I can't believe Corona-chan killed Discord bros

I can't believe Corona-chan killed Discord bros..

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I fucking wish

>discord dies
>people start talking in-game again
Honestly fuck technological advancements.

Get friends dweeb

some dude got mad at me in csgo because i wasnt talking to him in the voice chat and assumed i was in discord. Like has discord abused these boys that much? my mic wasnt plugged in and he was already fuming after i didnt respond for 3 seconds.

Fuck off Vidya Bores.


discord lives rent free in some peoples' heads

>get rid of online gaming
>people start having LAN parties again
Yeah fuck technology

Discord already ruined everything, if it died it would unleash all that pent up shit right back on us.

>start using foot pedal for push to talk
>driving in the car with me mum
>accidentally rear-end a car at a stop light when I try to talk to her

>he doesn't host his own teampseak server
The absolute state of zoomers go back to consoles

OH NOOO what are all the Yas Forums trannys gonna do now!?

I was having such a good time too.

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Did this really happen?

What kind of games are you playing where people need to communicate but you somehow know they are using Discord?
I always play Squad alone and I dont give a fuck about someone using Discord as long as they communicate when necessary

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No story posted on Yas Forums has ever happened.


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I posted a few that really happened before that might have seemed like bullshit


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Nigga I've been using teamspeak since forever. Me and my fellow boomer friends have been using it since the UT2k4 days and still use it today. We used mIRC before that but it didnt have voicechat.

Whatever will I do with myself now!

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>Discord goes down
>Modern Warfare lobbies come back to life
Good riddance

>doesn't have a way to contact him other ways
nice "relationship"

I've never been to an actually good discord server, then again I have a hard time making friends online and have had the same ones for a couple years now.


I predicted this.

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Just be yourself bro

If you play matchmaking games then you will never make online friends
I made several by playing on the same community server for 2 years straight

I just want people to call me a faggot for killing them with the rocket launcher on halo again.

But what about teamspeak, mumble, Skype and whatever else is there? Or are those dead?

Teamspeak is mostly dead
Mumble is pretty shit
Skype is very dead unless you do business

>no more tranny crusades on Yas Forums

Where can I find a gf in discord now? I just want to be happy and make others happy

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Whenever Discord came out it had a lot more features compared to the competition. I think Skype was still showing people's Public IP address as well too.

Based if true,

"wahhhhh discord just killed everything"
hard to swallow pills: discord just made what everyone already wanted to do more centralized and accessible and if teamspeak had dared to combine everything into one like Discord did it would've been just as prevalent and accused of killing gaming now.

Imagine a world where the fictional scapegoat is teamspeak or mumble trannies instead of discord trannies lmfao

A loss for trannies
A loss for sodomites
A loss for furries
A loss for pedos
A win for gamers


>steam voice chat
>limited call time
I'm ok with just text but ahhhh I wanna hear his cute voice why did discord die to Corona!!!

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Shut up, Tyrone.

>Gets on Bluetooth mic
This fucking faggot couldn't out BR me so he had to go for the power weapon! Yeah you're real good kid! You're fucking garbage dude learn to use a real weapon.

How's that? I miss those days too user.

>tfw every discord server you're in spirals down into faggot mods trying to lord power over everyone
>tfw there's always at least one person with an Alstolfo pfp in the server
>tfw the best people never talk in the server and it's just a bunch of literal whos

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>post the leak of the direct to someone
>discord goes down
good timing

Post discords I can join.

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This is how the actual IRL Luddites felt.

You host your own server for mumble on teampseak, you're not dependent on anyone for your server to be up.
Centralization is fucking garbage and nobody with half a brain wants that.

It's been a while for me but I never knew those died out. Oh well.

How? I mean I'm handsome but I'm literally a loser NEET

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fuck you mr. rapist

>>start using foot pedal for push to talk
dang, first time I hear about this, setting this up now even though I never get on voice chat.

AHHHHHHH how am I supposed to bully people now??

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Damn I was expecting autistic. Women don't like the idea of taking care of someone.

Correction: Centralization is fine, the only people who sperg out about it are people who regularly sperg out over anything else that's simplified. It's a natural evolution of the existing into something better.

wow so discord is basically just Yas Forums?

Yeah that's the stuff. That's real good.

Ah fuk.. I was planning to make a foot pedal for this purpose. True or not, you legit got me thinking...

Care to say that to me again?

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Dumb Satania poster

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I can't talk to someone in Australia. discord is how we established connections from Yas Forums.

its Mr. Ray Pist

i said fuck you mr. rapist

you had your chance

Does anybody have the pic with the stickman using the foot pedal as a controller?


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This guy gets it.
This isn't over.

