Aside from the gay shit near the end this really isn't that bad why are you guys so upset by it
Aside from the gay shit near the end this really isn't that bad why are you guys so upset by it
Fuck off
this is not my Japanese animu waifus
go away Americans.
>talking heads 95% of the time for a plot that doesn't go anywhere
Castlevania 64 had a better story.
Because nothing happened again. Literally nothing fucking happened. Again.
Castlevania 64 had a better story than season 1 and 3 combined
Yes, it is. The writer said it himself he never played any games and just read the wikipedia, and then came out with a poor man's game of thrones with vampires.
It was amazing, if this is what a vidya adaptation looks like from someone who didn't play the games and just read some of the lore, I might be okay with more series of this kind. What would playing the game even add into this series? That the writer would want to somehow put something related to gameplay into the series, no matter how badly implemented? I think I'm okay with them trying to make this their own thing.
It's got its ups and downs but the downs just keep escalating. Some of the show is pointlessly slow and scenes are either too long, pointless or downright stupid. Most of the time it looks and talks like a cartoon. Yeah, anime, but only because it's made by a Japanese studio, but the writing, the scenes, mise en scene, dialogue and everything else is completely american, millennial, even, and not just the gay scene. It's attitudes, the 'fuck you, christians' tone that was not a thing in the games, the quips, the humor. There is a lot of brilliance to the show but there are also so many drawbacks and it's getting less and less tolerable.
>I think I'm okay with them trying to make this their own thing.
It would be okay if they actually made their own thing with an animated Dracula and hunters series since there's no copyright holding them back. It's not okay when you put a name of a stabilished franchise and make their heroic characters unlikable cunts and add a bunch of OC.
"The gay shit" was intentionally antagonistic, and you know it. Literally baiting people into getting mad, so they could throw up their hands and say "ugh, entitled, toxic, homophobic GAMERS at it again". Ever since I was a young, it irritated the FUCK put of me when Movie/tv show would take "liberties" on the source material. Like Batman movies always killing a villain or two. Hasn't changed. I know the typical response, "why even have a movie/tv show if it's 1 for 1 the game, that would be boring" and I agree! Why have it? It's all gonna be progressive Californian agenda filled schlock anyway. Fuck it. I expected it to be trash years ago, and the expectation remains the same.
Alucard was actually the least ruined of the 3 until the forced buttsex.
>I think I'm okay with them trying to make this their own thing.
So, it’s not Castlevania.
You mean like SotN did, considering it completely altered the look, gameplay and lore of the series going forward?
imagine caring that a Vampire fucks men and women
Art has been derivative since day one, only OCD tranny "nerds" are obsessed with the purity of their dumb comicbooks
Case in point people like you take up pitchforks and torches when they botch an adaptation of fucking ninja turtles or batman, while the shining and the universal fraknenstein movies are considered cinematic milestones to the point where their aesthetics and camerawork are referenced countless times and have entered the language of cinema, despite them having next to nothing to do with the apparently sacred "source material"
SOTN is a direct sequel of Rondo and expand the concept of non-linear gameplay. SOTN is faithful to Castlevania, while Netflix’s show is a travesty of story and concept.
Imagine caring about Netflix
The gay shit by the end
Why cal it Castlevania then?
Dude, the show is pure milenial cringe. Is ok if you like it but when a game haves a more coherent story than a 3 season series, is just sad.
In season 1 and 2 you could ignore a few things like Trevor and Sypha's standing regarding religion(which is literally the opposite), but season 3 was pretty much a waste for every character involved except maybe Isaac and even then it didn't need 10 episodes.
SotN even retcons the ending of Rondo lmao, Dracula's speech is different and happens at a different point
You might be the only person to argue that SotN is faithful to classicvania, castlevania used to be a goofy series based on the universal/hammer monster movies with very loose continuity
(for example, ralph C. Belmont and Christopher Belmont were believed to be the same person by the dev teams who were working on two separare prequels to CV1, which would be CV3 and The Adventure. CV1 did not even take place in 1691 originally, Igarashi decided that when he came up with the timeline)
SotN gave dracula a new backstory (lisa did not exist in cv3), changed the look of alucard, gave the series a gothic aesthetic and Igarashi then went in and decided which games were canon and which weren't and created a timeline which he later expanded upon by making a prequel, a sequel to cv3 and a sequel to Bloodlines
Not to mention the game introduced an open map, RPG elements, several weapons, transformations, permanent upgrades, equipment in the form of armor and accessories and most games following it adopted its template rather than its predecessors', changing the series forever afterwards
SotN has as much to do with classicvania as the show does, that is to say nods and references (richter appears, though he looks and behaves completely differently than he did in his own game, same with maria, there's easter eggs / references to the original trilogy in the form of bosses and items and that's about it) but please let's keep pretending castlevania was a consistent series from start to finish that was always the same before some show ruined your life by including two frames of what may have been implied buttsex
w how cute, the tripfag thinks it's people
I don't care for the show itself, I just find the arguments of OCD autists to be exhausting
"it's not like muh game so it's bad" is meaningless, for example all discussion about the gameplay shortcomings of DmC was obscured by the "not muh dante" retards, who now pretend plot and story were always core components of devil may cry as per not to appear retarded
Somehow the fact that it was an awful game that ran at 30fps with color coded weapons and QTE bosses was unimportant compared to the capital offence that it was to not make the same thing identical every single time as to avoid upsetting the autists
You have people in this very thread pretending that the series itself has always been consistend and did not undergo a massive change after SotN just to keep up this retarded narrative that purity must be preserved in nerd media, when fucking cv itself was derivative of at least 15 different american and english movies
And yet, you got baited.
