What are some videogames that will keep me busy from the wuhan virus?

what are some videogames that will keep me busy from the wuhan virus?

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You could emulate Ape Escape 1, 2, and 3 while we wait out the Kungflu.

my whole life has been one long social distancing and normies cant even last a week

haha, all the extroverts are butthurt
who's laughing now?

bet you fags have 300 discord friends

nothing changed for me at all

Joke's on you, I don't even have Discord.

I've spoken to 4 of my 9 friends in the last month

I slightly saw a text message on my mother's phone as I needed it to confirm a one-time password to check how much money I had on my account, I didn't even thought people were still living normally.
I've been a hikki for too long maybe, like the last 10 years or so.

There is going to be an explosion of really self-indulgent work in the "Coronavirus" genre in about three years. Some asshole is going to write a gripping story about how they had to buckle down and didn't speak in person to people for an entire month, it will get huge critical acclaim for its "harrowing portrayal of human suffering," a bunch of instagram influencers will go "this is SOOOO totally me!!!" while holding the book and making an ahegao face, and I will vomit.

>people already complaining about just the 'social distancing'

I haven't even touched anyone in years or had a conversation that was over 10 minutes with anyone that wasn't from work. Who are these pussies?

>normalfag problems

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>stuck indoors for weeks
>Get to put a massive dent in backlog
>meanwhile normies are all having anxiety attacks

They better not fuck up this golden opportunity with a riot or something.

>extroverts have been telling us our whole lives to "get out of our comfort zone" and leave the house
>now they have to go outside their comfort zone and stay inside

get fucked, normalfags

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I ghost the ones I have every year or so and get new ones

I'm playing Super Mario RPG for the first time. Pretty comfy

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I have one online "friend" that I sometimes talk to and even then conversations are terse

>fags cant handle a few days of loneliness
>ive handled 10 years

you live in separate worlds user

they have entire lifetimes worth of social interactions that they will forget about because its like nothing to them, while its precious and unique to you

there is some middle ground that both of you have in common but its small and limited compared to your differences, you might as well tell a dog to compare itself to a t-rex

Death Stranding

Seriously, get fucked extroverts

People that communicate with each other with text messages while standing 6 feet away from each other.

We use ts and there's only 10 of us.

>I haven't even touched anyone in years
This fucked me up more than not talking to anyone
Had to shake hands with a lot of people at a funeral, and I felt genuinely ill afterwards.

stupid normalfags should try and appreciate their alone time while they're forced into it

>It's no way to live
So extroverts are seething all over the world right about now?

most normies will be like "ok it was fun for a couple of weeks, but this is getting too much" and the government will backpedal "totally casually", I think two weeks is the most a normie can take, after that I think they will feel suicidal and just go out on a riot or something, here in Italy we're in the second week and people are showing signs of high mental instability, but they keep going until monday the 23rd, that's the limit imho


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There was an article in my news today about normies not being able to handle more than 4 days without human contact as an absolute maximum. Saying that we're "all pack animals who need to be validated by one another, or we go insane".

Imagine, 4 days without talking to someone face to face and people think this is reason enough to go batshit.

I've been a neet outcast for 11 years, this is nothing.

As a gay incel I love that gif

Let it burn

The Illinois Govenor is fucking LIVID at the people backed up at the Airport and the folks STILL trying to party for St. Patrick's Day, even though Chicago canceled the parade and the river dyeing.

That sounds like my ideal weekend

>All those internet providers lifting their data caps and speeds because normies can't leave the house for a few weeks
I have decent internet for once and it's all thanks to the possible end of the world.

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my sister is like that already, no way she will make this through for another week, let alone another 3 or a month

>tfw I havent spoken to anyone in weeks even before the corona virus appeared here

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Jesus, you'd think that the new CoD BR would be enough to satisfy them at least

Oh hey a fellow. Wanna make out?

