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If Kirby eats dick, does it become a dick?
What if then it dickvores another dick?

lmao, subtle


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He would stay dick kirby.
When he absorbs something new, it just replaces the previously absorbed thing.


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lol someone posted that in our server's meme channel yesterday too


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get the fuck outta my thread, dirtbag

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this is funny and innocent enough

what is going on with those hands

Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw hands?

that's a strangely satisfying ending, the mixture of confusion and realization on his face in the last panel sells the whole thing
also, yay the cat lives

just use your own hands for reference lmao

Not in Kirby 64.

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I remember reading it way back
also wasn't it made by a Yas Forumstard or someone from 4chinz because I remember a trip at bottom too.

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There, that the correct edit


Mayor's got a big butt.

its a classic /lit/ meme based on kafka

oh shit legorobot. Haven't seen this stuff in ages.


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this is a good format



>kirby games haven't advanced in 20 years


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Kino among kinos.


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I'd fuck all three desu

>mobile gaming
>without internet
Is the joke that it's unobtainable?

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based sneedchad

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Internet as in Wi-fi, I assume.

Damn that’s some smart thinking but I doubt jt

Yeah but most mobile games require access to the internet anyways.

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Dude, you cut the punchline.


No meat touching.

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Ichi the killer?

How is Yoshi going to get across, though?

lego robot, who was forced to change his name to plastic brick automaton. He also made the rage fueled jetpacks comic among others

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Seriously? first mario goes across then he has to hold his cock while it contracts again pulling Yoshi across. Basic physics

>creative people think of a talking cat
I suppose they are going for the 'creativity =/= originality' punchline.


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fucking croats i swear

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Just like the dark souls series


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Where do i find the creator? I'm serbian and thin its offensive.

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pretty good honestly

Mario will just hold his dick and move him once he crosses

holy shit moar


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Yoshi can pole vault using Mario's mouth for support


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haha just like in irl life

I don't get it

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>technically, imperialdramon dragon mode is a "peeing in my mouth digimon"

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Tails Gets Trolled is on par with Fire Punch for the levels of Kinography it reaches

lurk ten years before posting

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That's the ticket.

i’m not a mutt, what’s the joke?

Fucking kek

demographic changes and jews

>That face at the end
Okay, I laughed.


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DRR... DRR... DRR....

Baste justy

Wait it's good actually

probably about how many niggers kill compared to something something

There's something really unique about the way JustinRPGs expresses himself that would be impossible for any non-autistic individual to even begin to come up with as a joke.

Remove the guys bubble from the second panel, add the original second panel bubble to the guy at the bottom of the steps.

The joos lmaoo

Give me some unironic funni comics recommendations

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drawing hands isnt hard it just takes more time you stupid ape

First panel is the percentage of the black population compared to white.
Second panel is the percentage of violent crimes committed by blacks compared to whites.
Third panel is the 2% Jewish population observing it all.

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It's funny because the longer it goes without the race war they worship the more their race-focused narrative begins to indicate that Jews themselves are the master race if the whites will never rise up.

LOL ;_;

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You ok Jannie? 6 gorillion got you triggered?

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fuck off tripfag

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Tails Gets Trolled


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just git gud

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So is it implying he somehow traveled back in time and started this?