You now remember that a NiGHTS sequel happened, and not one played it or liked it...

You now remember that a NiGHTS sequel happened, and not one played it or liked it, and it killed the potential for more games.

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Doesn't help that it was released in the worst console or that generation user.

I'll simply say that it's one of those gems that never got to shine properly, like Spilt-second.

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The console wasn't the problem. The graphics were uncanny even for the Wii, and the concept of flying through hoops is too limited. Also, it doesn't help that the sound effects ruins the background music. They couldn't even pleasing tones for ring collection that pitches to the song.

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>sequel gave NiGHTS a more feminine design to contrast with Reala's new more masculine one
>sequel gave NiGHTS a female voice
>said sequel is where they insist on calling NiGHTS a boy
I don't get it. Also, the voice acting was a fucking mistake.

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I liked it.

best NiGHTS and Reala combination is
Nights is a boy and Reala is a girl

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I think they were going for an androgynous character. One both boys and girls can project themselves onto. I didn't notice anyone calling NiGHTS a boy.

NiGHTS would be a lot cooler if he had a low masculine voice. But still, I get what they were going for. It's different.

user, don't do this to my dick.

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>I didn't notice anyone calling NiGHTS a boy.
If I recall right, several times in JoD NiGHTS is referred to as male. In particular there's a scene where Reala calls NiGHTS a good boy.

NiGHTS VR game
yes or no?

I 100%ed this game
And liked it

I got it because I had a weird fascination with NiGHTS at the time. It's a pretty bizarre series and it was a bizarre game. But I have some faintly fond memories of playing it around Christmas time.

If Sega chosen 60fps Nights Zoom U instead disappointed Sonic Boom.


What is this word salad? You drunk, user?

>motion sickness: the game

Yes. You still follow NiGHTS though. You don't play as him.

>He gets motion sickness
What does it feel like knowing you're a genetic mistake?

We all know why this thread was made.

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I bought it. It was fun. But a bad excuse for introducing the series to new generations.

Years later and she's still cute

Good, gay trannies should go make their own country if they want to make video games.

A shame she's so irrelevant.

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Do you like the redesigns or do you prefer the originals?

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Panzer Dragoon was the better flyer.

The weirdest thing is that in the japanese version, they refer to NiGHTS with gender neutral pronouns, but the game still uses the english VA.

Is it true this thing is gender neutral? Not a girl?
Made me lose interest in trying it out, don’t want to play as a tranny. Good riddens then.

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OP here: I didn't make the thread for gay shit. Though I guess that's somewhat inevitable considering the character. But no, I'm not fishing for weirdo pedo shit, or lewds.

Actually, I never played NiGHTS ever. I just remembered the song from the pinball game in Sonic Adventure. And then while looking up remixes, I remembered the sequel, and found myself skimming through a playthrough of the game, until I found the remix of the pinball song.

She's whatever you want it to be.

Fuck you I played it and liked it and I love the ost even though its cringe. You sir can fuck off. Al di la was amazing

I don't mind either. I think their fine.
I would like Reala to look a BIT more like the original. And the mask aint my thing.

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NiGHTS is flawless.

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Then I’m glad the series died.

Yep, it's some gender neutral thing that wants to "dualize" with kids. Also, how did you come to think it was a girl? The design is very masculine to me.

No pretty sure NIGHTS is indeed a girl

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NiGHTS is supposed to be you or basically whatever you wanted NiGHTS to be which is why there's no canon gender attatched to it of course modern day zoomers and twitter/tumblr tourists thinks this means "GUYS THEY SUPPORT LGBT++++++!!!!!!11111"

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Gee I dunno user maybe the purple and pink outfit and female eyes with long eyelashes.
>B-But those are just stereotypes...

I always assumed NiGHTS was a dude as a kid.

But despite the lashes, the face still looks pretty masculine. I mean, men have long lashes all the time. And then clothing style is very masculine too, with the vest and ruffled collar and tight pants. It's like old-timey stuff. And NiGHTS' body is V shaped, with thin hips.

I got it a few years after release because it was cheap, and I kinda liked it mostly for aesthetics. Now I own a Saturn.

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If the series gets another game what do you want it to be like?

Maybe you didn't get the memo, Nights threads are for night time only otherwise it'll be called Days.

Same, including the fascination with NiGHTS. I think it's because of how mysterious it was to my younger self, but it was definitely a very fun arcade-y game with some really awesome art direction. Really I think I just wanted the series to come back in some capacity, but ultimately the game was just forgettable as fuck.

I always thought NiGHTS was made androgynous because you could play as a boy or a girl, and either one could Dualize with it.

I'm pretty sure sega made a Nights game for one of those headgears that was like the virtual boy gone wrong.

NiGHTS was an OK game at best with a few novel ideas.

NiGHTS Wii did its best to make that into something, but what the hell could it do? It's more of a remake than a sequel, but even trying to take just the good ideas they didn't have enough to work with.

>Maybe you didn't get the memo, Nights threads are for night time only otherwise it'll be called Days.
Not OP, but it's 22:26 PM in my country.

Androgynous by design, but called "he" wherever a pronoun is necessary. Aside from Wizeman, Dream World residents have no definite gender because they have no definite form.

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>living in the future
What's the point?

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this makes sense. shut it down guys

It's always night time somewhere in the world, user.

Just ditch the fixed course, and make it free roaming, with various interactables. Scatter some short trick sections about the area that you must perform in order to unlock stuff. Longer trick segments during chases.
We have a bunch of games where free roam flying feels good. They should be able to do it.

In fact... Just make it like Gravity Rush. There. now Nights is Fun.

This thing’s ass is gigantic.

at least the Reala fight music was good

You now remember Nights is not a very good game.

I found the remixes to be a bit worse than the originals.
This track is pretty good, though:

>NiGHTS VR game
You want even less people to play it?
>Ask a question
>get a common answer
>"You're a genetic mistake!"
You VRfags are sad.

No voice acting. Everybody is mute.
It's for the best.

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Theres a lot more to nights than just “fly through hoops.” The first game was a score attack game with lots of secrets and multiple paths and tricks and shit. They simplified the sequels scoring system and level design and made it wack.

Don't be rude.

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Fuck no all of this is awful

Elaborate. Be specific and use examples. Actually, describe to me how you play Nights.

I played it.
It was shit.

>the concept of flying through hoops is too limited
Nah, NiGHTS is still fun.

*pelvis begins moving*

Let's be real here. If Nights had survived as a franchise you KNOW the usual suspects would have latched onto it the same way they did to Undertale and it's "Frisk could be a boy or a girl depending on how you see them."

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I played it and it wasn't that good.

I don't know what to tell you user.

I only played the sequel and never played the original. It was my first wii game besides Wii Sports.

It was a very nice and comfy game and I would instantly buy another NiGHTS game were one to be made. I watched a playthrough of the original and it didn't seem very good.

Drifting Donbalon will be one of the best music tracks in all of history. A lot of the music was amazing.

One of my favorite pasttimes in the game was to explore the hub world, walk around the various worlds and collect babies, pretend that (in that baby daycare game) the nightmarian was my pet and feed babies to it.

The cutscenes at the beginning and the end (and some of the ones in between) were really well animated and heartwarming and reminded me of a Studio Ghibli film.

The bosses were all fun.

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