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What the fuck is the logic here? People stopped talking in games as soon as they were able to voice chat with any of their friends at any given time. Discord didn't all of a sudden start some instant decline of social interaction on multiplayer games. Even consoles have party systems where you can voice chat with your friends as you all play different games. Ventrilo, Skype, Teamspeak, Mumble. All of those exist and have existed before Discord, so even if Discord ate shit permanently it wouldn't all of a sudden make every random in game a chatterbox. Fuck you and retards like you.

>using the edit

>every server has that self proclaimed "meme lord" that just posts shitty instagram memes and says oof and yeet every 3 seconds

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I know right? I was thinking about hitting up on women on discord/VRchat but I feel like this just makes things worse for me internally. I dunno, I just feel like shit right now

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>Joining public servers
There's your problem. Either talk to your friends via PM or host a server for your friend group(s) and talk there.

You're glowing.

Discord literally requires zero IQ to set-up and works much better than most of those services. Each bigger discord ends up being a self important microcosm and reflection of the internet, powertripping mods and everything.

Imagine joining public servers, cringe desu

>durr no one wants centralization
>i do, it makes things simpler
How's that corporate cock taste, retard?

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I don't believe this, but at the same time, I do.

but... aren't you......??

Which kind of server is the worst?
>the "friend" server that inevitably devolves either due to women, drama, boredom or all of the above
>the safespace server where crybabies control everything and you can never say anything out of line
>the sperg circlejerk server where there's 50 mods that are all fat NEETs and abuse their little power to feel good about themselves
>the """"official"""" server of a game that's ran by a community manager
>the truly epic zoomer meme server that's just a bunch of unfunny ironic reddit and instagram memes posted ad nauseum
>the coomer servers where people share and discuss porn of every disgusting degenerate flavor for all to see

Anything with more than 100 people and a NSFW channel is not worth your time. Other offtopic shit like #anime, #food and whatever also is a redflag, because they're less focused on the topic, and more on faggotry and building up a """"community""""

>server full of modders for old game
>they bully out all the fags
>don't even know who the admins or mods are
>no trannies
>the only women are old moms that stick around because they have something to contribute
pretty based


Discord made it worse though. There used to be a lot of people talking in-game, even with skype and shit, now nobody does.

>sowwy for de technicawl difficutwies O.O we'll be right back :)
Discord staff is embarassing. Type professionally you retards. The loading screen memes are shit too.

The one you didn't list: the Yas Forums one where just like the reddit and instagram server, all they spam are wojaks and slurs thinking that the new latest -ooomer is the funniest thing in the past 30 minutes.

They all have their fair share of shit, but in my opinion.
The worst servers are the ones that a combination of two or more of those.

Yas Forums is implied since reddit and instagram just repost Yas Forums shit anyway

you are the one who gets bullied here.

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You're not the target audience.

ITS A CHUNGUS!!!!!!!!!!

>loading the epic memes bruh OwO

It's always the first one because why bother with internet friends? It's just a waste of time. All that time and for what, it could disappear in a day like a fart and there would be nothing you could do to stop it because it's so much easier to cut ties and sever any kind of compassion, empathy or emotional ties. Just don't bother.

uh oh chumbus wumbus didn't scrub between his fingers and is going to die

the worst are official servers with thousands of people but it's the same dozen constantly pinging everyone and asking for matches with each other while the rest ignore its existence, and if a new player shows up looking for resources they're immediately challenged to a first to 10 to prove they actually play which obviously pushes them away. Modern fighting games are trash.


lol, I noticed that I sometimes push the side mouse button when talking to someone in the room while playing


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And now Steam has piled on with their attempts at copying Discord's style, layout and all in their chat and group creating features. You're a bitch and the only reason faggots like you try and single Discord out is because you got your ass banned for typing nigger in a server you had no connections in. If you honestly think Discord's voice quality is superior to Teamspeak's and Mumble's you should get your ears checked. Call me a shill all you want, cause I know you will, but the problem more comes from the fact that randoms are always fucking retards and people would rather not talk at all than deal with them.
Discord put the nail in the coffin, but you're retarded if you think that all of a sudden people would go back to talking in-game if Discord died.

servers that are just garbage dumps for meme spam will always be the worst. it's the lowest of the lowest. like talking to braindead monkey scum who might as well be flinging their shit nuggets at the wall.

Bully my cock please

It's just smash Bros.
Each and every time.
Nothing else.
It so draining.

>Discord put the nail in the coffin, but you're retarded if you think that all of a sudden people would go back to talking in-game if Discord died.
I never said it would, all I was saying was that I miss the times from before discord.

doom guy + isabelle = epic result :o

It's back up

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Chill out retard, I never said Discord has inferior voice chat quality or anything like that - it works perfectly, Steam's still shit in comparison.
