When the fun begins?

When the fun begins?
I'm playing the story and the gameplay is just
>Walk around until you find hints
>Follow this hints
>Find Monster
>Fight monster that has some mechanics you need to avoid
>Monster runs and you need to follow him until he stops
>Battle him again
>Repeat the cycle of run and find maybe two times more
>Go to the next mission and repeat the same thing

Am I missing something? Like maybe the combat has some menu where you unlock moves or something?

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what weapon and do you have iceborne, nerd

When you play with friends

should have bought an actual game instead of pcheater's first baby adventure

>>Find Monster
>>Fight monster that has some mechanics you need to avoid
>>Monster runs and you need to follow him until he stops
>>Battle him again
>>Repeat the cycle of run and find maybe two times more
>>Go to the next mission and repeat the same thing
Yes. Capture them to make hunts go a bit faster.

axe/sword and yes, I'm just in that zone that looks like a dry bottom of the sea and i just killed a bat that gets fat and fluffy

And I guess people don't play this for the story but then I don't understand the appeal, the combat unless you unlock skills feels boring and even sometimes clunky

So I guess this game is only fun at endgame in multiplayer?

go practice in the training room, switch axe is all about fluidly switching between forms and capitalizing on heavy axe/sword mode + element discharge

Switchaxe is extra clunky imo, at least before you get used to it.

Yes I went to the training room but I didn't see so many combos, Do you unlock more later or something? like I was expecting this game you can do crazy stuff in Monsters ala Devil May Cry

>unless you unlock skills feels boring and even sometimes clunky
Yeah no. Trash that mindset or straight up refund the game, this is not that kind of game. No upgrading moveset and barely any cuhrazee here.
You are a silent cromagnon who lives to bash monsters head in with giant sticks; everything (bar Bow, Dual Blades, and SnS) are gonna feel heavy and asks you to commit to every single movements -- not clunky. Kinda like Street Fighter games, you are given limited moveset and have to adapt to beat monsters you face. While people like 'maining' weapons, learning which one works better for which monster is also essential for your survival.
Also the core gameplay loop is grind so if you don't like the combat, again, just refund/uninstall.

You could try a different weapon. I liked insect glaive back when I played.
I never really tried it out, but charge blade has some cool looking moves.

fighting the monster is the fun part you fucking idiot

it's like playing tetris and going "where's the fun part, you're just stacking blocks"

if you don't find fighting the monsters fun then stop playing the game, I don't know what you possibly expected from the title of the series

Maybe Warframe is more your speed.

I have fun beating the bosses of the Dark Souls games, but with this game, feels so dull.

I'm finally trying out the game, and i'm having a good time, Hammers are pretty awesome.

The early monsters aren't too exciting to fight honestly.

Well that is what I'm asking, if the story mode is just a dull tutorial and the fun begins at endgame with more people.

You neeed autism level 6 (sometimes 7) to enjoy this game. The scale goes to level 10, just so you know.

The game is called Monster Hunter dude.

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There are no bosses here and the game just try to 'mimic' what animals do in wildlife. Early monsters behave more like giant docile animals while later ones finally starting to act like bloodthirsty predators.
>story mode is just a dull tutorial
Pretty much. Although early midgame you should start meeting the aggressive monsters.
Regarding multiplayer, other people might be more detrimental to you and your team's success than monsters being too tough/less predictable because it's targeting more people.


This guys tutorial vids on weapons really helped when a friend and i started playing after pc release a couple years ago. Swaxe looks pretty technical.
Personally the game became a lot more fun when I started getting comfortable with my weapon.
And noticing patterns in monsters, where their openings are and gauging where the monster is going to end up after an attack.
If that stuff that doesnt sound interesting, this probably isnt going to be an enjoyable game for you.

I find my fun in hunting tempered monsters and elders and making different builds from their rewards. I enjoy the sieges/giant monster fights too.
But those are only available after you slog through the story unfortunately. Which is the games weakest point imo.

