Thinking about how much of a free pass FF7 Remake gets from criticism. I get why its split into parts...

Thinking about how much of a free pass FF7 Remake gets from criticism. I get why its split into parts, but the people that vehemently defend it being only Midgar instead of the full FF7 story in one game without filler/padding are the same people that attack other games as "unfinished" when they have a definitive ending.
People defended Red XIII being not playable and only being a guest party member, which is ironic since I've seen them complain about another FF that had guest party members.

Or how many SE games got railed on for linear corridors, but when 7R came around with it practically only being corridors suddenly no one else says anything? "But Midgar is supposed to be linear with corridors!", yeah, in the original, but this isn't the original. It's the "expanded" Midgar that became a "whole game" yet everything we've seen is corridors. If your mainly linear corridor game has even less to it than the games you called "empty open worlds" to defend linear design, then what does that really say about those corridors? Aren't they just empty corridors then?

Also the ATB bar in FF7R has people act like that's special, but an ATB never went away from FF.
The only mainline FF since ATB began without an ATB bar/something that is an ATB bar but not called one is X. All an ATB bar is is essentially a cooldown bar, mechanically is no different than something cooling down before you can use it again. IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV all have it. So when people say "FF7R has so much strategy because of the ATB! unlike this other game!", I'm left wondering how when that other game also has ability commands you input from a bar with a cooldown just like the ATB does in 7R.

I get why people do it, they love FF7, they've been asking for the FF7 Remake for years, and now that they're getting it they feel they have to defend everything it does no matter what, else they feel they waited in vain.

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This thread may fade into obscurity, but I want you to know that I did read this, and I feel you.

I was hopeful about the remake (especially its soundtrack) but hearing that they just went the generic orchestal remixes of everything is just bland and lazy.

Also, I kinda was turned off from the jump because seeing Cloud's haircut go back to its Advent Children style instead of seeing Dissidia NT that its classic shape still works is a bit meh. The whole debacle about Tifa's outfit wasnt really neat either, and not even because of censorship or not, its more so tacking on stuff to a design that people already approved of. Above all else I see why they would do FF7R, but I feel like a different FF or SE title altogether wouldve been better. It seems all they want to do is immortalize the times they have succeeded instead of actually try to do something clean and simple with a smooth development cycle.

Hard choices, it'd be better if it were a Mr. Goodbar instead.

or maybe a snickers


Hi Barry.

The reason I like XIV is because it remind me of ATB combat but more strategic with boss mechanics.

I'm waiting on buying it until it's out, but the demo felt fun
The Tifa theme is nice btw.

Its april 10, 2021. I can't wait to install FFVII remake in my PC.
Oh boy its almost one year since that, not the release of FFVII remake, but something else. Something sinister and sad, related to this game...

This game, man. It recieved universal acclaim. GOTY 2020, there was no contest. Gameplay, music, story, you name it.
Everyone loved it, except one person. It is so sad to remember that fateful day. Australia really took a hard one that day...

That person just couldnt accept it. FFVII was a complete success. Aerith vs Tifa general daily discussion, broken materia/skills/weapons builds threads and speculation for part 2, a lot of attention. But nothing for XV after all this years.
Sometimes you could see a humble thread about XV, but every time the thread just got shat on a little more. Poor Barry, he couldnt...he just couldnt...*sniff*

Thats why he decided to...*sniff*...end it all. After getting range banned on Yas Forums for incessant "FFVII remake is shit and worse than XV" spam, his psychotic nature went afloat. He just couldnt accept it.
That day, barry just took an assault rifle and...*sniff* decided to murder whoever crossed his was horrible. A lot of innocent people got killed. Barry managed to evade the cops and went missing after the massacre. Later he was found dead in his house, next to a ps4 and a TV, both plugged in of course. The TV showed XV ending. The ps4 controller had the attack and dodge button taped. Apparently the game was finished way after his death, holding the dodge and attack button. Hehe.
I will play FFVII remake part 1 once more on my PC. This time with nostalgia, but not for FF7, but for that person. Maybe...maybe Barry was just misunderstood, he just needed help. He was a sick man after all...
Poor guy...

