Plug in the card and just play

>plug in the card and just play
>no install
>no update to fix broken shipped product
>fantastic first party games
>fantastic variety
>pure FUN rather than interactive movies
>no gay fucking trophies
>never have to check before starting a game if there are "missible trophies" or if I'll have to grind through it three times to achieve some gay arbitrary feat
>in-person multiplayer right out of the box

Why are Nintendo the only company who "get it"?

Attached: Switch.jpg (679x405, 35.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it has no games and it has bad games

meanwhile, games cost 10 or 20€ more, even when they're straight ps4 ports with no exclusive features. that nintendo tax huh.

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>plug in the card and just play
Hasn't been true since literally day one 3 years ago. You need to download a mandatory update that takes like an hour+ from the get go and lots of games require a specific firmware AND almost every game gets patches which prompt you to update AND you can only download one update at a time.

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what third world shithole do you live in?

>posting quotes of literal cùckolds to push the shitch

The memes write themselves

i haven't touched my switch since maybe november or early december. I got it in October.

Played LTTP, BotW, SMO, SSBU, Tropical Freeze, and LM3.

There's not any other games I'm even interested in playing, I don't really like weebshit so anything with anime looking characters / gameplay I refuse to touch outside of Zelda.

If Nintendo would do their due diligence and re-release some older GCN / Wii / Wii U games on the switch maybe I'd have something to actually play.

>game library is non existent, mostly wii u ports and watered down 3rd party ports
>laggy online (again) that regresses by bringing back friend codes and charging for it, neither of which were on the wii u
>32gb hard drive unless you sacrifice more bing bing wahoo dollars to the japs for an sd card
>no proper virtual console, instead we get that subscription where you get 20 or so retro games we've already seen multiple times on vc, still no official way to play gamecube games aside from price hiked ebay listings
>the whole gimmick is thrown out the window after you use it for a few hours; handheld mode has an absolutely laughable battery life, tv mode it still carries over the power of a handheld so you might as well play the 360 since it's about on par with that graphic wise, and tabletop mode is almost unusable since the charging port is on the bottom; the fact that they made a handheld only version (which it should've been to begin with, but muh innuvation) proves this point further
>drifting controllers

Attached: PicsArt_03-10-02.34.28.jpg (1080x1080, 216.62K)

Cope lmao

Attached: Simplythebest.jpg (1034x1048, 344.18K)

Oh, nevermind. Forget the paragraph I wrote, a mainstream media outlet said it was a good system. I'm fucking wrong. You win.

Attached: The triangle of arguments.png (2200x1519, 112.39K)

>>game library is non existent, mostly wii u ports and watered down 3rd party ports
Literally more worthwhile exclusives than ps4 and xbone combined (hint: xbone literally has 0 exclusives)
>laggy online (again) that regresses by bringing back friend codes and charging for it, neither of which were on the wii u
Not all games, just the p2p ones if you're in a third world country :^)
>32gb hard drive unless you sacrifice more bing bing wahoo dollars to the japs for an sd card
Nigger how the fuck do you not have a shitton of SD cards? It's not that psp/vita shit where you have to buy sony cards. Literally any SD will work
>no proper virtual console, instead we get that subscription where you get 20 or so retro games we've already seen multiple times on vc, still no official way to play gamecube games aside from price hiked ebay listings
what the fuck are you even talking about
>the whole gimmick is thrown out the window after you use it for a few hours; handheld mode has an absolutely laughable battery life
Nigger what
>tv mode it still carries over the power of a handheld so you might as well play the 360 since it's about on par with that graphic wise, and tabletop mode is almost unusable since the charging port is on the bottom; the fact that they made a handheld only version (which it should've been to begin with, but muh innuvation) proves this point further
are you retarded?
>drifting controllers
This is your only legitimate point

Your opinions are all worthless lmao

>RREEEEEEEEEEE! Its shit because I can't play Gamecube games! REEEEEEEEEEE!!


Help a pirate out Yas Forums. Just got a hacked switch, what are some must play games?

Try googling it fagit.

An hour wtf?

>There's not any other games I'm even interested in playing, I don't really like weebshit so anything with anime looking characters / gameplay I refuse to touch outside of Zelda.
What does the art style of a game have to do with how they are? Expand your horizons.

Not him but
>art style
You're retarded. Weebshit is almost always pandering and almost always cringy
That and you fucking retarded weebs buy shit BECAUSE it's anime garbage, regardless of quality.

He literally brought up anime looking in his post. He didn’t say anything about pandering you illiterate fuck.

everything that looks anime is weebshit garbage. Kill yourself, weeb - maybe you'll end up with your waifu

>>plug in the card and just play
>>no install
>>no update to fix broken shipped product

I love my Switch too, but you led off your post with the biggest loads of bullshit about the system. Day 1 updates are still a thing and it's still irritating playing certain games because of it.

>in public
>want to play Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz after not playing for a while
>pop card into Switch
>"game needs to download update"
>no option to play without updating
>same shit happened fairly recently with Link's Awakening

>Put in MK11
>like a 18GB download
Why the fuck is there even a cartridge version?

Attached: ClHAhJ2.jpg (3024x4032, 1.25M)

>binding of issac on switch requires online activation each time you play it after poweroff

for what fucking reason?

remember when no one knew what the switch was and people were going through the patents about cartridges and getting excited and they revealed it and it turned out to be a shitty gameboy with no games?

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None of the games are worth playing.
I honestly dont understand how you can get by only playing bingbing wahoo shit exclusively.

