Will Yas Forums ever band together and create another kino like Katawa Shoujo?

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Yas Forums hasn't had any culture or community spirit in 10 years

we're trying.

No. Most posters these days don't produce OC, have no talent to produce OC or just edit the same pre-existing templates to produce a pathetic attempt at OC. Wojak culture is much worse and lazier than rage comics culture, and the lazyness and apathy it breeds means nobody here will ever band together to make another visual novel, let alone a real video game. At best you can enjoy some passing through devs at the AGDG threads that will abandon ship as soon as they produce something popular.

That reminds me of that pic floating around a few months ago, with a group of psychologically scarred anime girls
Did anything come out of that?

OC still exists it's just in vacuums like discords or generals
so not on Yas Forums
Everyone realized why do it for free so pay up to my patreon you little piggy slut

The thing is for every deal like katawa shoujo you have to remember how many "idea guys" there are vs people with any tangible skills

no because most posters here now are r*ddit rejects who got tired of their stupid comments getting downvoted into oblivion so they come here and diarrhea their same shit here

we are working on making a lowpoly, game.
in these trying times.

I'll start on the logo

I tried forming a team to make a VN shortly after the wake of Katana Shogun. Writers that couldn't write, drama over heirarchy and position, arguments between people in the same damn department, individuals either not turning in work or turning in something completely out of specification. Having to teach individuals how to use basic version control software.

Still, it was a hell of an experience and opened my eyes to how difficult a dev cycle can be. I learned that you should always have as few members on your team as possible, said individuals should be competent not just interested in their fields, and professionals or at least people capable of professional work are one in a million on Yas Forums.
The plot alone was interesting enough to have it worth being salvaged but I feared if I changed the team around and managed the moonshot of making some kind of success out of it, everyone who participated in the formative stages of the VN would come knocking asking for royalties. Mixed bag.

A project on the level of Katawa Shoujo is unlikely to be made for free today. So then you're talking about people entering into a business partnership, which is sketchy for people on an anonymous board.


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Somebody fund this please.

Weren't some anons working on this?

No it made me chuckle when those idiots tried to make Katawa shoujo 2 and got their asses chewed out by the KS1 writers.

Wojak dating sim when?

No. This place has been creatively dead for some time now.

Programmer/Musician here, what kind of game should we make?

Blame the /g/ curse, as soon someone makes the logo it dies.

Not in this day and age. OC still exists, but it's too few and far between now, and most content creators end up getting chased off by people who just want to regurgitate wojacks and pepes and scream that everything else is reddit.

Yas Forums was an entirely different site in 2005-6 so no

Yas Forums died long time ago
its only proper that now its called 4channel

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we had a thread about this a while ago:

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What's Yas Forums?
I only know 4channel

no, Yas Forums is just reddit but you can say nigger now.

I blame /news/ and Yas Forums and I'm NS.

a VN is entirely art and writing, idea guys are helpful for that

Yas Forums lost its creative spark sometime around 2014, I can guarantee nothing like KS will ever come out of here again.

Hardly, unless they can also write decently.

man at this rate Yandere Simulator will end up being the last Yas Forums game

>Yas Forums is dying!!

I remember whiny faggots crying the exact same thing in 2009, you jaded fucks need to get a grip


It's not like they weren't right especially if they were talking about boards like /jp/.

Anons made the super mario world rom hack not long ago, super mario Yas Forumsorld. I thought that was some good oc

then you need either an artist or a writer, not an idea guy

fuck no, have you seen how bad just Yas Forums alone has gotten? some of these dumbasses couldn't make MS Paint OC to save their lives


i don't know that's up to individual people
Yas Forums didn't create ks, some anons who also posted on Yas Forums did. they were individual people who had a passion to make something and so they did it.
i think there's a game development general on /vg/ that helped some amateur devs make some decent games and lots of other projects draw inspirations from Yas Forums at least in part
i think it's natural to shit on ourselves and look at our past with rose tinted goggles but honestly the essence of who we are hasn't really changed all that much. and we've always shat on ourselves, even back then, even before then.
i think it's ok to give ourselves a little credit. you're all still here aren't you? we're all still talking to each other. if it was really so bad, wouldn't you just leave? there's a reason you're here forever. you like it here, don't you?

anyway if you want cool things to be made, don't just wait for other people to make them, make them yourself. there are game dev tools out there that are beginner friendly and even more visual novel tools like renpy and several others. good things always come from people who care enough about their idea to actually see it through despite the hardships. those people are everywhere, including this board at this moment. it's just a matter of making it happen.

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shut the fuck up

dammit so many best girls


No it was like that way before Yas Forums
Yas Forums and the internet in general just got way too big

an accident

Yas Forums going from the place where memes were born to just another board full of porn is what killed everything.

>small internet passion projects are dead
>freeware is dead
>just corporate shilling and indies with the occasional decent title

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call the cops. Problem solved

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There's only one best girl.

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Yas Forums helped create yandere simulator

We helped create this pit of despair

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what advantage is there in having your game be a "Yas Forums game" vs. a game made by people who also use Yas Forums, like risk of rain or world of horror

what ever became of it?


You get an immediate audience who think you’re redpilled

Thing with KS was it was a Yas Forums meme of sorts years before any development even started. Lots and lots of anons were literally asking for the template to become a real game for a long time. No other ‘Yas Forums group’ is gonna have that sort of legacy.

Thanks for the supportive words user.

reminder /agdg/ created Risk of Rain and Lethal League

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This. It stopped being a containment board and thus it all leaked.

Not Yas Forums.
Yas Forums is one of the most divided boards on Yas Forums. Everyone is constantly at each other's throats. Anytime you find a thread with decent discussion, a mod shows up and closes it. Every fucking time. Yas Forums has probably one of the strongest, united communities on Yas Forums and that's really fucking sad. I bet they could make a visual novel. But ... would you really want them to?

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we're starting work on it, just got the basic ideas and some art down, but we won't go into world details until we get a prototype going

So Its either girl C, E or F.
Girl B would be a pain.
Girl D sounds like a pain.
Girl A is not exactly mentally sane but better than B and D.

>bottom middle

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how would a project like this start? How did Katawa Shoujo even start? Did an user just say "hey guys, lets make a vn about crippled girls, who's with me?"

it bounced around as a meme "game when" until people startind drawing and writing for real

>would you really want them to?
yeah, why not?

You must cheat and break the heart of a girl to unlock her though.

yeah see, that feels like lightning in a bottle, i can think of maybe one other meme that can probably become something tangible in a few years but that's it. If any user came here and said "hey guys i got this great idea, who wants to help?" everyone would just tell them to fuck off

please user
give information

That's bogus brotha.

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