*new game*
*normal difficulty*
Lets mosey.

tik tok Barry

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>I get why its split into parts, but the people that vehemently defend it being only Midgar instead of the full FF7 story in one game without filler/padding are the same people that attack other games as "unfinished" when they have a definitive ending.
Nobody is defending it, we are just accepting it since it still works. Everyone would have loved the entire game with this level of quality.

>People defended Red XIII being not playable and only being a guest party member
Again, nobody is defending it, we are just accepting it.

>Or how many SE games got railed on for linear corridors, but when 7R came around with it practically only being corridors suddenly no one else says anything?
You dont know how many corridors you will see. Retarded speculation.

>Also the ATB bar in FF7R has people act like that's special, but an ATB never went away from FF.
Nobody is saying it is special, its just fun.

I like to think most people agree with you and that the only people left who are willing to expend energy to argue about it on a mongolian equine husbandry forum are turboautists

FF7 is the most normalfag FF game of all because it's "babys first' FF for a lot of people so they will defend it to the death no mater what.


Assumptions and speculations: The thread.

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That dude just complains about FF15 sails figures and bitches about how it's the best game for no reason.

>I get why people do it, they love FF7, they've been asking for the FF7 Remake for years, and now that they're getting it they feel they have to defend everything it does no matter what, else they feel they waited in vain.
I guess but it's fucking pathetic how they sperg about it just because they've been waiting forever.

Great read and good points. I would love to join in more but
>Never played original
>Don't plan on this one


You don't get that op is saying that you're a hypocrite. You're ok with it in FF7R but not for other games.

It's funny because you can put literal porn on your Xbox for free

I'm sure, but why would I want to put porn on my console?

>Or how many SE games got railed on for linear corridors
I can't speak for others, but I reflected on this fact after XIII got so much hate for being linear. FFX is probably my favorite FF game, and it's also linear as fuck. And with FF7, Midgar was my favorite part of the game, and it too is linear as fuck. Maybe linearity isn't such a bad thing?

>Only 1/3 of the original game.

This 100%. Every FF character since AC has had the same face now for a over a decade. It's boring.

OP is presuming things about the game despite it not even being out yet, like the corridor argument. The one everyone makes fun of is ffxiii for being a corridor game not simply because it's linear but because you can't backtrack to past areas like you could in X. They've mentioned you can travel around in vehicles to different areas in 7re in interviews so we don't even know how it's even going to work.
And he's trying to say XV has an ATB bar when that's very disingenuous. You can attack, use items and magic freely, only stuff like armiger mode or links uses a meter. And this is a problem in xv because not having a cool down system leads to item spam.
If OP wants to complain about hypocrisy about other fans, he should probably be truthful himself first.

Don't know about the ATB shit but the Remake is very corridor like from everything I've seen, played, and read about in interviews. Besides it's a city and cities are naturally like corridors anyway.

Those are only two points op made out of 4. The picture he posted and the fact that the Remake is getting split into parts is another criticism. One of which is maximum cringe DLC marketing and the other being unnecessarily splitting the game into three parts worth 60 dollars each.

>It seems all they want to do is immortalize the times they have succeeded instead of actually try to do something clean and simple with a smooth development cycle.
Every game they've tried to make since 10 has been trash though. All these boomer fucks at SE can do anymore is remake shit from their glory days and continue a Disney series that started being shit after the second game.

>the same people that attack other games as "unfinished"


I think the answer is simple. People get tired of seeing the same shitty threads pointing out one single flaw over and over and then they start to just dismiss the arguments entirely.

Newfag alert

>People get tired of seeing the same shitty threads pointing out one single flaw
There is no "pointing out flaws" it's mostly just a bunch of autistic samfags springing about waifu war shit. No one actually "talks" about anything in Remake threads

This is why companies LOVE remakes.

People can't separate the remake from the original. So when you critique FFVIIR you critique FFVII which makes people defensive and angry. Companies love this shit. They want nostalgia to completely infect your opinion.

Excuse me?

>So when you critique FFVIIR you critique FFVII which makes people defensive and angry
user, most Remake fags call the original FFVII shit. I mean, I've seen Tifafags calling her original design Deviant art trash.