Still no Grant Da Nasty. Legion fight was cool though but that was about it
It spins its wheels doing nothing and sticking around in a time period that no longer has a good story to tell. They clearly don't want to handle Curse of Darkness, and this season would have already wrapped up the story if Hector broke free/was saved by Trevor and Sypha and Issac had a main antagonist role instead of being one of many tales spread thin. Castlevania is a generational story, yet we're stuck in the same one with barely any significant time passed and a boring plot line (vampire politics) stalling the only interesting one (Issac).
Also, Alucard's whole character is about rejecting and opposing his abominable bloodline even if it's a heavy burden for him. As such, he'd have already made up his mind about his ideals and convictions after killing his father. He wouldn't have sex because he'd either risk continuing his bloodline (which got Sonia removed from the canon) or would be spreading diseases due to being connected to vampirism. It's literally out of character for him in a big way.
SotN just summarizes the ending and cuts the post-battle short with the freeze frame; an exchange like in Rondo could happen after that, and don't forget that the Dracula X Chronicles then came out and expanded on the scene overall, keeping to what Rondo did. Also, isn't the 1691 date in the Japanese manual for Castlevania 1? Regarding CV 3, SotN only expanded on the backstory that was there, and Iga only removed Circle of the Moon (which took place before Vlad the Impaler was born, so it was an automatic plot hole) and Legends (which had Alucard sire the Belmont bloodline, something out-of-character and also drastically against the "normal humans vs. evil" themes of the series, in addition to making Alucard less unique and risking Belmont vampires when they die of old age, let alone ones that could repeatedly return like Dracula. For Richter and Maria, it was five years after Rondo of Blood, so the appearance changes were normal, and Richter spent a chunk of the game controlled by Shaft, so of course he acted differently.
All of this shit is animated in korea retard.
Season 2 was shit. You fags had it coming.
Trevor and Sypha were actually the only good part of this season
>the show is pure milenial cringe
buzzwords yawn
Alucard is implied to be gay in the games. He has no love interest by the present day.
not to play Devil's Advocate here but Alucard doing seemingly out of character things at this point in his life makes sense. Mentally and emotionally he did say he was pretty much a late teenager so it makes sense he's going to do a lot of irrational things after dealing with the heavy shit he just got done dealing with.
The problem is they did it in the worst way possible and topped it all off with a cringey and forced sex scene that meant nothing. Exploring what a younger Alucard would do could have been interesting and they pissed it away so he could literally get fucked and was just another pointless addition and none of this shit matters anymore
I can't be doing with this shit, I was optimistic about this show at first and I got fucking played
>Alucard is implied to be gay in the games
where exactly? I know there's that Japanese audio drama but according to that he just doesn't fuck Maria because he's literally too sad to want to fuck and he actually stays with her until she died
>btw im a serial killer lmao
what the HECK?
I mean obviously he looks like he's up to know good
the fact that he was a murderer AND he killed children was tryhard as fuck though
>Hector nothing like the games
>introduce a pirate character when Grant still doesn't exist
>OCs that won't matter if the series ever gets past the 3 era
>pacing so terrible only Netflix could approve of it
>every single story arc in season 3 except Isaac's was filler
>silky smooth 5 frames per second
This showed promise in season 1 and it all fell apart in 2. Isaac has been the only thing keeping this shitshow somewhat watchable
At the very least Season 2 is self contained enough that if you just wanted to watch their fight with Dracula you could, as anti-climactic as it was
Season 3 literally has nothing except Trevor and Sypha and even they don't get a lot of focus
shit's dumb stupid
>all of those fucking obvious shills in this thread
>Isaac has been the only thing keeping this shitshow somewhat watchable
He is the worst character in this shit show.
>someone with a different opinion than me? must be a shill
Fucking where? How much has this website fucked up your perception of things?
no one in this thread has been remotely positive except the tripfag user
go be fragile somewhere else
Except he's still an adult by now, even if just 18 or so, and he has already spent a year steeling himself regarding his values and ideals before even meeting Trevor and Sypha. He has since killed his father and already reflected on it and his convictions. Alucard needing any further push only waters down his compelling character arc, and trying to even remotely make him like his father completely misses the point of his entire character. If you wanted someone who risked becoming like Dracula, Soma Cruz already exists for that. Save such a story for later.
