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Has this been posted yet?
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Yea no one believed it
well considering that it's very clearly a Yas Forums post, yes I would say that someone posted at least once
>Metroid: Samus Dread
Worst name I've heard yet. This one's pretty bad.
unironically sounds believable
Fake and gay.
You had me until TWEWYT. It's not happening. It's NEVER happening.
>Panzer Dragon: Remake
You mean Panzer Dragoon you fucking retard? Or are they making a remake of a game that doesn't exist? Nice leak dumbarse
What a dumbass.
20th isn't next week.
26th is when the direct is happening. Not the 20th.
>no SMTV even in fake leaks
Worse than death is to be forgotten
another direct thread?!????!
of course not xD
Bayonetta isn't here either
Alright wishlist
>Metroid Samus Dread
I would have called it Metroid Dread but at least it's Metroid 5.
broken clock
A corona thread died for this.
Why is everyone suddenly talking about this leak in particular.
Also mfw twewy 2
Because it's the only one that had the indie thing being on the 17th.
Because it predicted the announced indie direct for tomorrow, and there's a lego mario game in the list, the post was made before before the lego partnership was annonuced
not to fall for any leaks however...
not believing it until i hear a new ishimoto track
Metroid Dread
This leak clearly was not originally not in English, so the titles are fucking weird. But there are some constants in peaks that usually means there’s something up.
>The bioshock collection
Isn't this already a thing?
Maybe the source is not a native English speaker, probably from Japan and he tried to translate the names of those games to English?
Leak is quite believable
So the game will be called to Metroid Dread.
>Nintendo Direct that close to Indie direct
isn't there usually a week difference between the two? Or am I wrong?
These are the most probable Smash newcomers And 'gundam'! Say something nice about them!
Usually there's about a week in between Directs. This list is actually looking pretty believable in retrospect with the exception of getting two Metroid games within a month of each other and a sequel for TWEWY seems like a never ever pipe dream. If it's true, his dates are likely a bit off because Nintendo probably needs to reassess release dates due to Corona-chan.
How embarrassing
>Metroid: Samus Dread
What's embarrassing is your inability to read.
Wasn't this literally proven false? Also nintendo doesnt just pick fan picks. You'll get maybe one character from this.
>Byleth is 5th on nip list
>They'll add Monster Hunter, Dante, Sora and Lloyd to the game for being the top votes
>Add Crash and Steve for the Americans and yuropoors
How would Yas Forums react?
yeah I remember telling OP he’s a retard
warioware switched, holy fuck
>Wasn't this literally proven false?
Was it? Looks pretty convincing to me.
>unveiled shitposting OP on suicide watch
desperation brought on by severe buyer's remorse for a console with no games.
>Daisy is playable
why they gotta do Waluigi like this
>GTA collection
Would be pretty interesting.
Nice try.
>The world is going through the worst crisis since WW2
>There is a slight chance human civilization will be destroyed in the following weeks
>Fags worry about Nitendo directs
There will be no directs, or announcements until the virus slows down. Possibly on fall if everything goes ok.
it’s been 3 years, you have to let this meme go
Nice arguments, oh wait there were none
>indie Direct already announced
>There will be no directs, or announcements until the virus slows down.
There's a direct tomorrow, idiot.
>>There is a slight chance human civilization will be destroyed in the following weeks
worst crisis since WW2, yes
the quoted statement, no
You don't have one either. It doesn't help that your argument is a lie.
>>There is a slight chance human civilization will be destroyed in the following weeks
It's not that fucking bad you doomsday faggot.
metroid prime and fusion released one day apart
Fake, where the hell is their holiday system seller?
>twewy 2
>in the wake of a Versus rebirth
Too damn good to be true.
Sounds gay enough to be real
If TWEWY 2 does happen, I will order a Switch the minute the announcement is made.
Not even joking.
>>There is a slight chance human civilization will be destroyed in the following weeks
I wish it was that bad. I hasn't even been a week after Trump's conference and everyone I know are already worrying about college and other everyday shit. The virus will just fuck off, economy will get a little shittier and that's it
>not buying a switch to play the remix and show squeenix we want the damn game
Yes it was gimped, but surprisingly I still enjoyed it.
>games people actually want
No way its real
I just can't see Nintendo as willing to release two Metroid games within such a short time period when it's known that Metroid isn't a huge seller. I say this as a huge Metroid fan who would love for this to happen but it doesn't seem realistic.
It's just a flu bro
This. What a faggot.
>>There is a slight chance human civilization will be destroyed in the following weeks
>people confirmed diagnosed is still less than a million
>"We're all dead guys, trust me."
I have the DS version and have played it a lot, I had no reason to buy a bad port.
Companies aren't charities.
>I have the DS version and have played it a lot, I had no reason to buy a bad port.
>Companies aren't charities.
At least they bothered with a rearranged OST, a new day, more story, new controller schemes, more music, new pins
They put effort in this