Adult Tiki or young Tiki?

Adult Tiki or young Tiki?

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Both at the same time


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Since we're on Yas Forums, we aren't afraid to say that it's young tiki, right guys?

Young, not even a question.


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Young. Old is a blight on humanity.

"young" tiki is still old

Not compared to old Tiki, which is the relative age in this case.

Adult, obviously

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legwear >>>>>> no legwear

young is more fertile

Young since Adult is the victim of bad writing.


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Adult Rydia or young Rydia?

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That doesn't even make any sense

Do people still play FEH? I bet the powercreep is just silly by now


lucina got cucked

I've been playing since launch and units that have been in since launch don't really stand much of a chance against newer units without merges, dragon flowers, and sometimes premium fodder. Older 5* units were taken out of the normal pool completely and have been placed in a weekly banner.

There are 3 mov dancers and a fast bow unit that ignores 25% def + an exlusive special that scales off speed while reducing def as well. Its retarded

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young is far superior

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Adult if hetero
Young if pretending to be a faggot for Yas Forums cred

Adult makes me DIAMONDS

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anyone who doesn't pick cunny is an obvious faggot

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So if I want to stick my dick in a dragon girl with elf ears and big tiddies then I'm a faggot?

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impregnate her too

Men x women is objectively gay

why are you still describing what it means to be a faggot?

That too.

Man, that must make me a tremendous faggot then.

Just making sure man, don't want to accidentally go around calling myself a faggot when I'm not. Surely people would hate it if I were to do that.

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yes. cunny is superior to boobs, men can have boobs but they can never have a vagina

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Go back to r*ddit newfag

I cannot refute your point.
I don't like the looks of manboobs though, nor do I like manchests.
On the other hand, I do want to rest my head on a girl's bountiful boobies, and DFC really doesn't lend itself to that.

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fellas, lets all be adults here

Adult tiki is clearly superior

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way to out yourself goldstar

Lolis can get pregnant too.

Why does she have such thick thighs?

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To attract potential mates.

Tiki is sleeping.

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I want a Riki Tiki Tavi

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>Adult Tiki
You mean fossil Tiki?

Based Lon'qunny

But she never, while Adult Tiki can

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Nice ear ridges.

But she never does*

Nowi, Nah, and Morgan(not pictured)

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Adult! I want a woman with experience, not a child.

>I want a woman with experience,
lol okay cuck

Someone make a mashup where the girl has one huge tit and one flat one.

Myrrh is Ephraim-sexual.

Too bad they didn't have the same parents.

Shame Ephraim is Eirika-sexual.

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Young Tiki because I'm not a fucking pedophile.

I'm playing awakening right now. Is conquest worth getting? Or should I skip fates?

Conquest is fun

Shit, I meant adult

Then you have their ending where he goes out of his way to visit her despite being king. Mixed signals that is.

It's okay user, we won't judge here.

Play Fates and drink every time you find a questionable decision from Corrin.

Why are you trying to kill him?

Sure, just play as a femCorrin since the plot feels much less retard with a female as the MC


Don't unless you're a fag