Literally the best fps and first person game

Literally the best fps and first person game.
Garbage like Half Life, Quake, Goldeneye, Duke 3D, Unreal, Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, Goldeneye, Blood, Marathon, Dark Forces, Sin, Turok, Tribes, Shadow Warrior can't even compete.

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Combat is trash though. Game is only carried by its maps.

I played it for the first time recently, pretty boring ngl


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doom was a great game but BD and PB make it into a spectacular experience

what happened to those guys remaking this?

>BD and PB make it into a spectacular experience

>Combat is trash though.

These. Museum piece.

They released a demo for it back during The Game Awards in December, full game should be releasing sometime this year.

>the maps in Doom and Doom 2 are good

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>I played it for the first time recently
>playing doom for the first time in fucking 2019/20
are you real?

Marathon scared me shitless compared to Doom, which was like Mario in comparison

Bold and wrong claim.

right, i too love endless hallway mazes and annoying teleportal puzzels.

The maps only shine in the genius on pistol start nightmare. Otherwise yeah I'd agree.
And if you haven't finished Doom 100% on pistol start nightmare, you never really played Doom.

Also: community mods and maps mean there's endless content to play

Good thing you left Halo out of your list because Halo is superior to Doom.

zoomers got filtered

are you implying Doom has interesting combat in any way? Spoiler: it doesn't and has been massively outclassed.

I bet you haven't played half the games on OP's list.

Doom is for people who aren't smart enough to understand Deus Ex.

Just because Doom is great doesn't mean everything else is shit

you said that about half-life in that other thread

He was right

>don't even have to aim
No wonder arthritic boomers love it lmao

Will any developer ever manage to put a shotgun into their game that feels as satisfying as the ones in Doom?


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blood is objectively the best 90s fps

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*blocks your path*

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at least we can both agree half-life is for brainlets

dungeon crawler is the best subgenre of FPS and system shock is the king of them all.

Doom 64 > Doom

I'm playing through brutal doom 64, these maps are fucking cool but holy shit they really want you to get a lot done with hardly any ammo.

>Doom 64
>those shotgun animations

So fucking stupid that the reactor-code in the re-releases isn't random. So you can just look it up online since it's the same for everyone now.

What other fps dungeon crawlers even exist?

ultima underworld i guess

every dungeon crawler

most dungeon crawlers are 2d desu


I'm talking "first person shooter" dungeon crawlers like SS1, not first person fantasy crawlers that have swords



you can shoot fireballs in many of them does that count

have fun playing cinematic hallway games I'll be here playing something that actually requires critical thinking, puzzle solving and navigation skills

Definetly not Deus Ex.

I guess, but SS1 is shooting first, lazer rapier second, whereas a game like Ultima Underworld or Arx Fatalis are melee first magic second. You can spec into a mage in Arx, but the weapons are predominantly melee.

I was talking about brainlet-life, friend. Deus Ex is based.

Indeed, but the rest of them are still a lot of fun. Where are my Duke Nukem 3D and Hexen Switch ports?

>Shit combat Shit Stealth, Shit RPG elements Shit AI

unironically bait

The fact that you can't wrap your head around anything more complex than *run down a hallway and rooty tooty point and shooty at vorticons (oops I mean vortigaunts, very original characters, do not steal)* tells me nothing other than your plebeian nature

i unironically only played doom for the first time a week ago when it came out for switch

but i was actually surprised how it holds up and is kinda fun

System Shock, Thief and Ultima Underworld are better immersive sims.

>And if you haven't finished Doom 100% on pistol start nightmare, you never really played Doom.
>literal "devs joke" difficulty setting

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Doom 1 is the best FPS but it's not my personal favorite. To call most of those other games garbage is just wrong.

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I agree, those games are great, user. They're all much better than shit-life

rent free

These are probably the best ones ever created, nothing even comes close.

you're either a literal dipstick bad faith jackass or a dumbass butting into a conversation who is too stupid to learn how to follow a conversation thread. click the reply links honey, it's not hard