ITT: Games that aged like unironic milk

ITT: Games that aged like unironic milk.

Attached: Metal_Gear_Solid_cover_art.png (250x215, 32.03K)

As opposed to what, trendy hipster milk from Whole Foods?


Attached: nHysFiFzH3k9jfV6VCcgb-1200-80.jpg (800x400, 25.98K)

Played it for the first time a couple months ago, I'd say it holds up pretty well

What are some games that aged like ironic milk?

you start

I played it for the first time a couple years back, it definitely holds up

>age milk
>it turns into fine cheese

Attached: efg.gif (256x256, 4.23K)

>cuts to live-action FMV of a dairy farm montage


>unironic milk
What would ironic milk be?

I played it again not that long ago and yea it's just fine.

Attached: 1563134501004.png (283x246, 86.82K)

>Corridor level design
>Endless amounts of unavoidable cutscenes and dialog
>Scripted events
>Radar that tells you where enemies are at all times because the camera angle is so bad
>Almost no environmental interaction
>Reddit boss design

>Holds up

I recently played and it's alright until you get near the end the PAL key backtracking section i gave up desu

Yeah my fav MGS and I played it for the first time some time between ground zeroes and tpp


Just like any other modern game, what's your point?

>>Reddit boss design
Oh my bad user, I didn't realize you were retarded and just speaking gibberish

>corridor level design
Yes, military bases have corridors. Amazing. Are you implying it should be an open world game? lmao

>Corridor level design
Sorry it's not a Ubisoft open world collectathon with towers you climb that reveal nearby locations, zoomer.

yeah beepzorz we already saw your reddit post on other threads.


>Reddit boss design
You're trying too hard

It should be a game, not a movie.

Thief is for people who aren't smart enough for Deus Ex and System Shock.

Holy based.

Attached: Deus Ex - Liberty Island Madness.webm (853x480, 1.82M)

I have more trouble playing Thief than either of the other two tbqh. Not him, just not sure how you came to this conclusion.

You can sum all this up by saying "follows game design trends of the previous two decades as opposed to those of the 20-teens." Even if you don't prefer that, I can't imagine how boring it is having taste that won't permit things from different eras being different themselves. At least appreciate it for serving a distinct niche.

>>Reddit boss design
please stop posting

Attached: d-white-people-recycle-trash-can-image-background-51955249.jpg (1300x1260, 88.27K)

>game with focused solely on stealth isn't for people who play games with lite stealth mechanics or no stealth at all
I really don't get your reasoning

>he got filtered by the Revolver Ocelot fight

based op


>>Reddit boss design

Attached: 1555871810770.jpg (291x183, 15.73K)

You should play Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes it's a much better remake of the original.

Attached: slap.webm (1754x720, 2.63M)


based filters


>Reddit boss design

The AI can't spot you when you're standing a couple of feet away in their direction. Stop following trends like a retard. Game is old, outdated in fact it was outdated for PC-Chads the year it came out.

>Yas Forums game design

>This mechanic doesn't perfectly simulate real life so it's bad
They can see crystal clear and incredibly far on Extreme by the way.

The mechanics are bad because there is no depth to them.

>video game is too video gamey

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (601x601, 67.53K)

Not every game needs to be a fucking marathon of mechanics, you faggot.

That's not what I said, now is it?

Define depth then, because when the usual Yas Forumstard says "depth" they mean "vomiting mechanics at the player."

Yeah, and your argument is bad because there is no depth to it

Attached: 1522417451752.png (196x232, 69.17K)

Depth is the amount of non-redundant options present to the player at any given time during the average gameplay sequence.

>Radar that tells you where enemies are at all times
Lol fucking casuals shouldn't be allowed to complain about games.

>>Endless amounts of unavoidable cutscenes and dialog
You do realize you can skip every bit of dialogue and every cutscene in the game right?

You do realize that games shouldn't have over 4 hours of that stuff, right?

So 99.9% of video games have no depth, considering they focus on one major aspect. Read you loud and clear.

why not? It's skippable

The epitome of exactly what you said in its purest form.

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Are these ridiculous strawmans how movie game fans cope?

Attached: DMC4 Depth.webm (500x280, 2.8M)

>Endless amounts of unavoidable cutscenes and dialog
This nigga ever heard of the X button?

MGS was always shit, people are just starting to realize it. Shit stranding opened people's eyes to just how bad Kojima is at his job

I never played mgs on the harder difficulties because it seemed like it would be exceedingly tedious to have to constantly stop and go into first person because of no radar.

MGS3 is the best one

Attached: Call from based department.png (1280x720, 965.57K)

>Combos are depth
I am literally retarded and beat DMC4 on Dante Must Die.


I played MGS1 for the first time like 4 years ago and thought it was great, and I don't like stealth games. I went on to play 2, 3, 4, Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, and 5. I think you might have brain damage.

>scripted events
What does this mean? There are scripted events in every game.

people who enjoy peace walker legit have brain damage

So the options is the AI either has to perfectly simulate a human being or they have to be legally blind that don't pose any challenge to the player what so ever.
Absolute state of fanboys

This but unironically.

I didn't keep playing it when it became a grindfest. That was stupid bullshit and I wasn't going to waste my time doing that to see Paz take over Zeke.

It's because MGS1 is not a stealth game.

It barely qualifies as a game.

That's literally not the case though, at all. The LOS increases or decreases based on the incremental difficulty options.

>Very Easy
>Very Hard

you have teh brain damage

Thiefags really have this game live in their heads rent free 22 years later
This and Half Life.

I don't know what unironic milk is but I'm curious.

Why do we hate Half-Life, again?

Yes we get it bro all evidence to the contrary Thief is a smart game for the billionth time

It's milk but unironically. God people have to force their fucking buzzwords in every sentence.

It's fine until the Metal Gear and Liquid bossfights. Having to deal with the absolutely trash first-person autoaim on those missiles, sit through a lengthy unskippable cutscene of Snake acting like a literal retard that destroys all the charisma and appeal of his character, and then do a long and irritating melee fight with shit mechanics kills any goodwill the game built up until that point.

If it was just about sneaking around with very brief combat encounters/bossfights, it would still hold up.