Start game on highest difficulty

>Start game on highest difficulty
>Immediately get BTFO

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Yes, that's how you pronounce it, desu

>game asks me to press any button
>go outside
>open my car
>drive 50 miles away to the city
>get out of my car
>walk into the nearest tailor
>ask them for their finest selection of buttons
>buy the most expensive one
>drive back home
>put the button right in front of the screen
>press space and the game continues

how else do you git gud as fast as possible?

>Start on highest difficulty
>Learn how to not die

What a loser Yamcha is.

It's a miracle that he didn't die instantly considering that he's only human and not even the strongest human either.

>What a loser every character that isn't Goku is.

He is still stronger than the average vidya protagonist.


>start on highest difficulty
>realise it just changes scalars and makes certain encounters impossible without high enough stats

I did this for God of War 3 which was the first of the series I ever actually played myself when it came out. Pushed my shit in but eventually beating the game was amazing.

That's how it's written, and pronounced in Japanese.

Ys 1, re revelations

>MGS2 on Hard or above
>die to Olga every time
>then die in the corridor shootout every time

Why wouldn't you play a game on the hardest difficulty?

making an H-game where you play as yamchad and fuck all the girls while the other nerds are going around fighting and dying seems so fucking simple but people love making super complicated games with bullshit self insert garbage

>Vegeta literally killed the man
>he then fucked his hot gf and impregnated her with a child that saved the whole future

Kid Gohan is looking pretty buff.

Because i don't care about un balanced games or how my e-peen looks on Yas Forums. If i git gud i increase the difficulty, if it gets retarded i stop. Easy as that.

Vegeta is based.

If he only had a cheat ability like Sayans have.

This isn't true. Dying/losing again and again isn't the best way to improve and this is why going for normal instead of jumping into hard mode can be good for you.

Just look at any online game. Fighting game perhaps. Learning via online matches will take you to certain point and then you will stop getting better. This is the moment you go back to training mode amd practice.
In SP games normal mode can be considered a practice. For example - Bayonetta. Going with hard mode at the start is insanity and no amount of dying will let you experiment with character to find what is useful and what isn't.

Is not a cheat ability if the only real way to get stronger is to almost die.

>He wasn't born with a gene that quite literally applies "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" to your body

But it is a cheat ability. Goku and Vegeta know how it works and beat themselves to near death constantly because if they do end up dying they have free revival. Remember that Dende's Shenron doesn't follow the 'only once' rule.

>Hard is unfair
>Normal is easy
>Easy is baby mode
Shit like this makes me understand the people who hate difficultly settings

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He was a loser long before that don't even play that shit, yamcha is not a loser because saiyans exist

Hard games that have no difficulty setting are designed exactly how they were meant to be and the people constantly bitching for easy modes are actively spitting in the face of the people who crafted the vision in the first place.

>he fell for the vision meme

As an artist, I will gladly subscribe to the vision meme

Vegeta didn't even need to kill him personally kek

Bayonetta did it right. You had new and/or remixed enemy encounters, enemies themselves were more aggressive and I swear either the dodge timing is slightly tighter or enemies are slightly faster. NSIC is a bit of a different story.

Did you completely forget about the Freeza Saga? It was a cheat ability to the point that Vegeta deliberately let Krillin gut him so he could abuse zenkai. Meanwhile, Yamcha gets a hole in his chest and there's no consolation prize.

why didn't yamcha just ask guru to unlock his potential

>jobber becomes top tier

What a strange game DBFZ is

Guru died.


What are the games the have a decently balanced difficulty modes, Yas Forums?

Nothing really comes to mind.

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just a blog of bad info
all starting on easy does is reduce how fast you learn to play on the highest difficulty, because there is going to be a plethora of shit that works on easy that won't on harder diffs
only brainlets struggle in video games, only brainlets NEED easier diffs

just go into the url and delete the m, if it suddenly 404s replace jpg with png

Everyone I know that only plays hard mode is a shitter that cheeses and lames through everything and gets btfo in any sort of actual competition like multiplayer, sports, or even something as mundane as high scores.

