ITT: Games you can't play because they're too scary

ITT: Games you can't play because they're too scary

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FNAF. Yes, I'm a huge chicken

It's not possible to get scared by video games because of the sense of control coupled with sense of detachment one has over it at all times.

more like too shit lmao

i've seen a lot of people say they find the aquatic setting scary but almost nothing in that game scared me, aquatic stuff is always inviting to me somehow, condemned on the other hand

I can't think of one now but as a kid I was scared shitless of the graveyard level in Gex.

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I fear anything underwater in video games, it’s always been terrifying to me

same but the level where you have lights in a ghost house and you have to stand in them in order to be safe

zoomers actually find basednautica scary? holy shit kek

I guarantee you're under 25.

i guarantee you're 14

It spooks me, I got it a bit ago and the combination of a feeling of drowning plus things being able to attack you anywhere is stressful. Trying to learn it blind though, so I'm probably doing dumb things.

Amnesia the dark descent

good game my wife is in it

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It's weird, I know all the creatures in the game. I know how easy they are to escape and how to just avoid them. But something about being in really open water stills makes me so anxious. A lot of people just have a phobia of open water.

Stfu joseph anderson

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Said the person that gets scared from video games lol

Its a common fear irl. The combo of
>being out of your element
>large entities
>the dark vastness of the ocean
Are fucking terrifying on a primal level to me. Playing subnautica now, and this fear definetly stunts my progression. Couldnt play mh3u years ago cause I was afraid to get in the water with lagiacrus.

Yes. And I'm ok with that.


>Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states — beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge, etc. — to oneself, and to others, and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one's own.

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Dont make me post the image

And how exactly does my statement go against this? It should be pretty obvious a statement should be attributed to the speaker. Why did you forget this?

One of my favorite games you are missing out

>love the deep sea
>love scary games
>think the deep ocean is one of the scariest places in the world
>Endless Ocean is one of my favorite games ever
>try this game out
>don’t like it

I can’t really even figure out why. None of the deep sea stuff is scary in this game to me, despite my fear of the abyss. I wish I could enjoy this game but for some reason I hate it.

>Hearing reapers in the distance
When will this stop terrifying me? I cant farm materials or gathee blueprints because as soon I hear a reaper I'm fucking out of there.

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it doesnt spook me but i had to stop playing because the eating sound fucking enrages me

Post whatever image helps you cope my friend.

Here (you) go.

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Why can’t you be a cool tripfag like Aceman? All I ever see you doing is shitposting. So lame

It's not scary if you constantly micromanage. RE only had backpack/case space and herbs. Crafting kills the pace of games.

with pleasure :)

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See, I thought maybe that was it. I played for around 6 hours in “normal” mode or whatever it is called. The hunger and water needs were so annoying I just said fuck it and restarted in “casual” mode and it’s better but the atmosphere just still feels off. Like I think maybe the reason I don’t find Subnautica scary is because of the cartoony alien design the creatures have, as opposed to Endless Ocean(which I find scary) has actual sea life you would find in the ocean.

I don’t get why this is such a big deal. It’s just a fat kid with a shitty haircut, were you never young and ugly? What’s supposed to be embarrassing here?

It's just newfags trying to "correct the record" because they think tripcodes are about forming an identity and not trolling the fuck out of newfags

Everyone needs to try this in VR at least once

hes a retarded edge lord also nice same fagging.

>hurrdurr I was just trolling
Not even that user, but dont kid yourself. Youre just an annoying faggot.

imagine being a pussy and fearing the comfy ocean


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>tripfag thinks his opinion on trips is credible
>thinks he's "le trolling newfags"
Seriously, kill yourself.

t. man with formed identity

Be strong, user. You can overcome the space fish.

The ol samefagging with your phone trick, nice
Absolutely pathetic my child

>implying I would be using Verizon or any American telecom company


Did you forgot your tripcode there for a sec, faggot, or are you actually so autistic that you think we believe that shit ?

Have you lost your god damn mind, retard ?


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i got up to the part where the guy jumps out at you with a gas mask on, alt tabbed out and was too scared to ever play it again

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>it's only possible to be scared if your health or life are actually threatened
Did the town make you stupid?

I wish there was a way I could prove that was me that made that post and not him but you’ll just call it a trick no matter what

So 10 seconds?

Sort of like a tripcode?

lmao, is that really you in the image?

This is a shoop tho

It's ok friend, these people aren't here for the truth. They're here to cope.

>its another tripfag ruins a potentially good thread episode
I wish we could round you degenrates up into a camp.

No lol I'd never post on /sp/. Also 10 years ago I was on Yas Forums posting about LOST, like all based chads.

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are you retarded?

Just round them into the camp known as your filters and move on.

This game would be a fucking nightmare for anyone with arachnophobia, or a serious fear of bugs in general.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>the amount of hidden posts
man am i glad i have a filter, xDD

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this game just has jump scares as a basic enemy and I fucking hate it

let alone the sections I played without the right firepower and had to stealth through

I fucking hate this game, and I hear alien isolation is the same feel but even more so

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