Im surprised no one has ran a story to promote people playing online games for socializing

my upload speed got inconsistent as fuck, slightly improved today, but it was horrible during the weekend, I don't want to give normies my internet, I fucking earned it from the hell they sent me to

Really? I hope they do that over here as well, sounds tight. Also pay my rent plz, can't get to work *coof* *coof*

Yes and its glorious

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>lift arbitrary speeds and data caps literally showing they're pointless and just there to gouge everyone

why are they still allowed to cap

How long until some American gets shot at a mall for hogging toilet paper?

I don't even have one lol

>implying your actually real


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I'm replaying Mr. Hippopotamus Legends.

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Gee, I bet the shareholders wouldnt like that

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Doesn't feel like it. I have to keep unplugging and replugging my wireless adapter because Warzone is too big of a download and I lose connection because of it.

At least I think.

Fucking pussys cant stand a little bit of isolation.

This brings Chad to his knees fucking kek

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A real dude? This is Yas Forums of course I'm a guy. A fat, warm, teddy bear of a guy.

If he's not taking then I will. I am a strict romantic though so we're going to need to go on a couple dates first

I genuinely don't understand normalfags
Are they really that unable to commit to a video game, or whatever other medium there is? the need to socialize actually kick in like a smoker or alcoholic needing their drug?
I've never felt that. I wish I could live my whole life like I used to do leeching off the Uni system way back, but I have to make end's meet which kills my mood for just one day and I try to skip as many days through sick leaves or bullshit

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>tfw too autistic to even make online friends

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Nobody buys TP at a mall.

fuck discord and fuck niggers

All the over-socialized people make me sick. It's like watching drug addicts go through withdrawal. These people are weak and have never experienced actual loneliness. The virus isn't going to destroy us, it will be these kinds of people acting like they're put in solitary confinement.

They literally cannot exist without confirmation from other people. Literal npc's.

and tomorrow you'll feel suicidal as fuck

I stay in my room for hours and only come down when I feel I haven't at least said Hi to my family.

During the Corona virus?!

normies will finally understand what they've subjected US to for all this time!

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>Wojakposter outs himself as normalfag deflecting through irony
How ironic

I'm a massive introvert and this shit makes me laugh.
I work at a fast food place do we get a lot of people in and out, and if you've never met someone that is a huge social butterfly it's i hard to describe just how badly they need social interaction without sounding like an exaggeration.
One person we had literally could not go five minutes without trying to strike up a conversation with someone, anyone, any and all moments of silence were awkward moments of silence, and if he wasn't talking to (or at) us he was talking to himself to drown out the silence.

I could actually see that retard going insane after just four days.

I've got enough shows, games and books to last me years, all I need is the time.

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Obviously not outside, I don't go outside even when daddy goverment doesn't declare a nation wide quarantine.

Damn I wish I wasnt so bitter sometimes

Literally the only difference about this quarantine is that I don't leave for work.

Honestly I think the coronavirus is a good thing as it finally gives everyone a similar social experience to relate to.

For once in a long while, all of society will be bearing the same pain together against a common enemy, which will ultimately bring us together

>all the fearmongering that lonely incels were gonna be the ones to snap and kill a bunch a people
>it's actually the normalniggers that can't go more than 5 minutes without spreading the Black Plague 2.0 that are going to do us all in

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Am I the only one who finds this whole situation kind of comfy? Well maybe not comfy, but unifying in a sense. It's bringing us together, which is ironic since we're supposed to physically not be close to each other

like usually when something like this happens it's just your country/area that's affected, but anons from literally all over the world are affected and they each have their own stories to tell

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It's simple

Extroverts draw energy from being around other people, socializing gives them life.
Introverts instead spend energy from being around other people, and need to retreat to themselves to recharge.

An introvert often has no problem doing things without interaction from others, but it's hell for an extrovert.

I assume you'll also tell the museum curator to add some talent, am I right fellow gigachad?

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