Why did Neo-Yas Forums's taste in videogames go to shit?
Why did Neo-Yas Forums's taste in videogames go to shit?
Morrowind, Half Life 2 and Team Fortress 2 are shit.
For me? It's Skyrim: Special Edition on Switch
Only bad game in this image is melee
the top 10 games are as folows
10 halos
9 halos 3
8 halos 5
7 halos 4
6 halos 3 odst
5 halos wasr 2
4 halos wasr
3 halos spartans ass salt
2 halos spartans on strike
1 halos 2
0 halos the master cheef colections
2016, and you can tell exactly who is responsible.
2018 is better
>both lists are shit
Fuck nu-v and nunu-v
Hi Neo-Yas Forums
I feel like all of those games are respectable except maybe Bloodborne and TF2
>Deus ex isn't even on the top 10 any more
There was a time for years where Deus ex was the undisputed greatest game ever made on this board. Fuck the election. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
san andreas is one of the best games ever made and fuck you if you disagree
>Dark souls, Bloodborne, Portal< mario 64
Did reddit make the second list?
If you don't like at least (AT LEAST) half of these games you're a lying contrarian faggot trying to get attention.
better image
Problems I see in 2012
>No rockstar game but a Bethesda game instead
Liking a game and thinking they are the best game(s) of all time are two different things.
Consolefags raided the website after they saw some ebin screencaps on 9gag
as long as deus ex and vtmb are nowhere near the top 10 i don't have any complaints
Good games in both but, amateur lists.
All the games pictured are good games.
why did it become cool to hate valve?
When they stopped making games and started making blunders
It's just some autist from /vr/. It's a vocal minority
I wasn't saying that. I posted my comment in preparation for the inevitable "hur hur, all these games are shit, I'm so smart" post.
but why?
>2 pokemon games in the top 10
the fuck? i thought 2008 was supposed to be one of Yas Forums's good years
One autistic spamming for years until people thought Yas Forums hated Half-Life
2018 is unironically based
This. Le Wojack I love trump
half life isn't that good anyway
>Bing Bing Wahoo!
Both lists are shit
I wasn't memeing though
Dial 8
It's literally one of the greatest FPS ever made along with DOOM and Quake
>Shitty Neo-Yas Forums buzzwords spouted by console war faggots
You like sony, don't you squidward?
Sorry, I forgot to mention Bloodborne.
Fuck Sony as well
I don't think much of other peoples opinions of games. I simply make and respond to threads about vidya I enjoy
2008 brought the redditors
2016 brought the qtard hicks
zoomies have been flooding since 2008 as well
LOST ended in 2011
old mods got butthurt and banned most oldfag tripfags in 2012
Overall, this site is dead and useless for discussions and is only used for personal entertainment related to shitting on people now.
Implying TF2 isn’t one of the greatest skill based arena FPS of all time
Becoming harder and harder to do if you aren't a normalfag.
We used to have obscure game threads. We can't even have Star Control threads any more.
Enjoy your vacation, toddler
Why do you think /vp/ was created? I love Pokemon, but before /vp/ it was nearly 50% of the board content, so it was completely necessary. Non-pokemon related conversations were great, though.
Metal Gear Solid 2 rather than the third
This, both lists are normie-core.
it's fucking boring, doom too. i like quake though
Yet a smash board still hasn't been made
>Doom and HL are boring
This says far more about you
None of the games they made in the past ten years are actually good.
nu/v/'s taste aligns with mine except the Metal Gear retardation.
Dark Souls really deserves the number one spot. Not even a year in after its release and the game is considered one of the top 10 GOATs.
Rockstar sucks
Tf2 is better than your favorite game
Portal 2 is amazing.
Dota 2 was good at one point.
Am I supposed to take any of those lists seriously when they both have shit souls?
which boss did you get stuck on?
My theory is that since pretty much every other site has been becoming less and less lenient "refugees" from sites like reddit come here and make this site worse
Watch, I'll fix the list right now, with representation from a bunch of different genres
1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
4. Age of Empires 2
5. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
6. Metal Gear Solid
7. System Shock 2
8. Guitar Hero 2
9. Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
10. Street Fighter Third Strike
looks like it's always been shit to me
>if you don't like shit souls it means you never beat it
it actually doesn't say anything at all about me, it just means you like some games i don't
Yas Forums got younger and more reddit. The average poster here was born in a year starting with a 2 and at best barely remembers playing on a PS2 hand-me-down.
The rise and fall and rise and fall of Super Metroid
Nah, /vp/ was created because there was a constant Pokémon general thread on Yas Forums complete with boilerplate imagery and repeated posts before there started to be other shitty general threads which I think started with Mass Effect 2. Because it was so common and before /vg/ existed they just made a whole board for it. I think /vp/'s existence was made pointless once /vg/ was created though. To me it felt no more common than TF2 and Demon's Souls threads.
>Rockstar sucks
You're not unique or interesting for this take sweety. Quite the opposite and possibly a dumb fuck.