YOU WERE ALMOST A Resident Evil thread

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What's the verdict on the RE2 Remake?

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that any zombie Nemesis enhances is gonna either scream and attract more to that particular area, or just outright attract Nemesis himself.

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It's fun


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I feel like I am more excited to play the Resistance mode desu. I know it's just a kinda dumbed down Outbreak, but it looks like it's going to be fun. I am going to main Martin Sandwich because he can set traps, also the dude who can punch zombies.

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is it just me or he looks kinda cute

he definitely is cute IMO

RE4 shill here
imagine not having a merchant and a completely nonsensical story

I feel like I'm getting filtered by the first game. I'm in the mansion, have absolutely no idea where to go and the simple act of movement feels like shit. I assume eventually you get used to the movement, right?

Gonna main January over for some of that sweet sweet EMP

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I was iffy on her design at first, but I love it now. Also being able to hack cameras and fuck with electronics is top tier.

I'm playing RE2 on N64 and it's cool how they put the alternate controls from REmaster in here years before it. Juking these fools like nothing.

You looking forward to RE3R demo come thursday?

yeah and I hope it doesn't lock you from playing it after a certain amount of time like the RE2 one. That didn't let me enjoy it much. Being timed gives me anxiety. And yeah I know RE games have a lot of timers, but this is a different situation.

you could shutdown the game before 30min and delete achievement cache. that way you can keep playing as much as you want as long as its within 30min, or whatever length they make the achievements.

>yeah and I hope it doesn't lock you from playing it after a certain amount of time like the RE2 one


Based Barry. I though he was going to make reference to a sandwich.

why is re2make leon so fucking hot

are you going to play my demo?

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You have a map, m8. What's the last thing you did?

Can't wait for the lewd and nude mods.

implying in an irl situation u'd check a map

why wouldn't I?

How gimped do you think the fight with Grave Digger will be now that shooting the lamps will be way easier?

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OG RE2 is better, but remake is still great

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Felt more complete.

But the remake is worth everyone's time.

One of the best RE games (up there with REmake, 2, and 4) and easily the best survival horror game in years.
unless you count Darkwood

what time is the demo coming out on steam?

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>MFW I saw the announcement

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Good. The timer was a fun one-off but I'm glad they aren't doing it again.

>that pic
is that fucking shadow leggy?

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who's /ready/ here?

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Just gonna leave this here

kek,is there more?

Haven't played apart from the demo but it sucks. Fuck JewCom for not making it with fixed cameras.

>dude RE2 remake is 9/10
>40% of the game is literally just repeating the exact thing you've done 5 hours ago
Ummm what the fuck? Only like 10% of route 2 is original, I was expecting a new campaign, not a nearly complete copy.

Why the fuck Jill also looks like a mutt now? Did the jew stop fearing the samurai?

RE2 Remake's A and B scenarios are barely any different. In the original RE2 they were vastly different. Probably the only thing that disappointed me.

I fucking hope the add mercenaries

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>only thing
Kind of huge thing. That's almost half of the game being shit

>In the original RE2 they were vastly different
Let's not exaggerate

>Kind of huge thing. That's almost half of the game being shit
It's not shit though. Overly similar of course but being to samey to something that was great doesn't make it shit.

>tfw Resident Evil 6 is the only post-Raccoon RE with a good story

Almost new games compared to remake.

>good story
is that a joke?

>being to samey
It's not too samey, it's literally exactly the same for 80% of the time, except with new guns and some of the zombies are in different places. It's one thing if I replaying RE2 5 years from now, but they're making me replay something I just played 5 hours ago. How can that be anything but extremely dull

They already confirmed it's not going to be in I'm pretty sure, same goes for the different events that would be randomized.

>except with new guns and some of the zombies are in different places
And the fact that Mr. X is there immediately.
Also true ending.

No, it's a fact. It's the only one that even tried to have an engaging story with characters that actually matter. Every other Resi reduced itself to an irrelevant sidestory full of literal whos with ONE just ONE relevant character in play

Being more different than the A/B scenarios in RE2make doesn't mean they're actually all that different.

Claire is the love of my life.

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I did say 80% of the time, obviously the ending is part of the all new 20%.

Nobody is making you do anything, user.

>slog through RE2make on Hardcore at launch
>never manage to beat 4th Survivor after like 50 tries

>replay RE2make on Normal difficulty just to reacquaint myself with the controls before RE3make releases
>just beat 4th Survivor on my FIRST ATTEMPT minutes ago
I'm shaking like a motherfucker that shit is so goddamn INTENSE

>It's the only one that even tried to have an engaging story with characters that actually matter
Trying to be some "epic" story doesn't work for RE. All the stories are bad with "characters" that look like the characters you like but are actually just generic action heroes doing generic action hero shit.
And then it got even worse once the fucking Avengers assemble in China.

>In the original RE2 they were vastly different
Not really, it's about the same as Jill/Chris in RE1

Seek mental help.

You don't have to respond to my posts user

Claire bear

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