Borderlands 3 DLC2
You're gonna buy her expansion when it comes out March 26th, right bros? It looks kickass

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shut up retard

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>her expansion
>she's a side character
>she's a wedding planner now
>they got rid of her bangs
>they changed her eyes from almonds to donuts
>they erased her old personality and replaced her with the standard awkward jokey female they've been using for every female character since Burch

Can I play as her with the japanese voice?

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no, you will only ever be allowed to play as the new four randos no one gives a fuck about

Into le garbage it goes.

Only Zane matters

no, randy killed my waifu, that is unforgivable
i'll never buy his games again

There's only one thing they did right. Remember in Tales they were setting up Janey Springs as the replacement of Scooter? That's long gone now.


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did scooter somehow survive?

No FL4K?

yeah? look at and tell me if that's a win to you

okay him too

look how ugly gaige is here they killed her too

No he's dead, he fucking rode a rocket that plummeted into the planet. You see this in the storage bay of the big ship.

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cope, mayafags

God the new vault hunters are bland
They look fucking generic as shit, except maybe Amara but she could never top Maya

You mean it looks BADASS?

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In terms of gameplay Amara is much better than Maya though

Not in design

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When is krieg gonna come back and get his revenge.

never, he's also going to die because of Ava

Do you think they'll patch in playable Gaige?

No way fag

said there wont be any dlc character but i think most people expect them to go back on this

Gaige, what did they do to you?

They scrapped all Krieg stuff for Ava. There are fucking Maya voice lines about krieg, and talking to Krieg. You suppose to meet him first time wheny you meet Maya. Guess what fucking happen.

lmao not even a free copy of randy's dandy porn flash drive of barely legal underage girls would make me buy this shitshow of a dumpsterfire

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I don't believe you. I believe that gearbox can make awful decisions, but I also believe that they are lazy as shit and wouldn't do more work just to support their bad decision.

No way. Sauce?

The wall

sorry for the shitty you tube channel but here.

>Are You a ass Game Developer? Join Us at Gearbox!
Absolute Kek right there

Kill yourself dubshitter.

Fuck you Randy
Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou

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>Borderlands 1 makes fun of prison gays in a DLC
>Borderlands 3 DLC is about gay marriage

Who the fuck is this discount Gaige?

Gaige is cute but I never played her because of her kit

I switched to Maya mid-run and had tons more fun

>Let's just scrape what people actually wanted
Fucking why though.

Dunno, going full anarchy and shooting 360 with shotguns was also fun.

I hate Gearbox so fucking much.

And it all for Ava. For fucking Ava. I was afraid they will fuck up stuff but not to this scale. Same with Tannis and Angel powers. Gearbox can go fuck itself.

>krieg canonically rode maya like a meat bicycle

The fuck is wrong with her face

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No. They simply made Ellie be his replacement instead.

An user in the previous thread summed it up pretty well.
There have been changes in the writing team between 2 and 3, and the new writers probably either were too inept to connect with the old characters, or were just petty and decided to kill/write off the old characters to introduce their new ones.

How did they even go from 6 (or 5 I guess, Axton was pretty generic) lovable protagonists and an absolutely GOD tier antagonist to 4 literally who protagonists and 2 le epic streaming villains?

>could have Maya with Krieg
>instead we got dead Maya and teenage drama queen
Why the fuck

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user... BL3 writers are literal whos. The only game they worked on before BL3 is Battleborn.


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Thinking Krieg will be caring about Maya when he knows the scientist woman who made him is still out there.

>March 26th
>literally 6 days after Doom Eternal's release
>5 days after Half Life Alyx release


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The protagonists in 3 are pretty cool

not as cool as the ones in 2

It's just a DLC, it doesn't matter as much as the main game's sales

>ellie arrives in BL2
>everyone hates her and wishes she would fuck off, all we need is scooter
>presequel introduces Janey, an intolerably unfunny lesbian
>scooter up and fucking dies in a game that isn't even really in the series
>the choice is now down between ellie, janey, and a new character who could possibly be worse than both
>ellie is now somehow the most appealing candidate
this fucking series is just bad design decision after bad design decision