The whole board complains when a game is unfinished. FF7R is the first game where rabid anons give that shit a pass, even going as far to get triggered by people wanting to wait till all the parts get completed.

I am allergic to chocolate. I do not really care to revisit this game. I stopped liking Cloud a long time ago.


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It's because the board has been taken over by overly defensive zoomers

FF7 was a solid 8/10 game at best but with the compilation and now the remake it's become fucking overrated garbage

My only question is: at the current pace, how long will it take to remake the entire game? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years?

I think the real shitty thing about this Remake is that they're justifying splitting it into parts by pitting pointless references/story elements from a compilation that most anons hated and never wanted to think about again. The fact that the characters are all AC inspired is just another insult on top of that.

>op clearly referring to some stupid XV shit
Do you really never tire of this? They only attack XV because it upsets you.

Most of the hard work is already done so expect the next part in two years, three tops.

>it's mostly just a bunch of autistic samfags springing about waifu war shit. No one actually "talks" about anything in Remake threads
This. Also crying berry every time someone says something against the Remake. It's fucking pathetic honestly.

It'll keep happening because faggots on this board don't know how to simply filter out Berry or the Remake shitters.

[citation needed]

Who knows. The fuckers at SE don't even feel confident enough to put how many parts it's going to be on the back of the box. It could be forever.

Are you retarded? Do you think each part is going to be made from the ground up? It's going to be no different than FF13, 13-2, and LR except the general gameplay will mostly likely be similar to each other unlike the 13 trilogy.

How FFXV turned out made me lose hope so my expectations is so low for remake that I don't care if it's bad. I just want to see the characters I like in modern graphics.

You sound like you're literally pretending to be an SE dev with this two/three year timeline. You have no fucking idea how long it's going to take them faggot.

thats how they get you bruh
well, implying that you'll buy it in the end, anyway.

>I don't care if it's bad.
This is what game companies want. They throw so much low effort shit at you that you just come to expect it and give them money anyway.

You sound like a massive faggot who discovered the internet yesterday. The next time you ask a question don't sperg out like an autist.

I asked for evidence and all you gave me was bullshit about FF13. A game on a completely different engine and assets. Take your meds you fucking cuck.

Oh boy, it begins again

Don't be so weak willed user. At least wait until the game is actually finished instead of paying 60 dollars per part

This. But mostly Kingdom Hearts 3 for me. Not only was the game absolute shit but I can't believe that fucking cunt Nomura is going to continue this shitshow of a story with ANOTHER fucking phone game.


>ask question literally no one knows the answer to
>give answer based on basic game development practices
>cite the developers history on making sequels to their games
>sperg out
jesus christ you ARE a massive fucking autist.

>vehemently defend it being only Midgar instead of the full FF7 story in one game without filler/padding are the same people that attack other games as "unfinished" when they have a definitive ending.

Don't speak for me to push your retarded as narrative. I defend FF7 in the same way I defended MGSV, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Kingdom Hearts 3, and more.

>Thinking about how much of a free pass FF7 Remake gets from criticism. I get why its split into parts, but the people that vehemently defend it being only Midgar instead of the full FF7 story in one game without filler/padding are the same people that attack other games as "unfinished" when they have a definitive ending.
Not sure if they're really the same people but you're right about people praising this game even though it's unfinished.

It's clear that SE is basically pulling the same shit Peter Jackson did with "The Hobbit"

Just filter these faggots so they can screech at each other in a void.

Ip doesn't went up, it's another samefag spamming doom post again

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I don't have faith in anyone at SE a decent game anymore. Every game to come out since FF10 has been garbage and no one has learned their lesson for the past decade.

Honestly, the battle system looks pretty decent and I don't mind corridors sometimes but other then that I agree with you op. A good battle system and graphs is not enough to get me invested in an RPG, especially one that's been cut into multiple parts for 60+ dollars.

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the biggest turnoff for me is it's just the ff7 demo zone with lots of padding.

it's LITERALLY MIDGAR, a tiny tiny part of the game (that you revisit later in the game)

What's wrong with everyone who hates this game just playing the original and simply don't buy the Remake