I can’t wait for Persona 5 Royal. Only 14 more days and I can hardly wait.
What are you looking forward to most in Royal?
I can’t wait for Persona 5 Royal. Only 14 more days and I can hardly wait
i just finished persona 5 the other day and i learn that there's basically a better version coming out in less than a month, what the fuck man
haru best girl
You're wrong
This sexy gymnast and her pantyhose legs
No he isn't
The extra month. Also I'm looking forward to the redone palaces and boss fights
Haven’t played Persona 5 since I platted it years ago so I’m ready to jump bacj in with Royal and plat that too
>P5 60 dollar DLC
>Censored in the west
No fucking thanks
Post more of her
Since I learned that Sae is not a love interest most of my interest vanished.
If Kawakami didn't exist she'd be my #1 choice
This. I'll watch the new ending on youtube.
You're going to rebuy a mediocre game for full price just because your gook overlords tell you to. Just like a good little goyim.
I platinum’d it about a year ago and I can’t wait to play it for a third time soon too. It’s such a fun game.
Actually playing the game without any problematic content.
Ugh. Just thinking about it is enough to make me literally shake with anger.
I’m so glad Atlus West listened to their fans when it comes to Japan’s bigotry.
Kasumi is pretty hot you should date her.
>Getting upset that other people are going to buy a video game
That's like, the definition of a First World Problem, right?
I’ll buy two copies just for you
>80% of content in the royal is the same as the OG version of P5
Yeah, no. Fuck off atlus, I can get 80% of the same content for 10 fucking bucks.
I've heard it's closer to 50% or so, considering the work done to all the dungeons, bosses and Mementos. Plus new events added in the year round.
Don't care if you waste your money on a shitty rerelease, be my guest.
The game has been changed at every level with each palace having new stuff in it and new things you can do each month. New personas, new mementos, new velvet room stuff etc.
Then on top of that there’s 3 months of new content which adds at least 30 hours of gameplay.
stop posting bitch boy
>Don't care if you waste your money on a shitty rerelease
I don't care if you're boycotting it
I'm not boycotting it, It's a fucking terrible updated version that so bad It's not even relevant to the sequel scramble.
I hope shes not relegated to P5R only since she didnt show up in Scramble. She's easily the best "new version waifu" that Atlus ever made.
I will never understand this meme of ‘voting with your wallet’
If you don’t buy the game Atlus isn’t going to assume that that one sale they missed out on was because of one dialogue line in a comedy scene being slightly altered. You’re not fighting muh censorship by not buying the game.
>and her pantyhose legs
>I'm not boycotting it I just get upset if other people purchase it
To me, Kasumi screams Persona 5. Her design is great and she literally looks like the physical embodiment of persona 5 with her design and color scheme. Her design could have worked as a female MC because the of how Persona 5 it looks. Compare that to Marie who sticks out like a sore thumb.
yaldabaoth controlling everyone and making them docile and causing all the events in the game to happen through "fate" made me mentally check out desu
the game started out really strong since each of the villains were terrible people who needed to be dealt with but the bigger issue was the complacent society which enabled their behaviour in the first place. this has obvious parrallels to real life and doesn't need to be explained with supernatural elements, but for some reason persona 5 took a naturally occuring real world issue and made it something done by an evil god underneath tokyo subway who looks like a cup. everything in the game is exclusively relevant in universe, similarities to real world social issues are superficial at best. if this was going to be the case then they could have at least been up front about it instead of revealing it 138 hours into a 140 hour game
How could they have designed Marie to fit the P4 look?
Seethe. What’s your favorite game so I can make fun of you?
Royal suck ass, has nothing to do with censorship appealing to lefty twitterfags.
that's my issue with the game, i like it alot but i didn't see the point for those super natural elements like yaldy. I get that it's smt and we're gonna get that stuff but it makes the whole game less fulfilling if there was just some fucking cup.
Maybe make a yellow themed sunshine girl who looks like she was raised in a rural area.
I don't care if you buy it faggot.
>chad meme
Back to rebbit underage
Anyone who posts a Gigachad pic on Yas Forums is fat IRL
I know somebody that is playing through 5 for the first time right now to and I quote "get ready for P5R" how do I makae this retard realize he is going to suffer massive burn out, I told him that P5R is basically P5 with extra content that he wont see until several hours into the game
>Cope with me being fat
When I first beat P5 I wanted to play it all over again right after but I didn’t because I knew it was going to be the same stuff. If he loves it like I do maybe he’ll want to replay it right after with Royal since it adds new stuff. Or he could play Royal in a few months after he beats P5 so he’s less burnt out.
idk, i replayed p5 last december and planing to get p5r at release
She sure is
Persona 5 is shit so nothing
Saving $60
Thoughts on morgana? I think he’s a bro.
I love this dude, him and Seth carried me through the entire late game.
This is now a Kasumi thread
Nothing, not buying it, just give me scramble localization already fatlus.
>Saving $60 within Persona 5 Royal
They use yen, not dollars in the game silly
yeah that’s why they kept this, right?
I never got a very good black frost fusion
God tier in fights but he was kind of annoying outside of that, although he had his moments too.
Th-that doesn't count
her name is rei and she’s from persona Q
Little shit who can't take banter or criticism
Come to think of it a girl like Chihaya wearing a floral bright sundress would have been the perfect remake girl for P4 Golden
>the bigger issue was the complacent society which enabled their behaviour in the first place.
That's the only reason Yaldy even exists lmao
If one person doesn't buy a game, that's a drop in the bucket. If 100,000 people don't buy a game, then the devs have to assess "We expected to sell this much, but we only sold this much. Why is that?"