It seemed a lot more like Gortys was being set up as his replacement

hard disagree
i dislike 3 as much as the next guy but 2s cast was pretty bland
>maya shes the siren 0 personality
>amara wants to be the strongest left her planet to kill shit and find a worthy opponent also shes a siren
>axton soldier also bisexual
>moze soldier
both lame so ye
>Zero pretty cool ninja dude
>Fl4k robot that uses pets
equally cool to me
>salvador mexican crazy midget
>zane the arguably second most charming character atfer jack

I think Randy was too proud of his work to see that Tales and border 2 worked so... we got borderlands 3.

cope Randy, your game was already forgotten since day 1

how fucking difficult is it to even write a story for borderlands? the ending of 2 left them with a galaxy of possibilities yet they chose the weirdest, most fucking contrived way of writing a sequel. there's traces of what could have been but the end product is just SHIT. at least it's got the best gameplay of the series going for it.

ellie is literally his sister
of course shes better than jaime who doesnt know anyone of the bl2 crew and also no one likes her

to be fair, scooter died because his voice actor and writer was struggling with health issues

i was on the fence about buying this but after seeing how they botched her model ill pass
none of the classes look fun or interesting, easily the worst cast in a borderlands game

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Maya was rised her whole life in pretty much slavery and then killed those monks and travel to pandora to get some adventures. She does have personality. It would be quite fun to see Amara and Maya spar together or shittalking between them.

And Axton want to fuck his turret. Just fun fact.

the ones in 2 are questionable

>his voice actor and writer was struggling with health issues

So? replace the nigga, Randy already did it with Clap, arguably the most iconic shitty character in the series.

>another exclusive from virusspreading company


Moze is cute

Were his writer and voice actor the same person? What?

Tales was the best place for character development in the series.

And it's been out for 6 months... Cope :)

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wow, it sounds like they put a little effort into making moze slightly more interesting

idk or care much about maya
but literally every other character when you play them shows a bit of a personality
except maya she just really doesnt stick out unless you read those comics that nobody gives a fuck about
i mean think about it
axton cool guy really likes his turrets
salvador batshit crazy
zer0 mysterious enjoys killing alot haiku stuff too
and maya i dont know nothing

maya does have a personality, it's just not as explosive as everyone else's which makes her seem bland in comparison, but she's not
also fuck you salvador is great

Claptrap's VA was just Claptrap's VA.
Mike Neumann is Scooter's VA, writer in Borderlands and writer and creative director (whatever the fuck that means) of Borderlands 2. Not really that simple to replace him.


>50% off on release
TF2 has been out for 10 years and it still has more players.
cope :)

You can't compare shit to Dota 2, CS GO, TF2, etc. Those are just main staples.

maya cool girl really likes her books and acid clouding people

>GTA V: 100000 players
just why



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user... TF2 has occupied a top 10 spot on steam forever.

Fucking obnoxious dead weight, I hate her so god damn much

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>it looks kickass
no one but randy would say this

Opposite happened with me. Maya was full on garbage until she got to Acid Cloud and Gaige was amazing the moment she got Deathtrap and she got even better in the next five levels with anarchy+close enough.

i never said salvador isnt great lol
im still waiting for someone to tell me her personality because so far im right

I don't get it either. Online is shit and there's fuck all to do in single player. I wish it actually had content

It is a personal rule of mine to only buy full versions of games so I ain't touching bl3 until they release a complete edition of it.

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thats the thing they fucked up maya. at release her acid cloud skill was completely useless
now its completely broken and basically is your win condition in normal and vh mode because they made it that broken

Whats his name again?

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Brandy Itchfort

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So she was even worse at release huh? Damn

yo can i just say i spammed borderland 2 even pre sequel everyday, but 3 is so shit i beat it twice and quit

So how long before you finally bought BL2? Because it was not deemed a "complete" game until a couple years ago.

>been having a blast using Moze minigun rocket build mech
>keep reading it falls off late game
Is this true? Is the one thing that makes this character fun total shit in the endgame?

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>Her face

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yeah but now you can just shoot something once and your acid cloud does the rest its so dumb

Yeah I mean Maya is not good until Acid Cloud but after that she's pure unadulterated rape.

She's a calm and collected bookish lady who hates authoritarians and likes redeeming psychos.

Did they ever add DLC Characters in BL3?

Technically it wasn't complete until last year because of the Commander Lilith DLC

no its ok just dont play mayhem 4 you need perfect gear for that

i have the seaon pass and whatnot. dont have to buy it when i guess in retrospect i already bought it

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