Why did CDPR do it bros? Why?
Why did CDPR do it bros? Why?
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Because right looks generic and deformed while left looks based.
idk if this is just lighting/angle issues but she looks so much worse on the new render
Left looks better you deranged retard
just ask them on twitter via dm, they usually respond to questions from fans
They massacred my girl.
He can go eat shit, thankfully retards like him don't get to decide what's considered good and not. Otherwise the world would be even wise then it already is
One is promotional art one is ingame you are told this every time you post you fucking schizo
Were you really invested in the shaved side of her hair being on her left side or something?
you know you fucked up when your female character has more masculine features than the male one.
Well that's because the left one looks like a cuck in the first place
Well, I think there are a few reasons they did it.
>Diversity points
>They just didn't like the look of the former default female
>Just because
>CDPR is now fully doing remote work only
you can bet your ass this shit won't be released in september. thanks china.
She clearly doesn't though
I honestly way prefer the new one
sharper features, better haircut, no shitty makeup, body looks stronger, looks more intimidating
not like i'm going to play as a girl anyway because i'm not a faggot
>when your female character has more masculine features than the male one.
to keep trannoids from exploding and committing a mass suicide event to top the fash mass suicides after shitler shot himself. this is all marketing and advertisement and dodging bullets, the final product will be different and it won't really matter, these seething twitter trannies don't even play games.
>Nigger tranny using the word based without knowing what it means
Are you blind
Seethe less anglocuck
What even changed that much other than the shitty earrings which you can probably remove and the hair being flipped to the other side?
She's wearing less eyeshadow?
Dabbing on coomers
Prepare for another delay.
Goddamn I'm looking forward to playing a buff white man with short brown hair. It's the way western games are meant to be played.
why keep asking questions about stuff you already know the answers to?
The new one is obviously intentionally ugly, but since there is a character creator it's not much of an issue is it?
Why do you care about appearence in a first person game?
Jawline is clearly more pronounced on the creature in the right + buttchin.
retarded troomers.
the beard hides the jaw you idiot
Because beards, even relatively short ones hide those features, have you ever fucking grown one? Guess why basedboys with weak jawlines prefer them so much.
>everybody shitting on the new V during euro hours
>everybody defending the new V during mutt hours
Virtue signaling.
i just noticed she has a disgusting lip piercing
it's not fair...
something about this pic makes me mad immediatly
same bro, they'll never have sex with us.......
Day one pirate it is.
Is the fact that solely men built that company and all the success through hard work and those femoids just came in to reap the rewards?
I'd hit it
nah it's not that, you just know that these goblinas are fed feminism daily and they will put their retarded leftist agenda into the game and ruin it somehow
Based brain damaged poster
I see absolutely no parallels here with incels who spend eight hours a day on Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Damn those essjaydubbayous!
They are NOT based. In fact they are very CRINGE!!!!!!!!ยก!!!!!!!!!!!
Please for the love of god have sex
>From that dumb cosplay bitch with the receding hairline to the girl from Die Antwoord
based incel
sorry new one looks 1000 times better
>16 girls
>Probably a team of 300
Not bad.
if you only knew how bad things really are
>Literally come down to REEEEEEEE WAMYNS
>idk if this is just lighting/angle issues
it's not
Fucking hell the game is doomed
Whats the difference?
That's the catch. People have asked for two weeks and there's been total radio silence, that's how we know old V is completely cut.
sex, go have it.
this looks very stupid
>team of 300
Try 700.
Someone explain this post, I'm too big brained to understand it.
And you're shown this pic every time as well
Fuck you people they look exactly the fucking same, 2020 looks better. Fuckin die.
visibly not true
She looks cuter on the left tbdesu. The freckles/skin blemishes are kinda dumb though, you'd think if someone's a fucking cyborg they'd get those removed.
Sorry. Had an autism for a second there and thought you said she looked more brown due to the lighting
>that ass chin
The game has character creation you fucking psycho
24% of the dev team are women.
>They just didn't like the look of the former default female
>kept it for 2+ years even if they kept changing male V every few months
>Oh no!
Reminds me of pic related
american hands typed these posts.
Why does her hair keep switching sides
Literally a minority.
it was more hands that are not blind
>better haircut
It's literally the exact same haircut pointing on the other side what the hell are you on about
If male V isn't fat then all of this body image stuff is bullshit. Women need to have 'attainable' levels of attractiveness, but male characters are still ripped as fuck.
>seething europoor
why are you on Yas Forums when you should be in the bread line?
>Yas Forums always trashed femV
>cdpr changes her
why are you people like that?
left literally looks better. only a poltard pleb would think otherwise
have you paid 10k$ for the ambulance yet?
Based on what? Feces from someone with hepatic deficiencies?
>Same topic for 2 years
Do what? Make changes to the jacket?
Shit taste on women, I bet you like to fuck trannies too.
have you stopped drinking ebola water and getting stabbed by muslims so you don't need the ambulance in the first place?
>they look exactly the fucking same
>2020 looks better
Why the fuck does it say "THINNER eyebrows" under those massive hairy caterpillars
>it's only promotional art
>no it's not look
Nothing to do with that pic
Fuck if I know. I don't even know what a "glabella" is.
Doesn't matter the character is customizable.
lmao geraldo and cybergeraldo boutta slaughter them
>Yas Forums is one person
Threads back then were like threads one, ie some defenfind her some calling her a goblina. And those that defended her now find themselves with an ever uglier ladyboy
fucking niggers have some problem with cute girls
Every single thing about this game has several dozen Yas Forums threads about how it's completely and utterly ruined now and every single time it's a total nothing burger
because those are just the differences listed between them, they're not arranged in a certain way.
Based CDPR Marketing Team shilling this game by shitposting
>Same topic for 2 years
You do know that pic was revealed a couple weeks ago right?
>Do what? Make changes to the jacket?
Oh, so you don't even know what you're talking about.
I knew this game was doomed when they had converse sneakers and skinny jeans on the MC
Kek, Geralt is gonna go for a de-diversification
She was 2cute. Need to tone down so uggos dont feelbad.
Isn't this game only first person now anyways? Don't really give a shit about her face since I can't even see it.
>open new tab
>type "glabella"
Why do you care so much?
What if I want to play as old V?
Why does the gaming section of Yas Forums care about one of the only AAA games in 2020 making a political statement?