The golden age. Zoomers will never understand

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Weird, I was born in '97 and died in '05.

The future seemed so filled with hope, now its clear we have entered a dark timeline

1992-1998 was the golden age, zoomie

>zoomers will never understand

fuck off with this "im better than you" shit. its not like games from that time no longer exist

I love george bush and the iraq war

In the early 90s developers were still throwing shit at the wall to see what would stick, gameplay-wise. So much garbage produced. Late 90s and early 00s was the peak.

91-2004 was the true golden age.

Back then it was ''90's'' kids and when people said 'kids today will say the same shit ten years down the line' everyone screamed 'nuh uh, it's different. Our shit had soul'
And now here we are.

1997 - 2002. Sorry, but including 2003 in that same group makes it a joke. It is still the worst year for gaming since 1983 and was a sign of what was to come for many years.

>will never understand
Nigger I don't even remember anything from this time period, because I was born in early 2002 and my first memories are from 2009.

2004 was strong. 1H of 2005 as well.

Years i played videogames as a kid - Golden Age

Years you played as a video game - Zoomer Age

88 is perfection
>mom not some degenerate gen Xer
>get to truly experience the 90's as a legit 90's kid, and not some toddler drooling all over his big brother's gameboy
>barely in my 30s, so girls still assume i'm 24
>first real memory of video gaming was the snes, and not the n64 like some of you
>not a zoomer
>born the same year as our lord and savior moot
stay jelly

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Anyone who unrioncally still uses ZOOMER/DOOMER/BOOMER/TROOMBER/HAPPENOONER/ETC unironcally to assert dominance of having a better childhood with pixels should get cancer.

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How's male pattern baldness treating you?


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you'll call me a liar but my family was blessed with good hair genes. sadly, I cannot grow a beard, so i'm 1 of 2.

plebbit might be more your speed little zoomie.

Last great year was 2007 if only for the Orange Box and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>not being born in trips: the year
1999chads report in.

Pretty much. Some people try very hard to make themselves seem superior to others.

>there are millennium-lets browsing Yas Forums right now
imagine being born post 2000. could not be me lmao

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They were, but I'm still not including those due to how awful 2003 was.

I liked the desert shooters we got out of it
Insurgency was a marvel

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>l-lol imagine not being in your 20s on a mongolian glue huffing board
>s-stupid fucking zoomers
Yeah alright you're being outmoded grandpa sorry.

I feel bad for zoomers who missed out on ps2

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What the fuck is a troomber

seething because you will always sound like a little dweeb in comparison to us 20th century 2nd millennium chads.

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Too late to be good knock off PC games and too good to be the best of handhelds. Fail.

>so girls still assume i'm 24
user, women like older guys. They're probably making fun of you if they're saying you look younger.

>Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
God that game was so frustrating yet I could not stop playing it. Very weird.

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>cant remember 9/11
youre whole existence is defined by having missed out

They won't remember the era they grew up in? Pretty sure they'll remember it better than anyone


>user, women like older guys
okay virgin

Barely any of those games held up over time. Die of corona virus you faggot boomer.


Will we get out of this hell hole at some point or just being permanently stuck in it.

boomer here.
Right now there's more larger and better games released more often that between 97 and 05.

If that era was so great why are you playing any games that are not form that era?

And? 97-01 was still the phase of "game, but IN 3D!" for many franchises, and this quite often didn't work out. A "Golden Age" doesn't mean every game is good, it just means that many good games are released.

I was laughing in 2001-9-11. Fuck burgers.

>golden age

>2003-2005 being part of a golden age

Bullshit. The 90s golden age ended when Microsoft released the Xbox. It completely destroyed the PC game market.

>old good new bad
I have my own personal firing range at home within a cuckvisor. I'm fine staying here.

Snoygga detected.

I remember back in 2010 people couldn't stop fellating the late 80's and early 90's as being part of the "Golden Age"
What happened?

Same shit that happens with music

The same thing that always happens. We aged and the expectations changed as new people showed up and old people bowed out.

Based boomer bro

The 90's were the golden age user op is just a fag specifically targeting dumb zoomies, it's kinda fun to mess with them, they just cry and start blogposting about their "anxiety" any reasonable people would at least try to defend themselves by saying their generation did something cool but zoomies haven't done anything at all so they just cry

This but post 95

>thing that I grew up with GOOD
>new thing BAD
There are people who grew up in times of great misery and poverty, yet still look back at their childhood fondly. It's just human nature.

>zoomies haven't done anything at all so they just cry
I mean, the oldest ones have just barely entered the workforce
and the inevitable recession is going to fuck them hard

Cringe post didnt read

>Years you played as a video game
what he meant' by this?

because even in those times of misery and poverty people still cared people still had values, zoomers will never understand, all they care about is their social media, they just deflect everything in sarcasm in other words you can understand zoomer go

>Thing i dont like=cringe

you can see it in this thread


it was more the xbox360 and ps3 that did it

Remember when you would buy a game, full price install/plug it in and it WORKED and NOT have to download another 10gigs of shit and the game is still fucking broken then spend another 10-20 bucks to unlock the rest of the game? Yeah, I member

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Remember when marky mark had a funky bunch?

>all youngsters care about is satanic rock music!
>all youngsters care about is TV!
>all youngsters care about is their "video games"!

I was born in 97’ and I know it just as well as you retards. Not like the games vanished after 2005