>the tripfag user
Tripfags aren't anons.
this whole board is completely fucked
this has been probably the most reasonable thread concerning this mediocre show and that's only because no one is crying about muh Christianity or muh gay agenda
They are barely people
>What would playing the game even add into this series?
The actual characters.
Trevor was a devout man of god despite the church exiling the Belmonts. He believed in the higher power without caring about the institution.
Sypha was a witch turned monk, not a gypsy/shaman. She believed in the Church as it protected her from the witch trials that were carried out by individuals and smaller isolated sects that claimed to act in the name of God. Her witchcraft was further developed in the monastery to be used for good in service of god; she wasn't condemned for it.
Alucard had very important characterization that is completely absent in this show. Lisa and Dracula raised him with care, Adrian saw the good and bad in humanity, as well as the good and bad in Dracula. Lisa's death made Dracula go fucking nuclear, and while Adrian sided with Dracula at first, he turned away after seeing the needless chaos Dracula had wrought. He adopted the name Alucard in a simple symbolic expression that he sought the polar opposite of Dracula, a love for humanity even if they were to despise him.
He couldn't convince Dracula to turn away from evil, he had to kill his father (Dracula didn't have a sudden change of heart in the end like in the show). Alucard was grief stricken that all of his family was now gone - half-part at his hand - and immediately sealed himself away to keep his vampiric blood hidden from the world.
Meanwhile the show Alucard shits all over the core of his character, one sentence encapsulating it at the very end of season 3. "I'm becoming like my father".
>and he has already spent a year steeling himself regarding his values and ideals before even meeting Trevor and Sypha
not to split hairs but after getting struck by Dracula he went to go sleep for that whole year, he was going to wait until someone came down to wake him up so it's not like he really spent any conscious time being alone with his thoughts until after killing his dad
The point still stands though that if they had to go that route with his character before he really felt committed to his ideals it could have been done so much better
Warren Ellis has never played a single Castlevania game, is on record as saying he never will, and is smugly proud of that fact.
>Trevor was a devout man of god despite the church exiling the Belmonts. He believed in the higher power without caring about the institution.
>Sypha was a witch turned monk, not a gypsy/shaman. She believed in the Church as it protected her from the witch trials that were carried out by individuals and smaller isolated sects that claimed to act in the name of God. Her witchcraft was further developed in the monastery to be used for good in service of god; she wasn't condemned for it.
not that I don't believe you but where was this ever said about either of them? Japanese manual?
As for Alucard I agree though I think it makes some sort of sense that Dracula would have a change of heart at the last moment given that it also happens in SOTN
though you could argue by that point it would resonate more
IIRC we don't know exactly how long he was down there, but he had at least some time to reflect on his actions and then commit to them. Even if it was months, that's still a long time.
he got help from the pajeet that's producing the show, the guy is a massive Castlevaniafag
though it seems like at this point they're just doing whatever the fuck
That stuff is in the Japanese title scroll and manual. Also, Dracula didn't have a change of heart in SotN, he only briefly reconsidered his actions, and that was after Alucard had no choice but to kick his ass; Dracula didn't stop fighting.
I kinda went in with the assumption that it would be like jojos and after they kill Dracula they would move on to the next Belmont. It seems that is not happening
All I could really find was that the Pope himself sought out Trevor (or Ralph rather) for help and that there was a general "fear" of the Belmonts before that point and they chose to disappear
Not that I doubt there's been obvious changes, they just don't seem too significant
Nope, sorry. But we do hope you enjoy next season where we introduce Dracula again...but this time he is a strong empowered Woman! Please clap.
> a plot that doesn't go anywhere
went from devoted to dracula, wanted to resurecting and wiping out all the humans, to beliving there are value on humankind thanks to the gift the oldman give him and the talk he has with the captain of the boat. at the end of seasopn 3 he said to leave the city intact because maybe time later it could be used by others or as a monumentof what he achieve, now has his army and is about to teleport to carmila castle and get his revenge.
trevor and sypha
went from enjoying their time together having fun huntiong monsters, to have enough of all the shit is hapening and getting serious about removing evil of the world.
went from being lonely and sad that his only family is dead, his only 2 friends are gone and he is stuck guarding the castle and the belmont house, to being happy to finally have some human contact then being betrayed and have enough of having to deal with human bullshit, becoming more like his father
stuck on a cell, befriend a vampire thot, start thinkling vampires are actually not that bad
gets betrayed and enslaved by magic.
but yea, the plot doesnt go anywhere
God Sony needs to hurry up and save this series already before it's too late