bunch of creatures inhabited the place and began covering everything in red shit.
Maybe it was conflict or maybe it was a biological experiment gone wrong but just not on Earth.
Maybe Scorn Guy is basically an amnesiac combat drone or something
Could be. Some concept art all but confirms Scorn people are grown out of meat walls.
There was a guy on youtube who suggested that scorn people are born with specific designated roles, like cells in a body.
The sex we have seen so far is at 8 minutes 40 seconds in this video
the main quest is getting bodyparts and tumors to build yourself a friend
meat is meat, even if its black
All I know about Scorn is the constant shilling in the Easy Allies podcast. Is it still vaporware?
They were meant to be splitting it into 2 episodes so that the first one could come out faster but it's still vaporware
It is still vaporware, but the player character is fun to draw.
If I recall correctly, Easy Allies are who made that 'Odd forms and somber tapestries' phrase well known.
That sucks but then again, no way would the concept art and cool ideas be translated successfully by a small studio like them so I'm not gonna get my hopes on it.
Yeah this game is definitely cancelled, no way it's coming out.
It was originally going to be two episodes but after getting some money from Kowloon Nights, they were able to work on a single game.
The problem is that they suck ass at updating and believe everything to be a spoiler or whatever. A little bit of planning could have gone a long way.
>Kowloon Nights
First time I've heard of them and looking at their website, they seem shady af, there has to be a catch.
There could be. At the end of the day all anyone can do is wait. If the game comes out, that's grand and if it doesn't, someone else might step in and fill in that role. They really should hire a community manager though if they are legit.
If nothing else, you can watch the Succubus' tits jiggle when you jump.