Why did her entry bring so much debate and tention among the fans at that time?

Why did her entry bring so much debate and tention among the fans at that time?

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Everyone considered her a win for their side.

waifu and representation

Not having any african attributes besides dark skin doesn't matter.

She cute. I want lick that chocolate cutie girl.

fpbp. people are now hysteric with all the race bullshit. i hope niggers starts a race wars so now we can have a excuse to kill them all finally

>i hope niggers starts a race wars so now we can have a excuse to kill them all finally
You might be the hysteric one

it didn't

i masturbate him

Stop complaining nigger

Maybe...but at least im not a nigger

>implying anyone on Yas Forums has or will have a kid

quality exchange lads

This is what happens if you try say this irl

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>niggers are just animals that can’t control themselves
thanks for proving my point, user


Nessa is Black.

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Why did it cut off just before he was going to rape the white boi?

woah momma that's a masterpiece

>literally double nigger

Imagine this artist drawing cunny.

nessa a shit, melony best swss girl

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I don't get it either. There's been brown people in every gen. I guess because this was the biggest mainline release being on a non-handheld attracted more people.


>lil' spaz wants to kill in a 'tard rage like the nigger he is

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Maybe...but at least i’m not a nigger

No, she's a cute monkey.

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For such a bad gen there were some amazing waifus

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don’t tell me this world wouldn’t be better without niggers? don’t lie on me

Nessa aint black. Nor is bea. Shes from the dark skinned area of japan. She has no african/indian features shes japanese.

monkeygirls are underrated

i don’t care user. if you care about a vidya character race then you’re retarded or a nigger. And I hate niggers so i probably have to shoot you

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nessa is mixed white/indian, like dudley from street fighter
>dark skín
>blue eyes
>comes from fantasy england

I bet that the character designer put 1/10th the thought into her design as the internet has in trying to determine her race.

Why are we attracted to brown girls this much?

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You're a fucking idiot

>UK region
user, they're probably tanned (Nessa for sure isn't that dark normally unless I'm just blind/retarded/reading this card wrong) but I highly doubt they're Okinawan. Regardless this is stupid because their REAL races are obviously whichever ones help you sleep at night because TPC doesn't actually give a shit and designed these characters with aesthetics in mind first, not race politics

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his thought process comes from a purely aesthetic direction, unlike us, race-realist gamers.
you could also use the cheap excuse of it being a fantasy race from the fantasy land of pokemon and doesnt need to have anything close to a real life ethnicity.

t.beta virgin

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outrage culture

there was some controversy on twitter because a lot of artists were drawing her with noticeably lighter skin compared to the official art

before any of you start flapping your chapped gums at me i want you to consider the typical Yas Forumsirgin reaction to depicting white characters as being darker than they really are

the reason the former is seen as more offensive than the latter is because we already, literally globally, have established whiter features as being more attractive and it's only in the past decade or so that this has been slowly getting undone as instagram asses have ballooned to brazilian proportions

She's just super tanned, dude.


*one gookgle search rater*

This was the thought process.

an enormous amount of Yas Forumstards are self-hating hispanic-americans, see every Yas Forums meetup picture ever. when living in a society (lol) where non-whiteness is directly correlated with less social/economic/sexual success, those who see themselves as being on the edge of whiteness begin grasping for straws to justify it.

what's especially funny is how many of them really aren't even on the edge at all

and I've been spanking my meat to it ever since

>the reason the former is seen as more offensive than the latter is because we already, literally globally, have established whiter features as being more attractive and it's only in the past decade or so that this has been slowly getting undone as instagram asses have ballooned to brazilian proportions

Look, I like fat asses too, but white, no CAUCASIAN, features are just hotter. It's why Ethiopians, who have caucasian features, are considered some of the most attractive women on the planet, while west africans just wrinkle their flat, chimpy noses and suck their teeth in jealousy.

because Nintendo marketing is about fetishes related to the games.

A sjw complained that an artist drew her with a slightly pale skin tone, and rather than do nothing which is the proper way to deal with sjws, they drew her as a monkey as a joke

fixed, now everyone is happy

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anons it's pretty clear she's white from how pale her glove hand actually is. She's just very tanned.

The Nessa and Bea shit is fucking hilarious.
Watching whitoids screeching at each other over some cartoon characters being drawn the wrong shade never gets old. Especially when they draw other characters darker and then get angry for people drawing characters lighter

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Maybe...but at least i’m not a nigger

You are one though

This is only tangentially related to Nessa but I fucking hate how any character with even the slightest tan, regardless of context, is immediately picked up and paraded around by twitter schizoids as if they were deep black jungle niggers and any attempt to point out how stupid it is is met with shock and horror.

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Here's the thing. You don't care and want to spread your bullshit just to cause trouble and destroy the board. I know by fact that you faggots are either white guys who never meant a black person and just listen to Yas Forums bullshit while going, "THE STATITICS!!!" or black guys who hate their own race. There's a reason we tell you guys to go back to Yas Forums, so we don't have to listen to your bullshit.

shut up nigger

i miss when people said shit like this trying to get a few edgy laughs
this website is plagued with actual white nationalists thanks to Yas Forums

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the world is getting more and more polarized such that even seeing black people will send people into a rage

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I like to think they darkened her up just to get the internet to go retard on her, them back in their offices laughing at how stupid we all are.

Cool. could you also fix Lenora. an ACTUAL black character

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