I underestimated the critical mode in KH3 and ended up getting killed by a shadow in the tutorial.

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You get used to it. I beat the game, you can too. Just keep it slow and steady.

imagine being yamcha, you abandon your comfy thief life for a woman, never make a move with her for almost 20 years and one day your butcher is tapping that ass and had a child in less than a fucking year.

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Goku's power level was 416 when he fought Raditz
A little over a year later it's 150 million when he fights Frieza
Saiyans are fucking retarded

>play KH for the first time since a was a kid
>Set highest difficulty because it's a kid game right
>Struggle to beat the Sora's friends in the island level

it gets easier the longer you get.

t. sheep

Imagine being a noble saiyan prince and becoming rich woman's boytoy and "reluctantly" obeying every demand of a low-class warrior.

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Imagine being a pussy magnet through all of DB. Imagine becoming an even bigger pussy magnet through becoming a major league baseball player. Imagine being dumped by some THOT that was a bitch to everyone she met, allowing you to plow said pussy. Now imagine some four and three quarter tall jobber manlet thinking he scored by taking your sloppy seconds and accidentally getting her pregnant.

Yamcha realized after Cell that he's only human and continued to drown in pussy while Cuckgeta is off being Goku and Bulma's bitchboi. But hey, it runs in the family. His father was a footrest for Beerus.

>start hardest available difficulty
>game is total bullshit at the beginning because of a lack of abilities
Off the top of my head, Kingdom Hearts, nu-God of War, and Prey 2017 are a total chore to play at the beginning but become easy and boring once you hit your stride.

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goku is also a little bitch when chi-chi starts yelling and hitting him

Vegeta didn't butcher him. He wasn't good enough to be butchered by Vegeta, he wasn't even good enough to be butchered by Vegeta's sidekick. He got killed by a throwaway plant monster.

I got filtered by the Valkyrie Queen

Reminder to download the iKaos releases for the best dbz viewing experience.

Why did they have to ruin Chi-Chi's design? Pre-Buu Chi-Chi is the perfect design.

Is Chi Chi the perfect metaphor for marriage?

No, teen Chi Chi is perfection. Everything went downhill after she squeezed out Gohan.

Yeah, they're even kissless, at least vegeta isn't socially retarded as goku

Vegeta's a sperg in every scene with his family.

He's coming back bros

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>Score the smartest woman in the world
>She loves you unconditionally and lets you cum inside
>Super hot, fashionable, takes care of herself, and even goes as far as to use magic(dragon balls) to make sure she looks younger
>Will build you special training devices to push you further than you've ever gone
>Rich, you will never have to work a day in your life, she owns the most necessary industry in the world. Imagine if you owned cars. Like cars as the entire concept, every individual brand of car. That's how necessary capsules are.
>Live in a mansion, have yachts, be richer than god
>She's ballsy, stands up to you, and even slapped a god of destruction

Bulma is the best DB girl, and Vegeta is living the life.

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>Goku got to Earth first
Vegeta is coming in for the big save for the first time ever.

SSGSS3 evolved Vegeta soon.

Why does Vegeta know the fucking Spirit Gun from YYH now?

He was using Atomic Blast from when he was Majin. It just ended up...MUCH bigger than he thought.

Bulma is top tier waifu in all anime, I can't think of a single girl that is better than her in an overall way.

>Imagine being a pussy magnet through all of DB.
> Imagine becoming an even bigger pussy magnet through becoming a major league baseball player.
>Imagine being dumped by some THOT that was a bitch to everyone she met, allowing you to plow said pussy.
are you implying yamcha could only had a chance with a whore? is that meant to be a feat?
>Now imagine some four and three quarter tall jobber manlet thinking he scored by taking your sloppy seconds and accidentally getting her pregnant.
manlet and scored? pretty based actually, sounds like she even wanted the child if she is that big of a whore.
>Yamcha realized after Cell that he's only human and continued to drown in pussy while Cuckgeta is off being Goku and Bulma's bitchboi. But hey, it runs in the family. His father was a footrest for Beerus.
imagine lying this hard i kina feel bad for yamcha fags.

his army, his kills.

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