I bought an AC Switch on Friday and after transfering my user over to it from the launch Switch, I spent most of Friday and Saturday downloading digital games, and inserting carts so that I could download patches for my physical games (nearly all of them had a patch). Animal Crossing is shipping without online play, it's in a day-one patch.

Hi Eric
Botw sold 16 million units on Switch
You were wrong, admit
And no, running away screaming like a nigger on a tranny discord server doesn't count.

How the hell is Astral Chain and Mary skelter 2 bing bing wahoo? By the same logic Halo, The last of Us and God of War are all bing bing wahoo aswell.

You mean the flash memory tax. Discs are slow, cheap pieces of shit and have convinced zoomers they don't need physical media for a reason and the price of games on the systems using them reflects that.

>>the whole gimmick is thrown out the window after you use it for a few hours; handheld mode has an absolutely laughable battery life, tv mode it still carries over the power of a handheld so you might as well play the 360 since it's about on par with that graphic wise, and tabletop mode is almost unusable since the charging port is on the bottom; the fact that they made a handheld only version (which it should've been to begin with, but muh innuvation) proves this point further
Holy shit you're retarded

>I honestly dont understand how you can get by only playing bingbing wahoo shit exclusively.
Why are you projecting?

>the guy who think immersion is a thing is a delusional murderer
Seems about right since mentally healthy people don't get immersed because they know fiction is fiction at all times as one would.

Not him, but I'd say Ps4 library easily surpasses the switch due to it being out longer naturally.

Paying online is bullshit because it was one of the things trolls and faggy fanboys would use as a counter argument for everything, and now Nintendo does it and doesnt bring anything to the table at all besides old ass games.

Switch battery life is absolute shit, but surprisingly my switch is doing much better on battery after hacking it. And hes right, some games dont look much better at all on docked mode. Xenoblade2 is good but it looked like complete ass majority of the time you actually move around in the game.

Still love the switch tho.

you deserve all the shit you can get

While yes it is refreshing to have a modern console that doesnt need to install the game onto the internal memory when buying physical unlike shitty weak ass PC imitators like the PS4 and Xbone that kinda killed the whole purpose of consoles in the first place, it still requires you for the most part to download updates in order to play said games.

There are updates if you actually use the internet liar.

No one gives a fuck about those irrelevant games.

>the whole gimmick is thrown out the window after you use it for a few hours;
And yet 50% use it primarily handheld and 30% of them exclusively so compared to 20% of the other 50 docked.

And it's selling precisely as you'd expect a Nintendo handheld to because that's what it is.

Yeah, no one cares about TLOU, Halo or God of War.

>Switch battery life is absolute shit
>And hes right, some games dont look much better at all on docked mode

>No you're wrong, I'm right
Nice, try something different next time, you might actually form a real conversation and point.

My biggest issue with the Switch is lazy 3rd parties only want you to play old games for premium prices for LE ON THE GO
Where's the effort?

Attached: Wall O' Ports.png (700x675, 1.2M)

How the fuck are Dragon Quest XI S, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Daemon X Machina, Animal Crossing, Arms, Ring Fit, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem Three houses all bing bing wahoo? I swear this term is only used by brain damaged spics.

"Doesn't count!!!!!"
You niggers really need to go back to resetera.

When you make a comic where you kill a caricature of people you don't like to show how right and not mad you are

There are most definitely updates retard-kun. Even on day one for some games so they can add something in or fix something that came up in the prerelease reviews, just like everyone else.

Dragon's Quest Xi says hi.


Concession accepted

Imagine being so upset about a word that you make this shitty comic.Even Bum Fuckley's comics are funnier this this pile of crap.

Alright tranny, now run along

Some of the bigger ones added shit though? What the fuck are you getting off with?

Not that portability isn't itself a godsend. I literally bought TBoI Rebirth of 3DS to have it portable and did the same with the full package to have it physical when it hit Switch.

I mostly don't play PC anymore despite having been PC + Nintendo handheld for nearly a quarter century when it released.

Most of the games I cared about were there or were coming and now there are literally dozens of the games I care about most there and more.

Also, you're not an investor. A port is good enough. There shouldn't be exclusive garbage as it's anti-consumer shit no player needs to worry about.

There was a day 1 patch for the fucking console.
Kill yourself

Hi schizo, take your meds.

when you are unable to spell switch, its quite easy spotting you

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couldnt you make the same argument about the fucking virtual boy

Attached: back in 09 chillin with the homies not care in the world.jpg (637x637, 87.14K)

It's called being a Nintendofag. Steady diet of BING BING WAHOO and 5 year old ports that were previously never on Nintendo hardware, so they're brand new for all the Tendies

He's not the only one doing it, schizo. Take your meds.

>outsells bloodborne's lifetime in 3 hours
bing bing bitch

>Frank is misspelling Sony and exposing himself

>game comes out
>people enjoy it
>game gets ported to switch
>suddenly, game is no longer good or enjoyable

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>GTA5 outsells everything on the shitch
Bing Bing indeed.

>no install
>no update to fix broken shipped product
Not 100% of the time though.

>no gay fucking trophies
Some games have their own set of achievments though.

>worst possible version, 10 years later on the worst possible platform
>people with functioning brains dislike it
Truly a mistery, nintendildo

>no gay fucking trophies
Good thing it's optional.
>never have to check before starting a game if there are "missable trophies" or if I'll have to grind through it three times to achieve some gay arbitrary feat
Literally force himself to make something OPTIONAL even when disliking it.

Are you retarded?

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How about Dragonquest XI S, Devil May Cry 3 and Alien Isolation? The definitive console versions.

>Also, you're not an investor. A port is good enough
Not if its over a decade old and costs the same as an AAA release

Oh boy we got a mad one