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>this arc has been going on for about a year now
>the ending is now most likely going to be delayed by a real virus

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Well if it wasn't for the constant delays already we would already have been done with this arc ages ago

wait, I thought they cancelled the comic?

Constant delays and padding out a weak story for months.
Did we finally move on from character of the issue gets infected with the virus while Sonic runs away? I gave up after Tangle got infected.

That was the archie comics this is the idw comic

you're thinking of the archie comic
op image is from the idw comic

Sort of. The faggot fanboy fucked up causing Eggman to loss all what little control he had and the Emeralds to the Boring Six so now he's teaming up with Sonic to help save the day for the hundredth time again.
Honestly this arc had some potential but Ian really fucked it up


How is the new comic compared to archie anyway?

Delays based on soliciting stories early.
It's been monthly. It's 3 weeks off at most.

Ian's doing the same old shit, but he has nobody's work left to crib.

People will tell you it's shit, but outside of the Zombot arc it's been decent (better than a lot of Flynn's Archie stuff & 100% better than Penders). Never thought someone could get me to care about Silver before, but here we are

What about my waifu sally?

>outside of the Zombot arc it's been decent (better than a lot of Flynn's Archie stuff & 100% better than Penders)
All we got outside of zombots was one mini and a 12 issue arc where nothing fucking happened for half of it.

there aren't 5 billion knuckles so it's cool

still miss scourge tho

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did big the cat eat sonic
who the fuck is this

What ABOUT your waifu sally

The only other arc was a boring Sonic Heroes rehash. This comic about a fast hedgehog moves at a glacial pace. No matter how you felt about Archie their storylines usually never went on longer than 4 issues.

She got what she fucking deserved

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Thrash the Tasmanian Devil. He banished all the knuckleses to another dimension where they were safe from Ken Penders

What did they do to her?

What's the difference

I'm sorry user.
She went to the farm. She's happy now.

None of the characters from the Archie continuity are in the IDW comic. The IDW comic is a branch of the game timeline and started as a sequel to Sonic Forces.

New comic owned by different people with different characters.

I'll take a boring Sonic Heroes rehash anyday over 1000 clones of a Gary Stu knuckles, gigachad, do-no-wrong Sonic, Tails jobbing to fucking Speedy so donutsteels can defeat the BBA & OCs making every last character from the games redundant in every single issue

>I didn't actually read Archie Sonic
Got it.

>Honestly this arc had some potential but Ian really fucked it up
So typical Ian quality story?

>sequel to Sonic Forces
Is it supposed to be canon or..? Forces had a canon prequel comic (well, prequel-prequel comic, since it happened before Shadow's episode)


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ironic, isn't it?

strange isn't it?

Bizzare, isn't it?

It's the same as how Archie was, it just picks up immediately after Forces and ignores the old comics.


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>Gary Stu Knuckles w/ 1000 clones
Penders & the extended family
>Gigachad Sonic who can never fail
Penders & literally every comic he's been in sans the original Light Mobius arc where he had to erase his kids & the Egg Grape arc
>Tails being a loser
Babylon rising, getting to do jack-shit in his SU, said SU being taken over by Antoine & Bunnie, never interacting with the witchcarters despite them being his own rogues, his one attempt at being his own hero being destroyed by Flynn forcing it into being a tantrum about fucking Fiona instead of the fact Sonic tried to let his parents get executed, literally everything before Flynn sans Turbo Tails power level bullshit
>Game characters replaced by OCs
Doesn't even need explaining

why the fuck do they keep shoving the Deadly Six in shit where they don’t belong? Why do they have the innate ability to control robots where absolutely NOTHING in their one-note designs even demonstrate that, let alone the fact that they live in the Lost Hex, a planet with no fucking robots? Their mere existence just keep pissing me off.

Good thing Archie went through two major clean-ups to avoid being exactly that. AND wasn't slower than a glacier.

All the archie exclusive characters and world is kill

It's straight up a sequel but it wont influence the games. Eggman has amnesia at the beginning of this new comic after his defeat in Sonic Forces. Some goofy platypus name Starline get the good(amnesiac) Eggman and tries to bring back the old Eggman. Eggman is back to normal and then release the Metal Virus that converts organic material to liquid metal.
Bunch of shit happens and the Zeti from Lost World are back controlling armies of virus converted people.

I'll admit I liked it much more Post Worlds-Collide
>Post Worlds-Collide>>>>>>>IDW>Archie

>1000 clones of a Gary Stu knuckles
Only show up in Ken's stories, and even then they don't do shit.
>gigachad, do-no-wrong Sonic
Archie's Sonic is a little bitch. He's a fucking crybaby and fucks up constantly until late in Ian's run.
>Tails jobbing to fucking Speedy so donutsteels can defeat the BBA
Except Tails was the one who saved the day in that arc
>OCs making every last character from the games redundant in every single issue
Almost every single Universe arc stars game characters and 3/5 of the Freedom Fighters didn't do shit and got less to do than Silver despite being around for 20 years.

You can twist these individual complaints until you find kerbals of truth, but there was plenty of Archie Sonic that's better than Ian's IDW run so far, quite a lot from Ian himself.

For the most part yeah.

The Archie universe is no more due to Sega giving the license to IDW. The Archie comic universe has nothing to do with the IDW comics universe. However, some of the writers and artists that started with Archie now work on the IDW comic.

Weird, isn't it?


Sally is an unironic slut

IDW is a continuation of Sonic Forces.

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Eggman made corona?

So where can I read the comic? I remember there being a dedicated website for the Mega Man comic years ago.

So it’s another fucking reboot.


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Tails knows this comic is cringe, sucks and has to rely on cheap as fuck drama with over exaggerated faces over generic zombie apocalypse plot to make the reader feel anything at all other than boredom

Are we gonna dump webcomics in this Yas Forums thread?

You guys are no fun.

>Metal Virus.
>Not the Eggbola strain.

C'mon Flynn! The ball is coming right in the zone.

Everyones jobbing to the Zeti because the writers wrote themselves into a corner by making enemies the heroes can't touch at all or they instadie. It's like a bad Dr Who episode.

Jesus christ, the eternal f*male brain strikes again.

welcome to Yas Forums were only stale shitposting happens and we become total moralfags when piracy is brought up, enjoy your stay

>That one future arc where Sonic had to get cucked by Shadow and become homeless to prevent Mobius from getting fucking nuked
What a fucking ride that was.

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So is boring robot zombie going to end soon, as just been needless drama that probably won’t have good conclusions.