Wait a minute, can you tell me why the damage in the first seconds of the video killing those bosses with those cool weapons are so low? Like it is almost the same damage I am doing now with my trash weapon that i upgraded twice

Gets me every time, also I'm so glad he's back

>I'm so glad he's back

Stronger weapons will obviously do bigger numbers, armor and decorations activate skills that can increase it, doing the correct element against a monster increases it, critical hits can increase it, attacking weak points increases it, and knowing how your weapon works in its amped states increases it.

Are you using the OP defender weapons and gear?

because that part of his face is armored you fucking retard

Faces can be tenderized and later have their armor broken with enough hits

he asked why the damage number was so low, not an explanation on how damage works.

I misunderstood the question then
My bad

i had a lot of fun playing this game with my brother until he died, now i can't bring myself to play it anymore

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lmao I think he does

How? most dark souls bosses are far simpler

souls bosses are more fair and monster hunter has a lot more bullshit. That or he's complaining that great jagras isn't hard.

what is that? yeah im wearing this

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he is running around in the beginner areas with the Defender gear, he won't ever have fun

yeah that explains it

you NEED to ditch that set immediately

Defender gear is OP as fuck gear they made so people can rush into iceborne faster, if you want a more enjoyable game craft armor and weapons from monsters and ditch defender shit.


half of the fun of mosnter hunter is the gear chase

the defender gear not only stops you from enjoying this, it gives you bad habits and allows you to rush monsters you normally should not have
Anjanath is when the game should have clicked for you with the normal gear

>When the fun begins?
>Am I missing something?
no, thats the entire game. giant helathsponge enemies which run away multiple times during a fight.

You literally need autism to enjoy this.

Monster hunter? What do you do in that?

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Defender gear continues to be a fucking mistake

When you join my server and play with my OP

Wait a minute, so are you telling me that the combat is already very boring that I need to ditch this op gear and the combat will be even shittier?

post your main weapon tree right now

fight Anjanath without the defender gear

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>the combat will be even shittier
No nigger. The monster will hit like a truck properly and you have to learn their -- and your weapons' -- moves to be able to slip some hits instead of tanking damages all the time.

You're playing with the training wheels on. Defender Armor is like playing Dark Souls with max poise. You don't even need to think to win anymore. Use the gear designed for that part of the game and you'll actually experience the game as it was intended.

Okay so you are telling me that with this gear that already takes forever to kill a monster, it will be even harder without it because everytime I don't dodge an attack I will get more damage (plus I don't see the problem because I have tons of potions)

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Damn, then I doubt I will have fun with this game, I will return the game and play PSO2 tomorrow instead

You also need to be upgrading weapons to do more damage so monsters don't take forever.
And if they're still taking forever, you're just bad and need to git gud.

you sound like a shitter

Stop waiting for the monster to slow down retard. you're supposed to avoid getting hit and learning the little openings of every monster.
Getting hit and waiting to hit is why the game feels so slow to you, unironically get good and stop using the OP bonus gear that's keeping your dumbass alive. hunts should not go beyond 20 minutes at all.

>takes forever to kill a monster
You're just haven't got good. Every quest at max only have 50 minutes time limit anyway so either you succeed for less than that or fail.
Hunts would only take 8-13 minutes when you have decent gear and learn most of monsters patterns and your own positioning.
>less damaged, thrown, stunned = less item use = more damage dealt = quicker hunts

Honestly your complaint(s) is about how the series work since the beginning. I'm pretty sure this game is just not for you.

Just did the witcher quest. What a load of shit. Widdling him down while dodging his bullshit might have been the most boring shit I have ever done in video games.

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Try it while protecting the Pukei

hijacking the thread from OP
what's the deal with the arena quests in the multiplayer boat?

is it feasible to A rank them solo?

SnS's buff makes it easy peasy

Yes, but the times can be really tight. You REALLY need to know the monster, your skills, how your weapon plays, and your items to get it done.

You're playing through the story with end game equipment. Imagine if you played Dark Souls the whole way through with a +10 weapon and level 100 stats